Sex and the City
Sex and the City mistake picture

Valley of the twenty-something guys - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: During the scene when Carrie and Sam are in the changing booth at the clothing store, Carrie starts helping Sam take his shirt off. She pulls the outer plaid shirt down quite a bit, revealing his white undershirt. But in the next shot of him, Sam suddenly has the plaid shirt back up around his neck. Then in his next shot, it's back down and the white undershirt is showing again.

The power of female sex - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: Carrie is in the hotel bed from her night with the French Architect, who is just leaving for the Airport. There is a shot of the small table by the bed, with the phone sitting on it. You cannot see any envelope at all resting against the phone, or visible at all. But with the next close-up, suddenly there is a large business-size envelope with her name on it resting prominently against the front of the phone. This envelope was not there previously. (00:14:45)

Sex and the City mistake picture

The power of female sex - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: After Amelita buys Carrie the shoes and Carrie turns to walk out, Amelita is standing right behind her still talking yet when the shot changes to Carrie walking out the door, although we can still hear Amelita chattering, she's no longer standing there or anywhere in sight.

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Charlotte: How can you forget a guy you've slept with?
Carrie: Toto, I don't think we're in single digits anymore.

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Question: When Charlotte won't believe that Stanford's boyfriend Marcus used to be a callboy, Anthony says "Wake up and smell the KY". What is KY?

Answer: A popular brand of sexual lubricant. See

J I Cohen

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