When You Wish Upon a Weinstein - S3-E22
Peter Griffin: You better watch who you're calling a child Lois. Because if I'm a child then you know what that makes you? A paedophile, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna stand here and be lectured by a pervert.
Peter Griffin: Husband, Father...Brother? - S3-E14
Officer: Hey, I recognize you. You're that black guy I saw on TV.
Peter Griffin: Yeah, that's me.
Officer: [Into radio.] We have a stolen vehicle.
Peter Griffin: This is my...
Officer: [Into radio.] Subject getting beligerant.
Peter Griffin: I'm not...
Officer: [Into radio.] Officer down.
Tom Tucker: I think I speak for all of us when I say that New York and everyone from there can fornicate themselves with an iron stick.
The Kiss Seen Around the World - S3-E8
Tom Tucker: Children washing cars, is there anything more arousing?