
3rd Sep 2004

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Question: In the commercial for Spiderman, they play background music that has vocals. What is this song and who sings it? (if you look on http://spiderman.sonypictures.com/ , watch the full length trailer and near the end starting when the blue writing shows up and says 'this summer', it starts.).

Answer: It actually starts slightly before that - the harsh drum beats before the text appears are the opening to the track. It's called "Lacrimosa" by a bunch called Immediate Music, whose compositions get used in movie trailers a lot. As for who actually sings it - it's obviously a choir, presumably one hired to perform that track.


3rd Sep 2004

Vertical Limit (2000)

Question: Can anyone tell me the name of all the themes that are used in the trailer?

Answer: The music used in the trailer was created specially - it's based on the music from Romeo + Juliet.


Question: What's the name of the theme in the trailer? I seem to have heard it somewhere.

Answer: It's taken from the soundtrack of Children of Dune.


Question: Why are Merry and Pippin not surprised to see Gandalf when the company approaches Isengard? It never says that they spoke to Treebeard about him and they are not drunk enough to completely forget that they thought Gandalf was dead.

Answer: They've already seen him alive, shortly after meeting Treebeard for the first time - Treebeard takes them to see 'the white wizard' and we see the pair being dropped in front of somebody wearing white. We're supposed to assume, at the time, that it's Saruman, but, as is revealed, it's actually Gandalf.


Question: Where would Kahn learn a Klingon proverb? He was marooned on a planet, and before that he was in hibernation.

Answer: Given Khan's heightened intellect, he'd undoubtedly be an information junkie - he's had plenty of time, either on the Enterprise before his marooning or afterwards on the Reliant, to read up on the current state of the galaxy - he presumably found the proverb in some datafile somewhere.


Question: Why is Brego, Eomund's horse, upset in the scene where Aragorn first meets him? Is he upset because Eomund is dead?

Answer: That would seem like a pretty plausible answer, yes. Brego's been in the middle of what was close to a massacre, with men (including his master) and presumably other horses cut down around him - enough to upset anyone.


Question: Who are the actors that play Gil-galad and Isildur? They are never mentioned in the "making of" specials. Isildur has a very big part compared to other characters that were interviewed. Also, why is Hugo Weaving (Elrond) never interviewed for the DVD? He has an extremely important part.

Answer: Gil-galad and Isildur were played by Mark Ferguson and Harry Sinclair respectively. Why would they be mentioned - Gil-galad appears in about one shot and Isildur appears for a few minutes at the beginning and has only one line (and even that is actually voiced by Hugo Weaving). They're very minor characters - when there are so many larger characters to deal with, no reason to include them. As for Hugo Weaving, who knows - maybe he wasn't available, or preferred not to be interviewed for some reason. You have to remember that despite his part being important, he's not actually on-screen all that much during the trilogy, certainly compared to many of the other characters.


Answer: Countermeasures refer to objects of varying types that would be used to distract missiles or torpedoes away from their intended target. So, in the case of a submarine being chased by a torpedo that's homing in on the noise made by the sub, they eject effectively a drum full of compressed air, generating a lot of bubbles, which seems like a valid target to a pinging torpedo.


2nd Sep 2004

The Lost Boys (1987)

Question: How is David able to make Michael see the maggots and worms in the Chinese food, considering Michael hasn't yet drunk his blood at this point?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Many legends give the vampire certain rather hypnotic abilities - this is presumably along the same lines.


Answer: I always assumed it was because the joint they passed was dusted.

1st Sep 2004

Seven (1995)

Question: While in John Doe's apartment Mills looks at something and says Victor's name. What was he looking at?

Answer: It's actually Somerset who says it - he's looking at Victor's severed hand.


1st Sep 2004

Face/Off (1997)

Question: The theme in the trailer is also in the Double Team trailer and various other trailer. What's the name of the theme?

