
Smallville (2001)

539 mistakes - chronological order

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Heat - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: When Jonathan goes to talk to Desiree, we see her getting out of the swimming pool. However her hair is just damp when it should have been completely wet and dripping all over the place considering the length of her hair.

Heat - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: When Jonathan goes to talk to Desiree, Jonathan throws Desiree a bathrobe. She then proceeds to put it on and lifts her right hand over her head as she does so. Cut to a different angle and now she is raising her right hand over her head once again.

Heat - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: Pete arrives when Lana was interviewing Clark for a video that she would send to Whitney. Lana then asks Pete: 'want to give it a shot?' We then see Lana holding the view finder of the camera with her left thumb and index finger while the rest of her fingers in outstretched. Cut to a different angle (as we see Pete) but now the rest of her fingers are no longer outstretched.

Heat - S2-E2

Plot hole: When Clark uses his heat vision to heat the metal door handle to prevent Desiree from escaping, he only heats one handle. I know that things were happening fast, but it wouldn't have taken him that much more time to heat both handles, which he should have done since there is no way he could have known that she would have tried that particular handle.


Duplicity - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: At the collision, Pete looks out over the cornfield and sees the flashing turn signal of the truck but not its headlights, which should be brighter. (00:03:20)


Duplicity - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: There are several close up shots of the syringe that Dr. Hamilton is using to threaten Pete with and you can see that it is made of plastic. Clark uses his heat vision to overheat the syringe causing it to burst but the sound the syringe makes when it bursts is that of a glass syringe and not the plastic one he was actually using.

Duplicity - S2-E3

Audio problem: Clark says "What if it's some sort of high tech crop duster or something?". Pete replies with "She'll never let us live it down." After the shot changes you can see Pete's mouth say "live it down" again with no sound coming out.

Duplicity - S2-E3

Audio problem: After they get the spaceship into Pete's shed, Pete wants to go tell Chloe. Clark insists that he doesn't and Pete says "To her, this thing is the Holy Grail.". The shot zooms in and Pete's mouth shows him saying "Holy Grail" again even though he already said it and you don't hear the words.

Duplicity - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: Clark tries to talk to Pete into helping him find his ship. As Clark was talking about the driver, we see the cover to Pete's locker in the foreground. Cut to a different angle and now Pete's left hand is on the locker and it wasn't there in the previous angle.

Duplicity - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: When Dr. Hamilton was about to pour liquid kryptonite on Clark, Pete hits him on the back and he goes crashing onto a table knocking everything on it off the table. Yet later we see an open bottle of liquid kryptonite on the edge of the table (which was cleared by the doctor earlier) dripping onto the doctors forehead.

Duplicity - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: After Pete confronts Clark about the missing space ship in his tool shed, Pete gets into his car and we see Clark put his right hand on the door of Pete's car. Cut to a different angle as Pete drives away but now Clark's hand is no longer on the door.

Duplicity - S2-E3

Audio problem: After Pete confronts Clark about the missing space ship in his tool shed, Pete walks away and Clark tries to explain. We hear Pete say "wait 'til Chloe hears about this..." as he was getting into the car however, his lips were not moving.

Duplicity - S2-E3

Plot hole: In this episode, Pete comes across Clark's spaceship in a field, where it landed after the tornadoes hit the town during the last episode of Season 1. The Kents knew the spaceship was gone, and of course it was important that they attempt to get it back as soon as possible so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. With Clark's speed and X-Ray vision, he should have been able to find the ship after not too long of a search (especially since it was within a few hundreds yards of a road). It seems implausible that he would not have looked for it, given its importance.


Red - S2-E4

Visible crew/equipment: After the scene transition from when Clark throws Jonathan into the truck after being exposed to Red Kryptonite, the camera pans around Jonathan with his shirt off; on the left-side of the screen we see a man with sunglasses on who has no earthly right to be there just randomly on the Kent Farm. (00:16:23)

Red - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: During the opening scene, behind Jesse you can see the vice principal walk up behind her and reach out as he's about to put his hand on her shoulder, yet the very next shot of Lana, in the background you can see he's just exiting a room.

Red - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: After the credit card company calls the Kent's to confirm purchases made the night before, we see Jonathan holding a mug by the rim. They then notice the music coming from Clark's barn and go to investigate. Cut to a different and now Jonathan is holding the mug by its ear.

Red - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: When Pete and Jonathan corner Clark in the cornfield, Pete opens a lead box containing green kryptonite to weaken Clark. The position of how Pete holds the lead box changes every cut. At first he is holding it with just his right hand, then just his left, then both his hands.

Red - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: When Chloe tells Pete about her discovery about the Red meteor rocks, she gives a sample to Pete who then looks at it. At this time the red meteor embedded in the rock is above Pete's left index and middle fingers. Cut to a close up of Pete's ring and the rock but now the rock is embedded in between Pete's left index finger and thumb.

Shimmer - S1-E10

Lana Lang: That's the thing about Clark Kent. He's not always there when you want him... But he's always there when you need him.

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Trivia: Clark always wears blue and red clothes (or at least one of these colors). No surprise that when he got his Superman costume, he chose those same colors.

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Answer: In the comics, Krypto is a dog from Krypton who was used as the passenger in a test launch by Jor-El, Superman's father, before he launched the actual rocket taking his infant son to Earth. Krypto's capsule was involved in a mishap, sending it out of Kryptonian orbit and eventually found its way to Earth where he linked up with the young Clark Kent. Like any native of Krypton, Krypto has superpowers on Earth. In Smallville, the dog is a standard Earth dog who has been experimentally injected with kryptonite, giving him super-strength for a limited period of time, who escapes and links up with Clark (who suggests the name Krypto, ostensibly because of the dog's cryptic origins). It doesn't take too long for the dog's strength to fade, and the Kents decide to keep him, although they ultimately name him Shelby, after a dog that Martha Kent had in childhood.


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