Trivia: Fred's Mum says that her Dad enjoys films like Alien, except for the last one, during which he fell asleep. Joss Whedon wrote the original screenplay for Alien Resurrection but it didn't turn out in any way, shape, or form how he envisioned:he now claims he wants to tour the country lecturing on how not to make films using only this film as an example.
Trivia: By season's end, Darla has died four times: (1) in flashbacks to when she was sired by The Master, (2) when Angel dusted her in the Buffy episode "Angel", (3) when she was re-sired by Drusilla, and (4) when she dusted herself so that Connor could be born.
Trivia: To illustrate where her speech is placed on the itinerary, Fred compares it to a baseball player batting between Nomar Garciappara and Sammy Sosa, who both played with the Chicago Cubs. While Garciappara wouldn't join that team until well after the episode aired, and nobody could have known what would happen two years in the future, it's not a mistake; but as a Cubs fan, I find it an interesting choice of comparison.
Heartthrob - S3-E1
Trivia: When James and Elisabeth are expressing their love for each other, Angelus comments "give it a century". This is the same thing The Master said about Angelus and Darla's relationship.
Trivia: When Angelus taunts Connor about trying to kill him and then sleeping with Cordelia, he comments, "Screwing your mom and trying to kill your dad? There should be a play." This refers to the Greek tragedy "Oedipus," in which the eponymous character unwittingly marries his mother after killing his father.
Trivia: Because they were both friends with Glenn Quinn, David Boreanaz and Christian Kane were uncomfortable filming the Lindsey-posing-as-Doyle arc.
Trivia: David Boreanaz was suffering knee problems during production. To keep him off his feet, a lot of his scenes were shot with him sitting down.
Trivia: The famous "Wilhelm scream" makes an appearance - the first demon Lindsey cuts up cries it out.
Smile Time - S5-E14
Trivia: Gregor Framkin, the creator of the "Smile Time" show-within-a-show, is played by executive producer David Fury.
Trivia: The prima ballerina is played by Summer Glau, who also appeared on "Firefly". In addition to acting, Glau is a classically trained ballerina.
Answer: Everybody including Angel saw her. After helping them and then being left alone to talk to Angel, Cordelia says that the Powers That Be let her come back one more time to help them. After Angel gets a call saying that she died, he realises that it was her spirit that was helping them the entire time.