
Frasier (1993)

44 corrected entries

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Voyage of the Damned - S5-E6

Corrected entry: In this episode Roz is supposed to be pregnant. She found out two episodes before that she was going to have a baby. If so, then why is she drinking alcohol with Frasier and Niles? If she's pregnant, she shouldn't be drinking alcohol. You could see her drinking at two different times what appeared to be some kind of whiskey at one point, and then some kind of wine later on.


Correction: "Shouldn't" isn't a legitimate mistake. Plenty of women drink small quantities of alcohol while pregnant with no ill effects, despite recommendations against it.


Match Game - S11-E18

Corrected entry: The younger girl that Frasier goes on a date with has to be 20 years old or younger, since she mentions that cops took a fake ID from her (she wouldn't need a fake one if she were 21). Isn't it unlikely that someone that age would have been able to pay the $10,000 fee for Charlotte's dating service?

Correction: As seen later in the episode, Charlotte grabs random women to go on dates with Frasier. She probably never had to pay anything.


Exactly. A lot of costly dating services don't charge women, like how often times bars don't charge women a cover charge.


Correction: As Guy said, Charlottle was finding random women for dates. Also, it is not impossible that a twenty-year-old would have $10,000. Inheritance, lawsuit settlement, lottery ticket, large gift from a family member, a savings account that a parent once opened for her (which she might be able to access now because she is past the age of eighteen), etc.

An Affair to Forget - S2-E21

Corrected entry: Niles says that after failing to confront Maris, he was turned away from the Oregon border check for having fruit in the car. Oregon is an interior state, and therefore without any form of border check. There might be a border check at the border with California, but Niles is approaching from Washington.


Correction: Niles is referencing the very common USDA produce checkpoint that exists at points along the Washington/Oregon and Oregon/California borders.

I have never once encountered a produce check when entering Oregon from Washington. And Niles would have been on I-5, definitely no such check stations anywhere.

First, Do No Harm - S6-E5

Corrected entry: In this episode Frasier and Niles talk about how they met Marie when they were children because Martin was friends with her father, Duke, therefore, Frasier and Niles would have known Duke as well. But in the episode "Duke's, We Hardly Knew Ye", they met Duke for the first time.


Correction: Not only are some of these statements about the episode wrong, but there's a lot of incorrect assumptions. First, Frasier and Niles never talk about how they met Marie. When Frasier and Martin are talking, we find out that Frasier was only around Marie for one week, when she was six. And there's no indication Duke was around where they would have met him (you're just assuming that). And all Niles states is a nickname they had for her, which they could have had without being around her or her father.


Frasier Grinch - S3-E9

Corrected entry: At the cafe, the employee says that Niles' credit card was declined at the register because "cancelled by order of co-signatory." A co-signatory shouldn't be able to cancel the card without the other person.

Correction: It depends on state laws and the credit card company. A co-signor is just as liable for any accumulated debts and fees on the card, they just don't have purchasing rights. However, usually a co-signor can't just take his or her name off the account, the account has to be closed.


Are there cash registers that will reveal that a cosigner cancelled? I've been a cashier at a few places, the register always says "declined" or "insufficient funds."

I remember in the 80's and 90's instead of a card being listed as declined, the cashier (or whoever was charging the card) was instructed to call an 800-number for verification, etc. I never had to call, but certainly more information could be given over the phone.


The Life of the Party - S5-E22

Corrected entry: When Roz is in labor at the hospital, Daphne arrives and tells the others that she came as soon as she heard. But she is saying this to Frasier, Niles, and Martin - the only three mutual friends that she shares with Roz. Nobody else could have told her to come.

Correction: First off, it is established that Daphne and Roz have a friendship of their own and, while the audience may never see it, there is nothing to say that they do not have mutual friends. But even if they don't have mutual friends, Daphne indicates that she received a message from her date (where he made up an excuse for standing her up). It is conceivable that Frasier, Niles or Martin left a message for Daphne (off screen) and she was letting them know that she got there as soon as she received the message (since she was on a date). At worse, it was a poor choice of words but it is not a mistake.

To Thine Old Self Be True - S7-E20

Corrected entry: In earlier episodes Niles has talked about how Maris' food issues go back to her childhood, for example that she had to be taken to hospital to be force-fed as a child. But in this episodes, he claims that she was always chubby as a child.


Correction: "Childhood" can be any year before a person becomes a legal adult. It's quite possible that Maris was chubby before age twelve or so, then she developed the issues in her teens and had to be force-fed. Indeed, eating disorders and food issues often start in the teenage years.

Voyage of the Damned - S5-E6

Corrected entry: This episode shows Niles wants to organise a anniversary dinner for him and Maris, but back in season 4 episode 22 he went through hoops to sign divorce papers and in the end he did in fact sign the papers. So this anniversary dinner seems odd and out of place for the situation currently going on with them both - why would he organise a anniversary dinner for a woman he is divorcing?

Laura Low

Correction: At the end of s04e22, Maris calls Niles and says the divorce papers were a bluff and by signing them it threw her off, so she was willing to go to couples counseling. In later episodes it's revealed counseling was going well. (And just because he signed the papers doesn't mean they became officially divorced).


Correction: The carrot never changes. After Niles takes the carrot with the 45° angle, he drops it after his first try with the grater. You see where it lands, and when he picks it up he simply picks it up from the other end, so the straight cut part is showing and then you see him turn the carrot in his hand so the 45° angle cut is showing.


An Affair to Forget - S2-E21

Corrected entry: Why can Niles hear what Frasier has said when he is inside the sensory deprivation tank? The whole point of these are that you cannot hear anything happening outside, so Frasier's ranting shouldn't have been heard inside. Similarly, why did the writers even have this scene with Frasier trying to talk to "Maris" when she was supposed to be inside it? Clearly they didn't quite know how soundproof they are.

