Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village - S1-E10
Continuity mistake: When Ash takes out his Pokédex to find facts about Oddish, the end of his right thumb is not over the center part of it, but in the next shot, it is. (00:02:14)

All Things Bright and Beautifly! - S6-E13
Continuity mistake: When the receptionist says that there are no more spots left in the Pokémon Contest, the part of her below her collar is white, but in the next shot it is blue. Also, there is a flowering pot at an end of a desk, but in the next shot, there is not. (00:04:14)

Mystery at the Lighthouse - S1-E13
Continuity mistake: When Bill asks, "Who's there?" the intercom on the doorbell changes from blue to black. (00:06:38)

Charmander: The Stray Pokemon - S1-E11
Continuity mistake: When Damian says, "Just look at 'em," the pile of Poké Balls changes. (00:06:07)

Try to Study! Pokémon Trainer's School! - S6-E15
Continuity mistake: When Ash is first talking with Professor Oak, he does not have his rucksack, but in the next shot, he does. (00:05:25)

Battle Aboard the St. Anne - S1-E15
Continuity mistake: When people are watching the St. Anne sink, some of them are constantly changing colour. (00:19:56)

Battle Aboard the St. Anne - S1-E15
Continuity mistake: When people are watching the St. Anne rock, some of them are constantly changing colour. (00:19:36)

League Finals! Full Battle 6 vs 6!! - S5-E60
Continuity mistake: When Ash and Brock are at a table, the front Ash's hat is red, and the back is white, but in the next shot, the front of it is white, and the back is red. (00:09:28)

Mystery at the Lighthouse - S1-E13
Continuity mistake: When the doors to the lighthouse are initially opening, the placement of the Pokémon on them change between shot. (00:08:09)

Continuity mistake: When Ash, Misty, and Nurse Joy enter the storage room, Nurse Joy's left hand is not behind Ash, but in the next shot, it is. Also, the floor changes from a yellow floor that is not tiled to a green floor that is tiled. (00:14:15)

Mystery at the Lighthouse - S1-E13
Continuity mistake: When Ash says, "I got it," there is no doorbell on Bill's Lighthouse, but in the next shot, there is. (00:07:17)

Princess Versus Princess - S1-E50
Continuity mistake: When the announcer is discussing the competition this year for the Princess Festival, there is a poster behind him, but in the next shot, there is not. (00:06:57)

Don't Touch That 'dile - S3-E1
Continuity mistake: When Professor Elm says, "So I suppose you know Professor Samuel Oak,"Misty's and Brock's mouths are open, but in the next shot, they are closed. (00:09:43)

Continuity mistake: When Lily says, "The water show," her right hand is outstretched, but in the next shot, it is by her right side. (00:03:58)

Challenge of the Samurai - S1-E4
Continuity mistake: When Ash goes to get a Poké Ball for the first time, the ball is upside down, but in the next shot, it is upright. Also, behind the same Poké Ball, there is another one, but in the next shot, there is not. (00:03:19)

Pokemon, I Choose You! - S1-E1
Continuity mistake: When Ash's Pokédex says, "While being trained, a Pokémon usually stays inside its Poké Ball," it does not cover the ends of the fingers on his right hand, but in the next shot, it does. (00:10:13)

Continuity mistake: When Professor Oak and Delia are first seen watching Ash's first battle at the Indigo Plateau Conference, Delia has a person to the left of her, and her hands are in her lap, but in the next shot, she does not have a person to the left of her, and her hands are clasped together. Also, she and Professor Oak are smiling, but in the next shot, they are not. (00:11:46)

Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village - S1-E10
Continuity mistake: When the camera begins panning up to Ash and Brock tending to a Staryu, a saucepan appears from nowhere. (00:10:28)

Continuity mistake: When the doors to the Pokémon Center are opening, a frame changes from grey to white between shots. (00:05:09)

The Water Flowers of Cerulean City - S1-E7
Continuity mistake: When a person says, "Uh, some burglars broke into that store last night," there is a woman with a yellow shirt and brown hair, and a man with a yellow jacket, but in the next shot, the woman has a blue shirt and orange hair, and the man has a blue and cream jacket. (00:04:29)
Answer: There are a lot of fan theories around this, but the most common theme is that Pikachu had another trainer before Prof. Oak, who gave him to Ash. Pikachu didn't appreciate being handed over.
Ssiscool ★