Plot hole: Chloe writes her phone number on Sean's hand. It disappears when we see him struggling against the ice of the lake, then reappears in the scene where he is calling old girlfriends. And how exactly would pen ink survive several hours submerged in water and then another eight hours of normal activity without becoming blurred? (00:04:15 - 00:19:50)
Plot hole: Justin's power is telekinesis, which he uses to attack the doctor at the beginning of the episode. He shows that he is targeting the doctor's hands by blacking them out on the drawing, but he has absolutely no way to see what is happening in the elevator to know the exact moment when to drop it and cut them off. (00:03:30)
Vortex (2) - S2-E1
Plot hole: When Nixon and Jonathan are trapped in the crypt after the landslide, Nixon says he can't breathe, and Jonathan says this is because the landslide cut off the air supply. However, we can see beams of sunlight shining in. So, unless the ceiling of the crypt is made of airtight glass, that landslide didn't cut off the entire air supply.
Plot hole: When Clark uses his heat vision to heat the metal door handle to prevent Desiree from escaping, he only heats one handle. I know that things were happening fast, but it wouldn't have taken him that much more time to heat both handles, which he should have done since there is no way he could have known that she would have tried that particular handle.
Plot hole: In this episode, Pete comes across Clark's spaceship in a field, where it landed after the tornadoes hit the town during the last episode of Season 1. The Kents knew the spaceship was gone, and of course it was important that they attempt to get it back as soon as possible so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. With Clark's speed and X-Ray vision, he should have been able to find the ship after not too long of a search (especially since it was within a few hundreds yards of a road). It seems implausible that he would not have looked for it, given its importance.
Plot hole: Mayor Tate and Lex have a discussion about bribes and Tate says this is his 4th term (near the end of the episode, Lex is showing Mayor Tate an attack ad which is saying Tate has been the mayor for the past 12 years and Smallville can't afford another 4 years of Mayor Tate, so it's been 12 continuous years). In last season's episode "Crush", Pete gets a job as a summer intern on Mayor Spiegel's re-election campaign. So how is it possible for Tate to have been on his 4th term when in the previous year Spiegel was Mayor?
Skinwalker - S2-E10
Plot hole: Chloe says the coroner found teeth marks on the foreman's bones. During the attack, at the beginning of the episode, the foreman only got a couple of scratches on his face and the rest of his clothes were perfectly fine and hadn't, in any way, been torn up. It would have taken the wolf tearing through the clothes, through the skin and, finally, through the muscle to leave any teeth marks on the foreman's bones and that did not happen.
Phoenix (2) - S3-E2
Plot hole: When Edge needs the vial of Clark's blood back, Edge holds Clark's parents hostage. Clark decides to use a sharp piece of kryptonite rock to cut his skin and give Edge a new sample. When Clark picks it up, and when he places the kryptonite rock on his skin, he shows no sign of the usual effects of the rock which include the green lines radiating up his arms.
Plot hole: During Clark's rescuing Lana from the fire in the basement, Clark wakes Lana just before he is grabbed by the coach. Clark then tosses the coach all the way across the room and into a wall. Lana makes no mention of how Clark could toss a full grown man across a room like that even though it happens right in front of her face.
Plot hole: Outside the school, as Clark is talking to Jordan, there is a lot of people in the surrounding area. Clark looks up and sees the coach standing in the street and the car slams on its brakes to avoid hitting him, this causes the tires to screech thus drawing attention to the incident. Clark realizes that the coach is about to be hit by the car and uses his super speed to save him. Yet nobody seems to wonder how he suddenly appeared next to the coach just in the nick of time.
Plot hole: When Kara realizes that Agent Loder is listening in on the conversation, she runs out to his car to stop him. She has Clark's ability of super speed which she uses to get over to Loder's car. As she runs she ends up running through a wooden fence and you can see, through the motion blur of her movement, she neither jumps over the fence or goes around it yet the fence never gets damaged from her running through it.
Plot hole: In the episode Onyx, Lex's alter ego holds him hostage in the wine cellar claiming that when they were kids, Lex accidentally got locked in down there. In the pilot episode, it is established that although Lionel had the castle shipped over from Scotland brick by brick and built, they never moved into it.
Plot hole: During the flashback scene showing how Chloe and her father survive the house explosion it is explained that there was a team in the house and they grab Chloe and her father and rush them into a tunnel just seconds before the house explodes. However, as seen in the episode Covenant, Chloe is standing next to the door and Chloe's father is more than 15 feet away from her when the door of the house shuts. As soon as that door shuts the house explodes so unless this S.W.A.T. has Clark's super speed ability this would be very much impossible.
Answer: In the comics, Krypto is a dog from Krypton who was used as the passenger in a test launch by Jor-El, Superman's father, before he launched the actual rocket taking his infant son to Earth. Krypto's capsule was involved in a mishap, sending it out of Kryptonian orbit and eventually found its way to Earth where he linked up with the young Clark Kent. Like any native of Krypton, Krypto has superpowers on Earth. In Smallville, the dog is a standard Earth dog who has been experimentally injected with kryptonite, giving him super-strength for a limited period of time, who escapes and links up with Clark (who suggests the name Krypto, ostensibly because of the dog's cryptic origins). It doesn't take too long for the dog's strength to fade, and the Kents decide to keep him, although they ultimately name him Shelby, after a dog that Martha Kent had in childhood.
Tailkinker ★