Corrected entry: In most of the shows, the grill in the Krusty Krab is right behind the front counter, with only a wall between them. But in "Your Shoe's Untied", it is on the other side of the kitchen.

Corrected entry: In the episode 'Players', season 4, Gwen is struck by lightning and we later see the envelope she was holding is badly scorched. The papers that were inside, however, don't have a mark on them.
Correction: If you keep watching the episode when Gwen is pulling out the map of the house and showing it to Gunn, you can easily see several burn marks on the map; which was inside the envelope when she got struck by lightning.

I Never Met the Dead Man - S1-E2
Corrected entry: When he is driving Meg home from her driver's test, Peter has a watch on. He complains that he will miss the beginning of the new TV show "Fast Animals, Slow Children." He stated earlier that the show started at 8:00. His watch says it is 10:00.
Correction: It is later shown that Quahog is dependent upon a cable and satellite network for its television. Many channels on these networks have 'shadow' channels that broadcast the same material one or two hours later, and some the next day. Hence, the 8.00 am and 10.00 am startup slot for this show.

Corrected entry: According to David Cohen, Mom's third son Igner (the rather dumb one) is the illegitimate son of Prof. Farnsworth (which explains the character's hair). While it has been shown that Mom and the Prof. had a relationship across a few episodes, there was not enough time in the series before cancellation to reveal this particular result of that relationship.
Correction: It was ultimately shown in the third movie, Bender's Game.

Corrected entry: When Adriana is daydreaming about driving away, you can see the gear shifter is in park, even though she is driving down the highway.
Correction: In this scene, she is day dreaming so its not really happening. She is day dreaming about escaping but because the car was in park, in reality, its telling her she cant leave.

Corrected entry: Political consultant Mandy Hampton disappeared completely with absolutely no explanation between the first and second seasons. She was in the last episode of the first season and not in the first episode of the second (which took place only a few minutes later) and no one ever explained where she went.
Correction: Her departure is not explicitly explained to the viewer, but the fact that the show's characters are not similarly confused suggests they are aware of when and why she left, and have moved on. The actress' departure as well as the choice to not specifically explain it 'in-show' were both intentional, and are not mistakes. (Humorously, the writers could easily have killed her with the season-ending shooting, nice and smooth)

The Pleasantville Strangler - S1-E6
Corrected entry: In this episode, the phantom (or the soul) of a strangler comes back from hell and gets into peoples body to kill Tommy Dawkins. The phantom can change body if you touch the person who has it inside himself. Well at the end of the episode the soul is inside the statue, and it starts to strangle Merton. So the soul should have changed from the statue's body to Merton's body. But the statue just continue to strangle Merton.
Correction: The phantom CAN change, but doesn't HAVE to change. The phantom has free will and can do as one wants.

Corrected entry: Kay Bennett became pregnant on July 24, 2002, the only time she and Miguel ever made love. She gave birth to her baby, Maria, on July 21, 2003, and the baby was in great danger because she was supposed to be very premature. Premature, after a year of gestation?
Correction: A day on this show (and other daytime soaps) can take up to a month to pass by, thereby negating any 'real' time discrepancy for a premature birth.

Corrected entry: When Max heals Liz, he has his left hand on her stomach [pinky down, thumb up]. But when we see the silver handprint, it is of a right hand [pinky up, thumb down].
Correction: The hand print is correct because we and Liz are viewing it in a mirror.
No, this is incorrect. A reflection would change only the horizontal orientation, not the vertical. It should appear as if a right hand were used to make the print (since it was Max's left hand). The thumb should still face upward, not downward as it appears. This is a production error. Apparently, instead of just using somebody's left hand with silver paint to produce the print, it was painted on with a brush by a makeup artist.

Corrected entry: In just about every episode I've seen, it's been pretty evident that Ben Browder had to have mascara put on as part of the make-up process. One or both sets of his lower lashes usually have a couple of spots where it clumps.
Correction: Ben Browder has got birthmarks beneath his lower lashes. They are not mascara lumps.

Corrected entry: Episode 7-21 Web: When tracking the pedophile's computer his IP number reads something like 3046.23.54.68. In reality, the highest possible IP number is because of the way the numbers are stored on the computer.
Correction: As corrected many, many times, TV shows use fictional IP adresses.

Corrected entry: Tai is able to go to the Digital world with his original Digi-vice. But in a later episode, they say only someone with a D-3 is able to go to the Digital world. (00:06:25 - 04:10:25)
Correction: Digidestined without D-3s travel to the Digital World all the time. What the D-3 does is OPEN a portal (digiport) Any Digidestined with a Digivice can travel through an open portal. Portals can also open by themselves, as happened during the World Tour arc, and in episode 14 "The Samurai of Sincerity." Mimi, who lived on a totally different continent from the other children, used the Digiport Izzy mentioned earlier in the episode to meet up with the others, along with a friend. Neither Mimi nor her friend, Michael, had a D-3.

Corrected entry: In series 2 episode 7 ("Leaves"), Sophie says she's leaving to go to Seattle. It's about 7 pm. Tim asks her when she's leaving and she says 12 the next day, Tim then asks her what she is going to do for the next 13 hours. 13 hours after 7pm is 8am, not 12 noon.
Correction: Yes, it is - then at 8 she'll leave for the airport. Depending on where she's flying from it could easily take 4 hours to travel and check in for the flight.
Correction: As seen in some episodes, such as Nature Pants, there are two grills- one on each side of the room.