Stupidity: In chapter 2, when Luke arrives home he thinks "Maybe she went away?" Tanya says "No, I am in the bathroom." Luke then correctly asks if she can read his mind, and she says that she can't, she just reads the signals human send unintentionally. Which is fair, but she's in the bathroom and she can't see him at that point.
29th Jan 2022
Bionic Heart
26th Jan 2022
Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo Returns (2014)
The Prison Prep School Murder Case File 5 - S1-E14
Stupidity: When the Puppeteer is shot, like any good villain he's actually wearing a bulletproof vest. However, a bulletproof vest is not a magical forcefield that neutralizes kinetic energy; this guy barely flinches when hit. Neither are flames; his fire trick raises a literal firewall, but firewalls are not literal walls, they do not stop bullets. The policemen could easily keep shooting through it (he throws a glove at Kindaichi through it), but they just do not, for no reason.
26th Jan 2022
Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo Returns (2014)
The Prison Prep School Murder Case File 3 - S1-E12
Stupidity: When Kirisawa's body is discovered, it means that he was completely overlooked during the headcount and at every point during the day. With students disappearing left and right, that's a pretty big oversight - that somehow the killer anticipated, because his body discovered last was crucial for the plan.
26th Jan 2022
Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo Returns (2014)
The Prison Prep School Murder Case File 2 - S1-E11
Stupidity: The whole story of the 5 episode arc requires unhealthy amounts of suspension of disbelief; the killer directly challenged the police and announced where and when the murders will take place; at a 3 days prep school camp. Despite that, one of the teachers, a new one at the job even, is allowed to attend the camp wearing a ski mask, supposedly to hide hideous burns, and the police just lets him in without checking. And yes, he's the criminal, not even a red herring. By comparison, in the live version adaptation they check him, and he's wearing prosthetic scars.
26th Jan 2022
Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo Returns (2014)
The Prison Prep School Murder Case File 1 - S1-E10
Stupidity: Paragon of cleverness inspector Adechi somehow did not check for any trap in the mysterious box he received, and brought it to a crowded cafe just, so he could show it to the kids. For the explosive trick to work, the puppeteer needed also to know exactly where Kenmochi would be seated and which seats would later Kindaichi and Miyuki pick, since the box had to be at such an angle that the puppet would be propelled to the exact spot on the roof that acted as podium.
20th Jan 2022
Eternals (2021)
18th Jan 2022
Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo Returns (2014)
The Alchemy Murder Case File 4 - S1-E9
Stupidity: Everyone mentions in the first episode that the various doors are made out of different metals (some rather unlikely; a door made out of pure manganese?) but they don't show it, all have the same color and weight (the door made out of lead and the one made of tin would be significantly different, and one is the treasure, 966 kg). More importantly, since it's a known fact that the doors are made out of different metals, each has a number that matches the periodic table, and they are looking for gold, the supposedly hard enigma concocted by the genius alchemist is something a high schooler would figure out in minutes; Miyuki even knows its atomic number by memory when randomly asked.
18th Jan 2022
Ghostbusters 2 (1989)
Stupidity: Suspension of disbelief is fine for a movie like this, but even as a child I found unbelievably silly the fact that the Ghostbusters use a Nintendo controller to move the Statue of Liberty. The concept is never set up and never is shown properly; all the movie showed and told us was that items possessed by the slime dance wildly to the beat of music. There's no logical (as in, movie internal logic) passage between that and "so we fire up some beats and it won't start dancing to it, but just calmly move according to our inputs on a joystick."
17th Jan 2022
Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo Returns (2014)
The Hong Kong Kowloon Treasure Murder Case File 1 - S1-E1
Stupidity: Saki is a high-schooler visiting Hong Kong with his parents, but at no point do they communicate; the plot unfolds for days without the slightest mention of them, mentioned again in one throwaway line in the last episode. He even has to sleep on the floor cooped up at the bellboy's house with Kindaichi.
17th Jan 2022
What If...? (2021)
What If... Ultron Won? - S1-E8
Stupidity: For some reason, Ultron's Mind Stone is a death ray thousand times more powerful than anything ever seen; not only it one-shots Thanos wearing all the other stones, but effortlessly dissolves the star-forged Gauntlet that is meant to withstand the power of all gems combined.
