
Answer: Everybody including Angel saw her. After helping them and then being left alone to talk to Angel, Cordelia says that the Powers That Be let her come back one more time to help them. After Angel gets a call saying that she died, he realises that it was her spirit that was helping them the entire time.

Season 5 generally

Question: In season 5, after Harmony comes to work for Angel, it seems like certain scenes look like it's during the day. If it is during the day, does Harmony get around like Angel does, by using sewers and such?


Chosen answer: Probably so. Or she may have a company car with necro-tempered windows like Angel's.

Captain Defenestrator

Season 5 generally

Question: I read in the Buffy section of MovieMistakes that when she dies in the end of the fifth season, no slayer is brought about. I think the episode is Lineage- When a slayer, Dana is found, how is she a slayer? Wouldn't Faith have to die?


Chosen answer: Yes, Faith technically would have had to die. But while it is never seen on screen, Dana was actually activated in the Buffy episode "Chosen", when Willow used her magical powers to channel the essence of the Slayer scythe into all of the Potentials around the world.

Cubs Fan

The Girl in Question - S5-E20

Question: In a flashback, Darla and Drusilla imply that they engaged in a threesome together with The Immortal. Considering that Darla is Dru's grandsire (and a siring line seems to follow the line of a human family), doesn't that seem a bit incestuous?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Dru is the only vamp to refer to her grandsire as grandmother. Since they were not blood relatives in life it wouldn't be considered incestuous. But if was you'd have to keep in mind that they have no souls, therefore, no conscience.

Maria Santos

Chosen answer: It was David Fury, one of the show's writers and producers.


Chosen answer: In short. No. Joss Whedon had originally want to do a spin-off of Buffy starring Eliza Dushku and James Marsters. Dushku turned it down to do Tru Calling so Marsters went onto Angel.

Maria Santos

Season 5 generally

Question: As the series was cancelled towards the end of filming, with only a few episodes left to do, does anyone know what changes were made, either to tie up loose ends, make the show go out with a bang, or similar?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: Hardly any. As Joss Whedon had to fight fairly hard just to get a season five at all, he was aware from the start that cancellation was quite possible. As such, he designed the season as if it was the last one, but with the possibility of using it for a launchpad for a season six, should they have been given one. The only likely alteration was that, had they received a sixth season, the death of a major character in the final episode would probably not have occurred, or at least his fate would have been left ambiguous, to allow the character to return.


Season 5 generally

Question: In the previous 4 series, Angel's had no sexual contact (once when someone else possessed his body, but that's different). In this series, he has a drunken/mystical encounter with Eve one night, and later he and Nina start to go out, and definitely have sex at least once. I realise his curse applies to perfect happiness rather than just sex, but is there any reason he started getting some in this series, whereas he pretty much swore off it completely in the previous ones?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: Previously Angel has had somebody around who had a very serious level of feeling for - Buffy originally and then Cordelia - and it was having sex with those that unleashed Angelus (even if it was only a hallucination in the case of Cordelia). With everything else going right, it was enough to disrupt the curse. In season 5, Angel's stuck in a position that he's really unhappy with (the whole Wolfram & Hart thing); all is not perfect in his world. He's dating Nina, but doesn't appear to have the same level of feeling for her as his previous love interests - combine that with his concerns about his situation, and he's intelligent enough to realise that he's not going to be perfectly happy any time soon, even if he does enter into a physical relationship. With Eve, the situation was even simpler - he doesn't trust her in the slightest, plus he's under a mystical imperative anyway. No chance of attaining perfect happiness under those conditions.


Answer: has screen captures from an awful lot of episodes - I've found some good ones of the puppet there.


Season 5 generally

Question: I'm sure I've seen the actor who plays Nox before. Is he the same guy who played the Vampire that Buffy encounters in Conversations With Dead People in Season 7 of BtVS?

troy fox

Chosen answer: Yes - Jonathan Woodward (

Jon Sandys

More mistakes in Angel

City Of - S1-E1

Angel: Doyle, I don't want to share my feelings, I don't want to open up. I want to find the guy that killed Tina, and I want to look him in the eye.
Doyle: Then what?
Angel: Then, I'm going to share my feelings.

More quotes from Angel

Trivia: In the opening credits there is a shot of a girl standing alone on the corner of a street. This was taken from the Buffy episode "Anne", when Buffy was staying in Los Angeles.

More trivia for Angel

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