David Mercier

Correction: The accusation that Niles could not hear Frasier because he was in a Sensory Deprivation Tank is completely false. Having owned one myself for many years it is true that you can not hear light sounds but if someone is talking loudly enough you can hear them and understand what they are saying to you. This is why earplugs are recommended for people wanting to experience Sensory Deprivation to full effect, as well as keep salt water out of your ears if you have ear problems.

Sea Bee Jeebies - S11-E10

Corrected entry: When Roz's sister Denise comes into Nervosa, she greets Frasier by name, yet in an earlier series, Frasier first met her while pretending to be Roz's then boyfriend Roger. (00:04:55)

Correction: Roz almost certainly fessed up to her sister in the interim, especially since she works with Frasier.

JC Fernandez

Correction: My phone starts to vibrate before the ring tone is heard.

Correction: This occurred before Daphne was Pregnant. She could have merely imagined her and Niles having two daughters. For the record, they conceived some time after Niles' operation.

Rooms With a View (2) - S10-E8

Corrected entry: Before Niles is taken to the OR Roz says "24 hours ago we didn't even know anything was wrong with Niles". Yet his room is filled with flowers and cards and Maris has had time to find out through the gossiper Jaime. It seems a little unlikely if less than 24 hours had passed.

Correction: There is an old saying that goes "Gossip spreads like wildfire." This is very true, so it is very possible the Maris found out within a day.

Frasier-Lite - S11-E12

Corrected entry: Frasier is on the phone at KACL and the caller says "hello" - we can see a reflection moving in the glass, someone walking, between Frasier and Roz. There is no guest on the radio show, and no reference to anyone in the booth.

Correction: The reflection in the glass is from the person walking down the hall through the glass behind Frasier.

Head Game - S4-E5

Corrected entry: During the basketball game, Reggie comes up to Niles to ask him about his poor shooting game despite hearing the players moving and the ball hitting the rim off screen and there was no mention of a timeout. In a real game of basketball unless there was a timeout, stoppage of play or he was being subbed, no player could just walk off and start discussing something with someone during a game. There is only 5 players on each team. He's off for around 30 seconds.


Correction: There's a loud whistle blown prior to Reggie approaching Niles. Given the events that occur (including the conversation with the man with the nachos), there's no reason to think a timeout wasn't called. The ambient noises could have be anything, not necessarily the basketball players.

Something Borrowed, Someone Blue (2) - S7-E24

Corrected entry: In the scene where Roz and Daphne are discussing seating arrangements, Roz makes a comment about Frasier and Niles going to prom together, to which Frasier elaborates defensively that they did not attend the prom "together" but that their "dates were sick and they went stag." Frasier and Niles would most certainly not have gone to the prom together, considering they are six years apart.

Correction: Frasier and Niles attended Bryce Academy at the same time. Frasier is only 4 years and 4 months older than Niles and given Frasier's late birthdate, he would only be 3 or 4 grades ahead of Niles.

Show generally

Corrected entry: Martin says in the pilot "two years ago I'm sailing toward retirement and some punk robbing a convenience store puts a bullet in my hip." In another episode he says to Niles "sometimes when life closes a door, you need to kick one open...of course last time I did that on a raid, the guy on the other side shot me in the hip."

Correction: Martin never said that second quote on the show. He did tell Frasier that he (Martin) was afraid after witnessing something as a police officer, and for a long time he was scared to go down a blind alley or through a door but he finally faced his fear by "walking right through the next door I came to...the fact I got shot was completely a coincidence."

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Corrected entry: Early in the run of Frasier, Lilith arrives in Seattle for a visit. Niles is very cold with her, because he says "at our wedding when Maris was reciting her vows, which she wrote herself, vows of love from the heart, I distinctly heard snickering." Niles had been married to Maris for 15 years when they separated during the 3rd or 4th season. How then could Lilith have been at their wedding? At that time Frasier would have not have even known Lilith, and was probably involved with Diane Chambers.

Correction: He wasn't married to her for 15 years he started dating her 15 years ago, however they married in 1986, per season 1 episode 17: A Mid-Winters Night Dream. Therefore Lillith and Fraiser were in fact dating at the time.

And Frasier Makes Three - S11-E20

Corrected entry: In a previous episode when Frasier confronts Charlotte over his bad dates they have a long discussion about how she has moved back to Seattle because of a divorce and is living with her "crazy assed mother", yet in this episode we see Charlotte's apartment where there is no sign of her mother and only one bed.

Correction: We only see one bed because we only see one bedroom. And is it so hard to believe that her mother was in another room or out somewhere?


Not true - definitely an error - the bed is in an apartment just like Roz's - there's a kitchen, dining area, couch - she is not living with her mother.

More mistakes in Frasier

Frasier: Niles, I would shave my head for you.
Niles: A gesture which becomes less significant with each passing year.

More quotes from Frasier

Caught in the Act - S11-E15

Trivia: When Nanette tells Frasier she's tired of playing her children's show character, she asks him if he knows what it's like to play the same character for twenty years. By this point, Kelsey Grammer had been playing Frasier for twenty years: eleven on 'Frasier' and nine on 'Cheers'.

Cubs Fan

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Question: Counting his role on Cheers, Kesley Grammar has played Fraiser for twenty years. Is this the record for the longest portrayal of a character by a TV actor?

Answer: It equals the record of James Arness of "Gunsmoke" for the actor who's played the same part on TV NOT in a soap opera. If you include soaps there are two main contenders - William Roache, who's been playing Ken Barlow in "Coronation Street" in the UK since 1960. Don Hastings has been playing Robert Hughes in US soap "As the World Turns" since 1960 as well.

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