Other mistake: Unfortunately the whole basis of the show is one big factual error. Throughout the series we see that Red Dwarf sustains damage from collisions, explosions, and so on. Most important of all, the rocket engine nozzle - surely made from the strongest materials available - has been punctured by some kind of impact. The systems require constant maintenance by humans (painting, repairs, etc), so skutters are not enough by themselves. So, we know that Red Dwarf is not made of some sort of fictional, indestructible materials, it is made of the kind of metals, plastics and other construction materials we build space shuttles and the like out of nowadays. So, after three thousand - never mind three million! - years the whole ship would be a clump of useless, corroded junk. The rubber and plastics in seals, electronic components and furniture would have crumbled to powder. The electronics themselves would have failed after a few hundred years at most. Metals in contact with liquids in pipes or reservoirs would have oxidized, and even the oxygen in the air would have been corrosive after that amount of time. Red Dwarf is not immune from the effects of long term decay and deterioration - if it were when Lister was released from stasis he would have found rooms full of relatively intact dead bodies instead of piles of crumbled dust. After three million years in space Red Dwarf would have been a pile of scrap, fatal to anyone going near it; subject to slow, subtle but constant radioactivity in space, after three million years it would be hotter than the inside of a working reactor.
Other mistake: Throughout the show, reference is made to Rimmer's light-bee, a solid unit that buzzes around projecting his holographic image. Yet he constantly walks through things without any difficulty. Not physically possible if there is something solid in his form.
Other mistake: Holograms are often seen passing through physical objects, walls, furniture, and other people. Yet, they have a physical object generating the hologram: their light-bee. This would not be able to pass through other solid objects.
Other mistake: At the start of Rimmer's exam, the invigilator orders the students to "turn over their papers and start". Rimmer reads one side of the paper, then turns it over to read another question. The back of the paper should have been blank as otherwise there would be no point asking the students to keep the papers face down before reading the questions. (00:15:30)
Other mistake: When the Cat says there better be no dogs on the ship, there are only about two or three stars visible out the window. Far too few given the amount of stars shown in exterior space shots of the ship. (00:05:15)
Other mistake: When Rimmer is doing Lister's memo, there there are only about a few stars visible out the window, which is far too few given the amount of stars shown in exterior space shots of the ship. Additionally, a star suddenly appears in the window. (00:23:15)

Other mistake: Rimmer's badge of rank is missing from his short sleeved uniform. All other uniforms in the series have the badge. (00:15:10)
Other mistake: In the picture of the cat wars between the Red Hats and the Blue Hats, the hats are orange instead of blue. (00:19:00)
Other mistake: The Cat Priest has no fangs when every other Felis Sapiens has them.
Other mistake: When Lister reads Rimmer's diary, he reads the first entry, then his aunt's birthday in July and then the entry for Gazpacho Soup Day in November. Each time he looks for the next entry he flicks though the pages, yet every time he reads, it is from the start of the diary. (00:15:25)
Other mistake: The shots of Blue Midget driving back to Red Dwarf that are shown from behind are visibly the exact same shots used each time. This is evident as the driving movements of Blue Midget, its position in the frame, and Red Dwarf's position in the background are all identical each time.
Other mistake: The tax letter and Rimmer's mother's letter are both already opened before Lister takes the letters out. As there is no one else aboard Red Dwarf, the letters would not have been checked by anyone so they should still be sealed. Also, not all of the letters are already open, just the two that Rimmer receives.

Other mistake: At the start of the episode, there is a spoof Star Wars-type caption, which spools up the screen very quickly. Too quickly to be read, in fact... which may explain why few people have noticed that the last line of the caption, "And now the Saga Continuums...", is written twice. (00:00:20)
Other mistake: When Rimmer is testing Kryten on a book of space traffic signs, Kryten stops on one page and is tested, which he says the sign is a binary star. Without turning the page, Rimmer points to a second sign on the same page asking what it is, which he points out is a blue giant about to supernova. After pointing to the time hole, Rimmer turns back to the book, saying "Right. What's this?" whilst still on the same page, pointing to a another sign. The page that is being used has one sign shown on the right hand side page, and the left hand side page is completely blank, equalling one sign on both sides of the page, but two or three signs are made mention to when on the page. (00:05:20)
Other mistake: It is established in the backwards version of Earth, that all writing is reversed and is spelled backwards. However, there are some inconsistencies, as in some instances the writing has been mirrored to appear reversed, whilst in some instances the writing has just been spelled out backwards. For example, car number plates and signs on display in the background have been mirrored to appear reversed, but the newspaper that Kryten reads, the Nodnol sign and the Sensational Reverse Brothers poster appear normally typed out, and not as the mirror image that other aspects of this world have.

Other mistake: When the meteor hits Starbug, there are no stars outside the front of the ship at all. (00:07:20)
Other mistake: The milkshake and toffee crisp come out of a different vending machine to where they were ordered. (00:01:50 - 00:06:55)
Other mistake: When Lister inadvertently sets off the Auto Destruct sequence, the computer voice says the ship will detonate in 15 minutes. The computer then says "the ship will detonate" every five seconds followed by how much time until detonation, but the time in which the computer says this is inconsistent. Two seconds after the computer says 15 minutes, the computer says the ship will detonate in 14 minutes 55 seconds. Ten seconds after saying that, the computer says the ship will detonate in 14 minutes 50 seconds. (00:01:50)