
City Of - S1-E1

Corrected entry: Doyle says that he's not a vampire, because he walked freely into Angel's house. But that rule does not apply to other vampire's houses, since there is no one living who owns the house.

Correction: Just 'cause Doyle's half-demon doesn't mean he knows that vampires don't need to be invited into other vampire's homes.


Deep Down - S4-E1

Corrected entry: Angel keeps panting and gasping for air after being rescued by Wesley from his box in the ocean. This is not possible as Angel does not breathe. If he needed air he'd have suffocated long before.

Correction: From the FAQ; 'Vampires do not need to breathe air in order to stay alive. However, like food, vampires do breathe and can do things that require breathing, like talking or smoking. If a vampire is deprived of air for enough time, they will pass out from 'suffocation', but there has never been an incidence of a vampire dying from lack of air. Also, when a vampire breathes in air, *something* happens to it that makes it unusable for CPR, which is why Angel could not save Buffy in Prophecy Girl.'

Show generally

Corrected entry: Cordelia says in the episode 'Awakening' that she has encountered the real Angelus when he changed in Sunnydale, but during the episodes after Angelus changed in season 2 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer she never actually saw him, just heard about him.


Correction: She further clarifies in Awakenings that she saw everything he EVER did (as Angelus) in "virtual wide screen sense surround sound during my tenure in floatyville". She saw firsthand what he was like. Also, on Buffy, Cordelia spoke often of the badness of Angelus. Cordelia did actually meet Angelus in the BTVS season two episode "Killed By Death".


Correction: No-one survived by avoiding work - Lilah says in a later episode that the beast tracked down everyone who worked there. However, at the end of series 4, we find out that the LA office has been completely rebuilt and restaffed. It's conceivable that everyone was brought in from another office, or even another dimension, and so all know of the same party.

Soulless - S4-E11

Corrected entry: Throughout the episode, we see Angelus show up on a security camera in the basement. But it is a well known fact that vampires do not show up on security cameras. It's been established several times in the show.


Correction: It's been well established in the Angel series (same as the Buffy series) that vampires DO appear on cameras (and photographs) since cameras work similar to the way the human eye works. Electronic security systems don't pick up vampires, since they don't have body heat, but surveillance cameras are not the same as a security system.


Judgment - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: Right after Cordelia has her vision, Wesley goes to the whiteboard. In the "Case" column he writes "N.D.U.O." Underneath what looks like "CARYNSS" crossed out. But once they find out that it is a Prio Motu demon and Angel writes it on the whiteboard, "N.D.U.O." disappears even though Angel did not rub it off.


More mistakes in Angel

City Of - S1-E1

Angel: Doyle, I don't want to share my feelings, I don't want to open up. I want to find the guy that killed Tina, and I want to look him in the eye.
Doyle: Then what?
Angel: Then, I'm going to share my feelings.

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Trivia: In the opening credits there is a shot of a girl standing alone on the corner of a street. This was taken from the Buffy episode "Anne", when Buffy was staying in Los Angeles.

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Epiphany - S2-E16

Question: If Angel didn't experience a "Moment of Perfect Happiness" from his night with Darla, why does he go through the same motions he went through from losing his soul before?

Answer: Due to his epiphany, Angel basically had the 'true darkness' he worked so hard to reattain ripped away from him, like his soul was after sleeping with Buffy.

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