Answer: The trailers for Face/Off and Double Team don't seem to have any music in common - they must just sound rather similar. The most likely candidate for the theme you're referring to is "POW" by the Music Junkies, which has been used in trailers for four different films, including Face/Off.


Question: Who is the guy that plays one of the Gondorian Soldiers by the Black Gate? I forgot the timecode, but there's a close-up of him right before Aragorn begins his speech.

Answer: Who knows - he's just an extra.


1st Sep 2004

The Truman Show (1998)

Question: The imdb puts red dwarf as one of the Truman shows influences. Anyone have any idea how?

Answer: It says "references" not "influences." This is probably a reference to the Red Dwarf episode, "Back to Reality", in which the crew are tricked into believing that their lives aboard Red Dwarf are all part of a computer game that they've been unknowingly playing. In addition, Lister in Red Dwarf harbors a fantasy of returning from spaceship travel to Earth to settle in Fiji. His knowledge of the real Fiji is as tenuous as Truman's.


Answer: Additionally, the giveaway is that Truman talks about how Fiji is the furthest point away from where he lives - how you can't go any further away without coming back. But that makes no sense if he lives in the US, since Fiji is in the Pacific. The only way it makes sense is when you realise the line comes from Red Dwarf, where it relates to the respective geographical positions of Fiji and the UK.

Question: This is a strange question, but how does Rice pronounce her hero's name? In the movie I hear two pronunciations: one like the ending in "cat" and one that sounds more like the end of "what." Also, Lestat is French, so shouldn't the final "t" be silent?

Answer: Rice pronounces it something like "Luh-stot", although even she wavers occasionally. Standard French convention would certainly suggest that the final 't' should be a silent one, but, as Lestat would be deeply insulted to be considered conventional, it's highly likely that he wouldn't choose to go along with that.


1st Sep 2004

X-Men 2 (2003)

Question: In the scene where iceman makes an ice wall between wolverine and stryker i don't understand why he doesn't claw through it.

Answer: Bobby could just reform the wall behind his slashes - it wouldn't do any good.


Question: What is the name of the theme in the teaser trailer and the full trailer of Fellowship of the Ring?

Answer: If it's the one I think you mean, it's called "Gothic Power" by Christopher Field. I found it quite easily online.


Question: Why is it at the start of the film when Gollum is being tortured, that the Orcs do not kill him when he has given them the info they want? Orcs are not the nicest of creatures, and we would expect them to kill for the sake of it. Any ideas?


Chosen answer: Orcs aren't the nicest creatures, no, but they will follow orders - presumably Sauron, for reasons of his own, wanted Gollum alive. Remember that it's never really made clear whether Gollum was set loose or he escaped. If it's the former, then Sauron must have some use for Gollum - most probably he figured that it wouldn't hurt having another agent out there looking for the Ring. If it's the latter, then Gollum simply broke out before the Orcs had a chance to kill him.


Question: Somewhere at the end of the show, a French man gets out of his car and shoots Chris Cooper several times. Who is he and why did he shoot Cooper?

Answer: He's one of the Treadstone agents. Conklin is executed on the orders of his superiors because the Treadstone project, under his leadership, has become a phenomenal liability. He's most likely the one remaining Treadstone agent we see in "The Bourne Supremacy".


31st Aug 2004

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Question: The music playing over the scene where Peter and Aunt May visit Uncle Ben's grave sound exactly like the music playing over the scene in x-men two when Wolverine gives Rogue his powers in order to save her at the end. Is it the same music?

Answer: Nope. The score for the two films is, in both cases, unique and were written by different people - the notable similarity is co-incidental.


Question: Is it ever explained how Ramius' wife died?

Answer: According to the book Natalia Ramius was in hospital for an apparently routine appendix operation. The surgeon was drunk, botched the operation and she died. The surgeon couldn't be prosecuted as he was protected by his father - a Party high-up - which led directly to Ramius' decision to steal the Red October. His reasoning was that, if the doctor could not be made to pay, then the State that protected him would.


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