Star Trek: The Next Generation

Night Terrors - S4-E17

Continuity mistake: When Data and Troi are scanning the list of elements, searching for something to cause an explosion, the list is scrolling "up" the screen. When she tells Data to stop and go back, he does, but the list continues to scroll "up" instead of back "down".


Nth Degree - S4-E19

Other mistake: After Data reports the bypass blocked, Riker goes to call to Barclay. The chirp preceding the computer, now Barclay's, response occurs almost simultaneously with the call, rather than a second or two gap between the call and chirp.

Movie Nut

Nth Degree - S4-E19

Continuity mistake: When Barclay enters the Holodeck to create an interface, he calls for a chair, an input for the left and a display for the right. When Picard comes to question him, the input and display units are gone.

Movie Nut

The Drumhead - S4-E21

Other mistake: The ship warp core was damaged by an explosion earlier and was offline in the first 32 minutes of the episode. But the ship's CGI indicates that it was online all through the episode.


Half a Life - S4-E22

Visible crew/equipment: When Lwaxana and Deanna Troi are talking in Lwaxana's quarters (near the end of the episode), note the boom microphone you can see in the mirror as Lwaxana walks away from it the first time. Shadows from the boom microphone are also seen above Lwaxana's head on the wall. (00:40:20)

In Theory - S4-E25

Character mistake: After Data asks Jenna about a drink, he uses a contraction in his response, saying "Excellent choice. I'll join you." He's supposed to be incapable of contractions at this point.

Movie Nut

In Theory - S4-E25

Other mistake: In performing the "Lover's Quarrel" part, Data uses contractions, i.e, "don't" and "you're." When Jenna asks about it, he responds "You are not my mother", eliminating the contraction.

Movie Nut

Darmok - S5-E2

Deliberate mistake: To fix the error of the Enterprise firing phasers from the torpedo bay, the Blu-ray version uses footage from "The Best of Both Worlds" to show phasers firing from the dorsal emitter. In doing so, they created a new goof; the planet El Adrel is not visible in the background during these shots.

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Suggested correction: I rewatched the original version on the old DVDs. El Adrel wasn't visible in the original either, so this is not a new error.

Darmok - S5-E2

Revealing mistake: When Picard takes his seat in the Captain's chair after informing Dathon's crew he has been killed, the reflection of an overhead rig of gelled lights can be seen in the blade of Dathon's knife, which Picard is holding, as Picard says the line, "but at least they're not new enemies."

Michael Albert

Ensign Ro - S5-E3

Continuity mistake: When Ro and Picard are among Ro's people and she gives her jacket to a child (saying something like 'this is what I was, once') she never removes her commbadge. However, there's a commbadge neatly placed on her grey tank top - even though she didn't even remove it from the jacket, let alone put it on her shirt.

Ensign Ro - S5-E3

Continuity mistake: When Picard, Ro and the others arrive at the refugee camp to meet with Keeve Falor, the type of uniform top Ro is wearing has its zipper at the back in the center - with no seam whatsoever at the front. When she kneels down in front of The Child, it has changed to the open-front jacket type, so Ro can touchingly give it to The Child.

Super Grover

Silicon Avatar - S5-E4

Other mistake: After the signal change to a continuous output, the Crystalline Entity vibrates. As it does, look at the background stars. They also vibrate in time with the Entity, although the signal is focused on Entity alone.

Movie Nut

The Game - S5-E6

Revealing mistake: In season 5, "The Game," the brainwashed crew members hold Wesley's eyes open to force him to see the mind-controlling game. Their intention is to prevent him from closing his eyes, which would protect him from the device. While they are doing this, he blinks.

Deja Q - S3-E13

Picard: Return that moon to its orbit.
Q: I have no powers! Q, the ordinary!
Picard: Q, the liar! Q, the misanthrope!
Q: Q, the miserable! Q, the desperate! What must I do to convince you people?
Worf: Die.

More quotes from Star Trek: The Next Generation

Trivia: Another joke from the set designers: whenever someone is in the Jeffries Tubes, you will see several pipes on the walls labeled "GNDN" this stands for "Goes Nowhere, Does Nothing."

More trivia for Star Trek: The Next Generation

Skin of Evil - S1-E23

Question: Near the end when they are in the holodeck for the memorial ceremony for Lt. Yar, Dr. Crusher's uniform is green and seconds later it is blue. After watching it several times, it does not appear to be a trick of the light. What happened here? Why would she have on a green uniform in the first place?


Chosen answer: The uniform does indeed change colour. It may be due to the need for a green screen in part, or perhaps some lighting altering our perception. That being said, it certainly looks green at the start, blue thereafter.

The show has been done in HD now and not sure if they fix this problem.


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