Peter Griffin: You know that whole Vietnam thing? Never happened.
Brian Griffin: Oh yeah, but don't mention it around the Veterans Hospital. Those guys are really committed to the lie.
Peter Griffin: Gays don't vomit. They're a very clean people. And they have been ever since they came to this country from France.
Brian Griffin: If I remember correctly, this is the Physics department.
Chris Griffin: That explains all the gravity.
Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater - S2-E1
Stewie: I say, mother, this hotdog has been on my plate for a full minute and it hasn't yet cut itself.
Lois: Honey, I'll be right there.
Stewie: Oh, by all means, take your time. Oh and when you do finally get around to it, I'll be the one covered in flies a belly that protrudes halfway to bloody Boston! (00:00:31)
Peter: Brian, I am just as non-competitive as anyone else. As a matter of fact I'm the most non-competitive, so I win.
Answer: Lacey Chabert was the actress who originally voiced Meg in early episodes. She left of her own accord due to being in school and other acting work; Seth MacFarlane has stated there was no tension with her leaving, but it makes for a handy joke for the show.
Jon Sandys ★