Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Trials and Tribble-ations - S5-E6

Corrected entry: During the roll call for the fight on the space station, some of the officer's shirts are different colors than the shirts used when they filmed the roll call in the original series.

Correction: This entry should be removed since there is no mistake in the context of the episode itself but only in context to the episode of the Original Series. Neither O'Brian nor Bashir were in the original lineup and those two are the only ones whose shirt color changes.


Trials and Tribble-ations - S5-E6

Corrected entry: When Kirk comes onto the bridge, and discovers the Tribble in his chair, he sits down, and hits the Comm button to call McCoy. It makes a sound that signifies the channel's open. In the original shot in TOS, the button only clicked, with no extra sound added.

Movie Nut

Correction: O'Brien is posing as an engineer in this timeline. He could have been called upon to actually fix something, freeing up an engineer that wasn't available in the original timeline to fix a low-priority problem like the Captain's bridge comms not beeping right.

Captain Defenestrator

Doctor Bashir, I Presume? - S5-E16

Corrected entry: The episode completely contradicts what we've learned about Bashir and his family from previous episodes. In 2-6 "Melora" Bashir told her that his father was a Federation diplomat. If so, wouldn't some of the high-ranked people in Starfleet know about his family life? Having a son with birth defects certainly would not have been that big a secret and Richard certainly wouldn't have gotten away with having Julian enhanced if he chose to do so. In 3-18 "Distant Voices", Julian's mind was viciously probed by a Lethean, who via this contact knows everything about him. Of course, there was no mention of the genetic enhancements here, otherwise the evil alien would have easily used the secret and its illegality against the doctor. In another episode, Julian said he was very skilled at sewing up his teddy bear at the very young age of 5, which seemed to be the first indication of his desire to be a doctor. But as "Doctor Bashir, I Presume" indicates, Julian was genetically enhanced around his seventh birthday. If he was indeed physically and mentally deficient at the age of 5, he would have been completely incapable of patching up little Kukalaka.

Correction: In 3-18 Bashir could easily hide things from the lethean if he wanted, he has shown he has the mental capcacity to do this sort of thing. Bashir could have been lying about stitching up his teddy - maybe to impress whoever he he was telling. also having a child with learning difficulties isnt something most people would go around telling everyone, even if it isnt that big a secret, so possibly not many people knew, and they changed his name afterwards and switched him to a new school, so people wouldnt necessarily realize or connect the two. we also know from Doctor Bashir, I Presume that Bashirs dad changed his jobs frequently as well, so maybe he didnt have many close friends to tell about his son. so it may seem unlikey but it is possible for this to have happened and no one found out.

Rapture - S5-E10

Corrected entry: In the first episode of season 5, Starfleet issued new uniforms, a redressed version of the 'casual duty uniform' from the earlier seasons and what would amount to as the 'standard duty uniform' from Star Trek: Voyager. The only problem is that Captain Sisko was wearing his combadge well into the grey part, and not on the black part of the uniform, like everyone else. He never does it again, only for episode one of season five.

Correction: Starfleet seems to allow a certain amount of leeway with uniforms, such as having the jacket open to different lengths. As long as Sisko can reach the badge, and it doesn't affect his duty in any way, I'm sure that Starfleet isn't bothered where he puts the badge.

I believe this was because the new uniform was made wrong (it didn't have the red bands on the cuffs either) and without time to redo it, they had to go with it for this and parts of the following episode.

By Inferno's Light - S5-E15

Corrected entry: During the previous episode, we find out that Dr. Bashir has been replaced by a changeling. But for the changeling's ruse to work, he would need to carry out all Bashir's duties. Which means he'd need all his medical knowledge. Bashir graduated second in his class at Starfleet Medical Academy. To learn all that Bashir knew would have taken longer than the Dominion and Federation knew about each other. Not only that, but to pull off all this changeling pulled off, he'd need intimate knowledge of Starfleet, Bajoran and Cardassian technologies. There's no way a changeling could have learned all that knowledge in the time alotted. Even if you use the excuse of the Great Link, the Founders would still need the time to amass the knowledge and at least one of them to learn all the medical techniques Bashir would have known to transfer that knowledge to the others, otherwise it would have been a dead giveaway Bashir wasn't really Bashir.


Correction: The changelings are highly intelligent and this one was specifically selected to replace Bashir, so undoubtedly it underwent extensive training in preparation for this mission.

Children of Time - S5-E22

Corrected entry: Odo would have already been infected by the virus by this point. He passes the infection to The Great Link in episode 4-26. It's highly unlikely they would have found a cure on this planet with little medical supplies and the elder Odo never mentions it. Odo should not have survived to see the crew of the Defiant return.

Correction: At the end of Episode 4-26 Odo is turned, according to Doctor Bashir, into human and does not have any contact with an Changeling from the Great Link until the Dominion captures DS9 at the end of Season 5. Since no one was ever worried that the Changeling Virus was any danger to humanoids it's quite probable that Odo was "healed" by his people's punishment and did not carry the Virus during any Episode in Season 5, including this one.


Correction: The virus is accelerated by shape-shifting. The Founders were affected quicker than Odo, even though he was infected first, because they change their form more often. If Odo did not change much during the 200 years, he would have remained unaffected.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine mistake picture

Broken Link - S4-E26

Revealing mistake: During the fight between Garak and Worf near the end of the episode, a Jefferies tube door is knocked out of its frame to reveal the end of the set - a dark room with a wooden scaffold and various other pieces of equipment (slow-mo helpful but not required). (00:36:00)

More mistakes in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Q-Less - S1-E7

Q: You hit me! Picard never hit me.
Sisko: I'm not Picard.
Q: Indeed not. You're much easier to provoke.

Cubs Fan

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Valiant - S6-E22

Trivia: Valiant was the original working name for the USS Defiant when it was being designed for the show.


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Answer: Worf: Curzon's name is an honored one among my people. Dax: (in Klingon) Yeah, but I'm a lot better looking than he was.


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