Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf mistake picture

Confidence and Paranoia - S1-E5

Revealing mistake: In the captain's office, the words 'Medical bay' have been painted on the wall. This was near The End of the episode and can be seen over Rimmer's shoulder while they are talking in the drive room. The set was obviously doubled with the medical bay, as the captain's office is not used in this episode. (00:23:25)


Confidence and Paranoia - S1-E5

Revealing mistake: When Confidence is trying to get Lister to take his helmet off, Lister climbs over a railing and jumps around him. It is clear that the footage of Lister jumping around was slowed down to make his movement appear as if there is a lack of gravity. (00:26:35)

Casual Person

Me2 - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: At the start of the episode, when Lister says about Rimmer's toe nail clippings, one of Lister's locks is in front of his left shoulder. In the next shot it is gone. (00:02:40)


Me2 - S1-E6

Revealing mistake: When Lister goes into Rimmer's new room, there is a slight glitch with the split screen. When Lister is laughing at Rimmer's newspaper headlines on the door, the camera changes and the first frame only has Lister and Rimmer with the scutters. In the next frame the second Rimmer appears and the scutter on the right has moved. (00:06:10)


Red Dwarf mistake picture

Me2 - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: When Lister leaves the Rimmer's quarters after laughing at the newspaper cuttings, one shot Rimmer has his arms folded and the other has his hands on his hips. In the next shot they have swapped places. (00:06:45)


Red Dwarf mistake picture

Me2 - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: When Lister tips his socks onto the floor, he throws the bin behind him, near the bunkbeds. But when he picks them up again, the bin has moved over in front and to the right of him. (00:08:20)

Me2 - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: When we see Rimmer's Death video, the atomic blast pushes him into the Captain's office. However, in "The End," Holly indicates that the two piles of dust next to each other in the centre of the drive room are Captain Hollister and Rimmer. (00:10:00)


Me2 - S1-E6

Revealing mistake: In the sleeping quarters when the cat is courting, he says 'If I believed that for one minute, I'd go crazy'. You can see Lister is mouthing the line. (00:10:50)


Me2 - S1-E6

Other mistake: When Lister reads Rimmer's diary, he reads the first entry, then his aunt's birthday in July and then the entry for Gazpacho Soup Day in November. Each time he looks for the next entry he flicks though the pages, yet every time he reads, it is from the start of the diary. (00:15:25)


White Hole - S4-E4

Rimmer: The thing about Captain Oates... The thing you have to remember about Captain Oates... Captain Oates... Captain Oates was a prat.

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Meltdown - S4-E6

Question: When Kryten and Rimmer were doing the roster of their ranks, Why did Kryten skip the old woman in the black dress with the white shoulder sash between Dali Lama and Mr. Noel Coward?

Answer: It's Queen Victoria, someone any Englishman would recognize, and needed no introduction.

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