Continuity mistake: When the Doctor pulls the arm off the Auton and tosses it to Rose, the arm is bent at the elbow and solid plastic, with a smooth, clean break. Later, particularly noticeable when Rose has left the department store, the arm is hollow, with an unbent elbow and a jagged break. The arm continues to change between the two appearances for the rest of its screentime. (00:07:08)
Continuity mistake: In this episode, Rose's teeth look different than in all her other appearances. She also has a different accent, both for no apparent reason.
Continuity mistake: When Sally Sparrow is about to take the key from the weeping angel, at first the key is on a piece of string, and that string is wrapped around the weeping angel's left hand. In the next shot, and when she pulls the key out, the string is now only in the angel's palm. (00:10:30 - 00:11:10)

The Bells of Saint John - S7-E8
Continuity mistake: When the Doctor rides the bike out of the TARDIS, visible in the background is the TARDIS with the door still open. In the very next shot, the door is closed. (00:28:47)

Continuity mistake: At the beginning, when the Doctor takes Amy to planet One, he holds out his hand for Amy to take hold of when they're about to leave the TARDIS. When you see her from the back, Amy lifts her hand wearing her red fingerless gloves. But when it switches shot and faces Amy from the front, she takes the Doctor's hand wearing no gloves. When she steps out of the TARDIS, her gloves are on again. (00:04:54)
Continuity mistake: Near the end, when Luke teleports and switches places with the Doctor on the Sontaran ship, Luke catches the atmospheric converter's switch twice, once in the wide shot and then again in his POV. (00:40:25)
Continuity mistake: At the start, the first shot of Donna seated in the auditorium of Adipose Industries is flipped. The mole on her chin should be on the right, but in this shot it's on the left. (00:01:25)
Continuity mistake: When Amy lies down on the tree stump, her hair is all over her face, but on the wide shot her hair is behind her head. (00:12:46)
Continuity mistake: When the Eleventh Doctor is hanging from the TARDIS across London, every wide shot shown shows the TARDIS spinning, but whenever a close-up of the Doctor is shown, the background doesn't spin. (00:00:20)
Continuity mistake: When the Doctor stands between Restac and his fleeing companions, using his sonic screwdriver to disable the Silurians' weapons, as the camera angle changes, the Doctor's grip on the screwdriver switches back and forth between pointing it at the lizards and holding it straight up and down, รก la the Neuralizer from Men in Black. (00:30:30)
The Girl in the Fireplace - S2-E7
Continuity mistake: When Rose is giving the 5 year warning to Reinette, she's got a noticeable spot on her chin. When Reinette goes behind the tapestry and sees the ship, Rose's spot has suddenly vanished. (00:28:50)
Continuity mistake: As Lucy goes down the hall, she opens door 214, then 215. As she comes to the next door on the right, she opens 214 again, rather than it being 216. This is particularly noticeable because the third room she enters is "her" room, containing her greatest fear - and the first room she went into numbered 214 had a completely different fear. (00:00:56)
The Time of Angels (1) - S5-E4
Continuity mistake: When River shows Amy and the Doctor the video of the Angel, next to the Doctor on the ceiling is a bar with two cloth handles, one on each end. The Doctor accidentally rips off the handle closest to him and the viewscreen. A minute later when Amy is alone and we are looking at the Angel video, this handle is back up. It's gone again in subsequent shots.

Evolution of the Daleks (2) - S3-E5
Continuity mistake: When Martha is searching for how the Daleks changed the design of the Empire State Building, she is examining the plans for the top of the tower. In the first shot where the new plans are visible, the upper right shows a more detailed picture of a plate of Dalekanium. Seconds later, when we can see the new plans again, it's the same side view but the enlarged picture of the plate with the Dalek bumps is gone. These are still the same new plans (the old plans are on her right) and there was no time or reason for Martha to take another page. (00:24:40)
Continuity mistake: Pete Tyler holds the sonic screwdriver against a section of rope next to his leg, but it breaks below his feet.
Suggested correction: After the ladder breaks, and before we see Pete's feet again, we see him climbing a bit up the ladder. When his feet are next shown, he has them on the new bottom rung of the ladder. It would seem that the rope broke exactly where Pete was holding the screwdriver - right by his ankle.

Continuity mistake: The Doctor is in a room talking to Amy, Rory and everyone else. He sits at a table where there is a house of cards. The house of cards changes between shots. (00:21:56)
Continuity mistake: The meteors are shown approaching and hitting the ship on the starboard (right) side. Twice, however, they are erroneously described as being to port (left): When the meteors are first seen on the scanner by Frame, and later when Frame tells the survivors in Kitchen 5 to go starboard because the port side of the ship is impassable.
Continuity mistake: When Sarah Jane is talking to Rose while she's trying to access a computer in the lab, half-sitting on the desk, the right side of Sarah's jacket is bunched up beneath her arm in shots facing her and lying down in shots facing Rose.
Continuity mistake: During the opening montage, showing the Slitheen incapacitated by electrocution, when Margaret drops Indra's body and stumbles back, a close-up of the body on the floor shows her legs without the pulsing electricity covering her entire body, which is visible in other shots.
Continuity mistake: When Harriet Jones is hiding in the closet and spying on the Slitheen attacking General Asquith, wide shots of the closet door have it in shadow, but close-ups of Harriet have the part of her face that is visible illuminated.