Corrected entry: How could Jadzia have been unaware that Curzon was infatuated with her if she inherited all his memories after being joined?
Corrected entry: As Jem'Hadar ships approach the Defiant, Commander Sisko orders main power to be cut. We see the overhead lights on the Bridge go out. The next scene shows Kira walking into Odo's quarters. Behind her the overhead lights in the passageway are still on, as are the lights in Odo's quarters.
Correction: In Defiants corridors there's no source of light other than the lights themselves, so the lights would have to stay on so that people would be able to get to safety or to duty stations.
Correction: It is known from Joran Dax that memories held by the symbiont can be repressed. Moreover, Jadzia Dax has often commented that the memories accrued over several lifetimes can become blurred together. The Trill rite of closure ceremony (DS9: Facets) allows the memories of each host to be extracted and then placed in the mind of a volunteer to approximate (quite well, it would seem) the experience of talking to a past host as if they were still alive. The very existence of this ceremony suggests that the memories are not wholly available to to the current host; otherwise, why should the current host elect to become completely separated from their previous hosts' memories in exchange for clarity? Thus, there is ample evidence in the show to allow the possibility that Jadzia Dax was unaware of Curzon Dax's infatuation.