Pokemon mistake picture

The Promise with Lugia! - S5-E13

Continuity mistake: When Cassidy, Butch, and Dr. Namba are looking at the parent Lugia before Dr. Namba steps forward, Cassidy and Butch and Dr. Namba are one metre away from each other, but in the next shot, they are 0.3 metres away. Also, there is a blue control panel with nine keys, but in the next shot, it is a yellow control panel with eighteen keys. (00:02:03)


Season 5 generally

Continuity mistake: In the Japanese version of the intro, the first shot showing Ash and friends shows Ash's bag with the label green. However, the label is white instead outside of this intro. Also, the front of Ash's hat goes from white to black and back to white. Additionally, part of his right glove goes from green to skin colour. (00:00:19)


Pokemon mistake picture

Battle Aboard the St. Anne - S1-E15

Continuity mistake: When the Gentleman says, "That's enough," he has his left hand behind the left whiskers on Raticate, but in the next shot, it is below them. Also, the sign indicating a win has vanished from the end of the match before Ash's. (00:08:42)


Pokemon mistake picture

Battle Aboard the St. Anne - S1-E15

Continuity mistake: In the first shot of the episode, the warehouses at Vermilion Harbor have their entrances facing perpendicular to the bridge leading to them, but as the camera pans closer to Vermilion Harbor as Ash and friends approach it, the entrances face parallel to the bridge. (00:01:28)


Pokemon mistake picture

Pokemon, I Choose You! - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Ash is first in bed, the left row of books contains four books with the right containing five, but when the alarm clock falls off its holder, the left has five with the right having four. Also, the white books in the right row changed colour to blue. (00:03:31)


Pokemon, I Choose You! - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Delia says, "Well, if you can't sleep, you should at least get ready for tomorrow," the television is skewed with the dresser it is on, but when she changes the channel, it is aligned with it. (00:02:46)


Pokemon mistake picture

Pokemon, I Choose You! - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When the camera pans to Ash for the first time, the television set is aligned with what it is on, but in the next shot, it is skewed. Also, there is no wood framing around the window to the right of Ash, but in the next shot, there is. (00:02:04)


Pokemon mistake picture

Nyorozo's Evolution! - S5-E38

Continuity mistake: When Ash and friends are first at the Pokémon Center, they are near a puddle towards the end, with Ash almost about slip on it, but in the next shot, they have moved to being far enough away where he is not about to slip on it. (00:06:07)


Pokemon mistake picture

A Tents Situation - S2-E34

Continuity mistake: When Ash and Misty wonder what happened with Brock's internship with Professor Ivy, the rectangle with the button on Misty's shorts goes from blue to yellow. Also, there is moulding in the living room, but in the next shot, it disappears. (00:03:45)


More mistakes in Pokemon

Trivia: Jessie and James' Japanese names, Musashi and Kojirō, are a reference to two actual samurais, Musashi Miyamoto and Sasaki Kojirō.

More trivia for Pokemon

Show generally

Question: This is a question for the XYZ series. I can't figure out if Alain is a good guy or a bad guy. He acts like he is good but I am not so sure if he really is. Can anyone tell me if he is good or bad?

Answer: He is a good guy but just found himself in a bad situation when he worked for Lysander. He didn't want him to harm Ash and his Pokémon when he was trying to get the special bond between Ash and his Greninja to work. He does leave Lysander and go back to being a good person.

More questions & answers from Pokemon

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