
Trivia: In the opening credits there is a shot of a girl standing alone on the corner of a street. This was taken from the Buffy episode "Anne", when Buffy was staying in Los Angeles.

Trivia: Angel's human name was Liam. "Liam" is an Irish form of "William", so basically, Angel and Spike have the same name.

Trivia: About 7 seconds into the opening theme you see the face of a young man looking up (Just before you see Angel with the sword) That young man is Phantom Dennis. He is only seen once in episode 5 of the 1st season- Room with an Vu. After that he's an unseen "character" until season 4.

Maria Santos

Underneath - S5-E17

Trivia: In the episode "Underneath", Illyria is talking about different dimensions she has visited and she says "And one world with nothing but shrimp...I tired of that one quickly." This is a reference to Buffy episode "Superstar": when Anya is explaining that there are many types of alternate realities, she says, "And there could even be a world with nothing but shrimp."

Inside Out - S4-E17

Trivia: Skip's line in 'Inside Out' - 'Nobody comes back from paradise. Well, maybe a Slayer once,' is a reference to BTVS, and Buffy being brought back from heaven in the episode 'Bargaining'.


Orpheus - S4-E15

Trivia: In the episode "Orpheus," the actor who played the armed robber that shoots the cashier in the diner is played by Nate Dushku. He's the older brother of Eliza Dushku who also appears in the episode as Faith.

Maria Santos

Hell Bound - S5-E4

Trivia: Angel leaves the Reaper locked in a metal cage as the camera pans slowly back so we can only see his eyes - almost exactly the same shot as when Connor left Angel trapped in the metal coffin at the end of "Tomorrow". They even say the same thing - "You get to live. Forever". Like father, like son.


Untouched - S2-E4

Trivia: In the episode 'Untouched' Angel asks Cordelia 'Do you have any idea how hard it is to think when you've got a rebar through you?', her reply of 'Actually, I do. Benefits of a Sunnydale education' is a reference to the BTVS episode 'Lover's Walk', in which Cordy falls through a staircase and is impaled on a rebar.


Trivia: Angel's headquarters in season 2-4 was in the Hyperion Hotel. Hyperion is another name of Helios (the god of Sun in Greek mythology), and means "the one who goes above".

Grigory the Wanderer

Lonely Hearts - S1-E2

Trivia: In this episode, Cordelia makes a reference to "self-destructing tapes and a dossier". This is a reference to the 1966 TV series Mission Impossible, which featured self-destructing tapes used to send the main character on his assignment. An interesting fact is that Mission Impossible regulars Martin Landau and Barbara Bain are the real life parents of Juliet Landau, who played Spike's former love Drusilla during season 2 of Buffy.

The Shroud Of Rahmon - S2-E8

Trivia: Cordelia and Wesley realize that the robbery is happening that night because the door latch is taped down - exactly the same way the guards at the Watergate Hotel realized a robbery was in progress in 1974, which led to President's Nixon's resignation. (00:27:20)


Trivia: By the series finale, Angel lost and regained his soul a total of three times: (1) in flashbacks to when he was sired and cursed, (2) after he slept with Buffy on her 17th birthday and re-ensouled by Willow, and (3) when Angel Investigations battled The Beast in season four (again re-ensouled by Willow). And while he didn't lose his soul in the episode "Eternity," he did briefly turn into Angelus; he also pretended to become Angelus in the Buffy episode "Enemies."

Cubs Fan

Trivia: Angel and Lindsey McDonald were the only characters who appeared in both the series premiere and series finale. Harmony Kendall was the only character from the finale who also appeared in the unaired "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" pilot.

Cubs Fan

Long Day's Journey - S4-E9

Trivia: When the gang's memories are reversed back to the age of 17, Cordelia says "Hello, salty goodness" upon seeing Angel. She said the same thing upon seeing him for the first time in the Buffy episode "Never Kill a Boy on the First Date."

Cubs Fan

Blood Money - S2-E12

Trivia: When the Special Guest TV Stars come out and "rob" guests of their donations at the ball, one of the starring ladies is asked "What's the deal with making your character a lesbian? Is it for ratings?" A little jab at Willow's coming out on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

Dead End - S2-E18

Trivia: Joss Whedon hints at future events in season 4 during Lindsay's song in "Dead End." It hints about the coming of Jasmine: "The sky's gonna open, People gonna pray and crawl, Gonna rain down fire, Gonna burn us all," and "Pretty as a picture, She is like a golden dream." All references to Jasmine.

Maria Santos

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City Of - S1-E1

Angel: Doyle, I don't want to share my feelings, I don't want to open up. I want to find the guy that killed Tina, and I want to look him in the eye.
Doyle: Then what?
Angel: Then, I'm going to share my feelings.

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Answer: Everybody including Angel saw her. After helping them and then being left alone to talk to Angel, Cordelia says that the Powers That Be let her come back one more time to help them. After Angel gets a call saying that she died, he realises that it was her spirit that was helping them the entire time.

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