Sex and the City

The baby shower - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: During the flashback, when the crowd cheers Laney she reaches towards the girl next to her while a man sits behind calmly. A shot later she is moving in the opposite direction and the man has his hand on her shoulder.


Sex and the City mistake picture

The baby shower - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When the girls are watching TV and eating popcorn, all along the scene Miranda's hand movements are not continuous between shots. Most noticeable when Carrie asks her if she hates the babyshower because it's Laney's, Miranda's hand swaps from reaching the bowl with popcorn to away from it.


The drought - S1-E11

Continuity mistake: When Carries has dinner with Charlotte, she holds the glass with her right hand and passes it to the left one, then sits down. When the shot changes, she is standing up, sits down and then the glass swaps hands.


To market, to market - S6-E1

Plot hole: In this episode Carrie runs into Aidan, who now has what looks to be about a 6 month old baby (Tate). This doesn't seem possible, as Carrie and Aidan would have only broken up about a year ago, and Miranda was around 6 months pregnant when they broke up. Brady is only about 5 months old at this point in the series, leaving Aidan only roughly 8 months to have this baby - but Aidan lay in bed for about a month and then dated Nina Katz for awhile. Timeline just doesn't seem to fit.

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Carrie: I stopped watching TV when people started putting leeches down their pants.

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Answer: Yes, it is.

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