
Home - S4-E22

Question: Why would Angel and his friends agree to work with Wolfram and Hart considering that the law firm has been committing atrocities and also been butting heads with Angel Investigations?

Answer: They figured they could root out of the real evil that infects the place and do some good with it. Like an undercover cop that joins the mob underworld.

Habeas Corpses - S4-E8

Question: How come the entire staff at Wolfram & Hart are killed and come back as zombies, yet as revealed in "Home" only Lilah keeps her personality? All the other lawyers are flesh craving killers, Lilah is the only exception. Why?

Answer: A security feature of Wolfram & Hart is to turn most people in the building working there into zombies to try to prevent the killer/attacker from escaping. However some employees like Lilah have contracts that don't expire at death. These people are brought back effectively as ghosts to continue to do Wolfram & Hart's bidding. In the comics after the show ends we see Wesley come back as a ghost due to his contract with Wolfram & Hart. These ghosts retain all memory and traits of the physical person and are bound to the company forever.

Home - S4-E22

Question: Does the end of this episode get fully explained in series 5? Too long to wait until the DVDs. The only point of confusion for me is what happens to Connor - the idea that W&H can alter memories/history, etc. is fair enough, but then why does Angel cut his throat, or at least appear to?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: Angel does not kill Connor. He disables him then takes him to Wolfram & Hart, at which point they contact a demon who uses magic to create false memories for anyone who has met Connor, Connor himself, and Connor's new family. No alternate reality is created, it was just memory alteration.

Season 4 generally

Question: Cordelia was controlled by Jasmine, Cordelia controlled the Beast who brought the rain of fire and blotted out the sun, they also brought Angelus back and released him. All of this probably caused many deaths and made terror overtake the city. But Jasmine was nice and kind and tried to make the world happier. So what was the point of Jasmine's plan to bring the Beast and Angelus? It makes no sense.

Answer: The beast was used to obtain artifacts and rituals needed to bring Jasmine Into the world. Jasmine didn't want or need Angelus - he was just a bonus killing machine to keep Angel's gang busy. Angel's gang summoned Angelus because he knew about the beast.

Orpheus - S4-E15

Question: It may be that Fred told her, but how does Willow know about Connor? In season one, Angel made it clear to Buffy that they lead separate lives now, and he doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would call Willow just to tell her he has a son.

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Willow has always been the contact link between the two groups. Fred's call to Willow takes place in Buffy's world in the episode "Lies My Parents Told Me." Since Fred has the number and Willow knows who she is right away, she probably told her about Connor some time ago.

Captain Defenestrator

Chosen answer: It's a line from the W.B. Yeats poem "The Second Coming" - "And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?" - sort of a beast/anti-christ on the way sort of thing.


Long Day's Journey - S4-E9

Question: At the end of this episode "in loving memory of Glenn Quinn" is displayed - he played Doyle in early episodes of Angel, and died at the end of 2002. However, this was actually the second episode broadcast after his death - does anyone know why the credit was shown in this episode and not the one before?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: The epispode that aired the week before was titled 'Habeus Corpses' and had a theme of the dead coming back to life as zombies. So, putting a dedication afterwords would have been tacky.


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Trivia: About 7 seconds into the opening theme you see the face of a young man looking up (Just before you see Angel with the sword) That young man is Phantom Dennis. He is only seen once in episode 5 of the 1st season- Room with an Vu. After that he's an unseen "character" until season 4.

Maria Santos

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