17th Jan 2022
What If...? (2021)
What If... The Watcher Broke His Oath? - S1-E9
Stupidity: Infinity Stones are so particular to each universe that a gem-destroying tool coming from another universe can't do anything to them, but on the other hand Ultron has no problem using them in any other universe, including where The Watcher is hidden, which should be extraneous to space and time much like the TVA (where the stones are worthless paper weights).
16th Jan 2022
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
Stupidity: Peter Parker watches Richard Parker's last message, the upload he did on the plane to his super encrypted server. As he does that, the interface used is one of a mail and there's even the sender; "Rich-Park@oscorp.web." So Richard Parker sent his dying message he wanted to keep from the evil corporation...through his evil corporate mail account, and to an account that contains the location of his secret lab, "Roosevelt." (01:32:50)
13th Jan 2022
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
Stupidity: In the closet with Peter, Gwen says that "there was an accident in the genomics lab, and they're covering it up." That's a pretty exceptional piece of information that she has, but this bit of information is never explained, investigated, deserves the slightest attention, just because the plot says so. Peter does not even ask "what kind of accident, what happened" or anything. (01:09:40)
13th Jan 2022
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
Stupidity: Crowds in movies are not renowned for their brilliance, but the crowds in this movie are formed by idiots. Both in the Electro and the Rhino fight, pedestrians are standing by behind strategically placed railings (that have no reason to be there to begin with as these villains appeared unexpectedly), just to witness first-hand from a few meters the lethal powers of rampaging monsters - and they keep their little kids with them too.
11th Jan 2022
Diabolik (2021)
Stupidity: To quietly kill the hotel valet he is replacing, Diabolik throws a knife at him from distance, hits him in the back, and then drags his body in the middle of the street to the nearest manhole, leaving a long streak of blood he does not conceal. If this sounds pretty risky and unsafe especially for a meticulously planned murder, you have also to consider that in the comic book from 1963 this movie otherwise faithfully adapts, Diabolik did nothing this foolish; he quietly killed the guy strangling him next to the spot he'd dump his body into.
10th Jan 2022
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
Stupidity: The evil corporation (and the FBI too) wants to use Richard Parker's work against his will, but he knows that without him they can't replicate the experiments. So what does Richard do? But of course he escapes making sure to leave his son behind; if the evil corporation didn't kill Richard, they could have easily blackmailed him through his son. That's of course assuming they would never figure out on their own that his DNA is compatible and use it - a risk Richard knows given his choice of words mentioning "my bloodline."
10th Jan 2022
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
Stupidity: Richard Parker didn't have an escape plan for his family or for erasing his experiments, but on the other hand he had a custom James Bond-like secret laboratory hidden in an elevator of a metro station - something he surely couldn't have built in his spare time, and yet at the same time he seems to be 100% sure that his boss does not know about it because he sent to it a pointless message that gives away the secret he gave his life to protect. The lab has a private satellite feed and stayed powered for the whole 12 years of his absence, too.
10th Jan 2022
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
Stupidity: Spidey at the beginning of the movie strips out of the costume in literally a second, but when Aunt May is at the door of his room he fumbles around for an eternity and is unable to change just for the sake of a gag. This pairs up with another nonsensical gag; Peter is in a convenience store, dressed normally. In a split moment he wears the costume, and he put the jacket, hat, scarf, backpack on top of it. If the store had a camera, or he uses those clothes normally as Peter, his secret identity is compromised.
10th Jan 2022
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
Stupidity: Richard Parker needs to upload the video message with his 'confession'. The entire operation requires him mere seconds but instead of taking those extra seconds to do it from home (the bad guys already ransacked his place), he waits to do it when he's on a plane, which in 2002 was not really a great option. It should also be noted that he says he is uploading "all of it", but the only thing uploaded according to the computer is the video.
10th Jan 2022
Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo Returns (2014)
The Prison Prep School Murder Case File 5 - S1-E14
Stupidity: The plot could work only if everyone part of the trip were completely silent during the day; even walking through the empty corridors to go from one class to the next at the top of the hour would have inevitably tipped the other group that there was someone else nearby. Some even scream or freak out hitting things.
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