
Correction: The end and back of the sofa are open and if you watch carefully when she puts it down, the newspaper slides off the sofa and falls on the floor. We don't see the area where it must have fallen so there's no mistake.


Head - S2-E2

Corrected entry: One of my favorite lines is when Blackadder refers to himself as "The new minister of religious genocide". However, the word "genocide" didn't appear until around the mid-1940's when Raphael Lemkin invented it specifically to describe the events witnessed in the Holocaust.

Correction: 'Blackadder' is written and performed in contemporary English. This is a straightforward film convention, not an error. Only a handful of academics would understand a television show shot in genuine Elizabethan English.

Dish and Dishonesty - S3-E1

Corrected entry: William Pitt the Elder is heard introducing his "Younger" brother as the new Prime Minister. However, Pitt the Elder was Prime Minister from 1766 to 1767, and Pitt the Younger was from 1783 to 1801, so it's inaccurate for them to follow on from each other like this. It's also worth pointing out that if Pitt the Elder is supposed to be the PM at the start of the episode (something Blackadder attests to), then the Prince Regent would have been around 4 years old at the time.

David Mercier

Correction: At the very start, Blackadder does indeed say about "Pit the Elder" but, the next scene (In parliament) the speaker of the house says "I call upon the new Prime Minister of Great Britain and her empires, Mr William Pitt, the Younger". Pitt the Elder never introduces his brother.


Plan E: General Hospital - S4-E5

Corrected entry: Black Adder says that there are four verses to "God Save the King." There are actually five, and technically there are six. However, the final verse is very anti-Scottish (added after the Jacobite rebellion of 1745-46), and is very rarely seen and even more rarely performed.

David Mercier

Correction: While this may be true, Blackadder is merely trying to confuse Darling into confessing he's a German spy.


Correction: That's the gag. It was not meant to be Edmund coughing, but a member of the crowd. There are few swear words allowed in a sitcom and f*** isn't one of them (which is presumably what Edmund said). The cough was placed at the convenient place as to drown out the original word. There was a similar gag in series 2, whereby the episode is cut off just as Lady Whiteadder is about to say the 'f' word at the end of 'Beer'.


Season 2 generally

Corrected entry: Blackadder's house is confusing, particularly the "front" room we spend the series in. In "Potato", Blackadder fires an arrow down on the crowd, and calls down, showing that that room is on the second floor. In "Beer", this room leads into the corridor (which is level with the room), and the front door is level with the street, as shown by the Puritans entering.

Correction: The street that the front door opens out onto need not be at the same level as the street outside the window. The house could be built on the side of a hill so the streets might not be at the same height.

Correction: The prince later wakes up telling Baldrick that "I had a cigarette case too" (which would have stopped the bullet that supposedly killed him), so him scratching himself doesn't seem like that much of a mistake to me.

Correction: In 1400's door locks were bigger, so "Mr Key" would fit in the lock and open the door.

Bells - S2-E1

Corrected entry: When Edmund goes to see the wise woman, she advises that one option to get out of his predicament would be to "kill Bob". He hasn't told her Bob's name at this point, only that he is in love with his manservant. Although the "wise woman" is a crone and could be thought to have insight of this nature, she's portrayed as far too rubbish.


Correction: The first thing she says to him is "Hail Edmund, Lord of Adders Black", she couldn't know who he was since she's a recluse and Edmund tells Baldrick that he'd rather trust Dr Leech then some old crone - so she has some ability in the mystical to know his name.

Chains - S2-E6

Corrected entry: How on earth did Edmund know that the party was going to be a fancy dress party? Queenie, Nursey, Baldrick and Percy didn't discuss it until after Queenie wrote to Edmund to tell him that they were going to spend the money on a party so Edmund couldn't have told Prince Ludwig what to go as.

Correction: When Edmund recounts his words to Prince Ludwig they're actually along the lines of 'IF they have a fancy dress party then Nursie always goes as a cow'. Edmund didn't know for certain that the party was fancy dress he was just preparing for that eventuality so they'd still be able to tell who Ludwig was.

Plan D: Private Plane - S4-E4

Corrected entry: While it is conceivable that Flashheart would be so lost as to be unaware of which side of the lines he crashed on, it is absurd that he would mistake a uniformed British officer for a German. The uniforms are completely different - they aren't even the same colour. 'Friend or foe' recognition was hammered into pilots at every stage of their training to prevent them accidentally bombing or strafing their own side.

Correction: Blackadder is not a historical drama. It is a comedy. Flashheart is an idiot, and so obsessed with himself or certain he's right that no one else matters. All he saw was a soldier, so he attacked.

Soylent Purple

Adding deus ex machina explanations for mistakes does not invalidate them. Flasheart is an officer in the Royal Flying Corps and though he is shown as a narcissistic braggart, he is not an idiot. As part of his training, "Friend or foe" recognition would have been ground into him in order to prevent him strafing his own lines. Besides, excusing a mistake because "it's a comedy" invalidates countless postings on this site.

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The Witchsmeller Pursuivant - S1-E5

Trivia: There are in fact two versions of the bonfire scene. Although most countries use the intended censored version (where somebody coughs right as Edmund says the F word) there are a few US editions where you can hear him swearing uninterrupted.

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Answer: The closest we ever get to knowing his first name is in series 3, when he claims it's "Sod Off". Blackadder asks him in series 3 where this came from, and he replies "Well, when I was a kid, living in the gutter, I'd go up to the other kids and say 'Hello, I'm Baldrick'. And they'd say, 'Yes, we know. Sod off, Baldrick.'" The S in this series is likely a reference to that, but it's not addressed, and given this Baldrick is clearly different from the series 3 Baldrick, we can't draw a direct link.


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