
1st Dec 2023

Saw X (2023)

Question: What happens to the lady after the film ends that has her head in the hole? As during the film, she shows she has no morals. In the rest of the movies, you never hear her name mentioned or what happened to her. But surely, with him trapping her and taking the money at the end, it would piss her off enough to want to get the money back and seek revenge on him.

Answer: If I'm not mistaken, the room she was in was locked. She may have been able to survive the trap by sticking her head through the opening, but if she has no way of leaving the room, eventually she would starve to death.


Answer: There's no definitive answer. It's left purposely ambiguous, presumably in case they want to bring the character back in the future. (There is a deleted scene on the Blu-Ray showing the door opening on its own once the countdown hits zero, so presumably she is able to escape.) As for her coming for him... we simply don't know. It's possible she'll show up again in a future film. But you also have to factor in that John has a LOT of evidence on her criminal misdeeds... so he likely could have her arrested and jailed if she comes for him.


25th Nov 2023

Signs (2002)

Question: How come Ray Reddy wasn't charged for killing Graham's wife? Since it was an accident, he most likely would've got sentenced for manslaughter. If so, wouldn't he have been sitting in a jail cell during the movie's storyline events?

Answer: According to a Google search and a few law websites, it actually appears that legitimately falling asleep at the wheel could potentially help someone avoid vehicular manslaughter charges. It would depend on if them falling asleep was the result of them behaving negligently. For example, if you took medicine that makes you drowsy or stayed up for 24 hours straight, you would likely get manslaughter charges, since you were behaving negligently. However, if it was legitimately just a freak accident (ex. You were more tired from a day at work than you realised and passed out at the wheel), you have a decent chance of avoiding manslaughter charges. (Or at least avoid a guilty verdict or harsh sentence if it went to court.)


Answer: Agree with the other answers, but would add that the accident was only six months earlier. The investigation, charges, a trial, etc. may be ongoing. Reddy could be awaiting sentencing or was sentenced to probation, community service, counseling, credit for time served, a suspended sentence, or restitution. Reddy could be out on bail or on his own recognizance while awaiting sentencing. It's unlikely he would be considered a flight risk.


Answer: It's never addressed in the film, so it's safe to say it's simply a plot contrivance. In the real world, he definitely would have been charged; the film chooses to ignore this for the sake of the story it wants to tell.

Who's to say he wasn't charged? Guilty people get off all the time, and if the judge thought it was just a case of an upstanding citizen making a freak mistake, he could have gotten probation and a suspended sentence.

Brian Katcher

You're right, I hadn't considered that, or the other answer, when I posted.

25th Nov 2023

Signs (2002)

Question: During the dinner scene, when Graham broke down with his family, the alien sounds come through the baby monitor as the red lights light up. Was that basically the alien call for the worldwide assault to begin, like the alien leader was telling the ground troops "Go!"?

Answer: It's impossible to tell what the message was since nobody can speak the alien language from this film. It was likely just picking up some sort of communication from nearby aliens.


22nd Nov 2023

Batman Begins (2005)

Question: How did the League of Shadows use economics to attack Gotham?

Answer: By having their own people working inside the trading company, they would do a pump and dump. Take a small company, put the word out that it's the next big thing, watch the prices rise, then sell. Like insider trading, the millionaires become billionaires, while the billionaires become broke.

Answer: They used their influence to trigger the economic depression that was gripping Gotham when Bruce was a child.


What type of influence did they have?

It's never specified in the film, so any answer would be pure speculation. They merely say they attacked Gotham economically in the past. I'd presume they'd use power and threats to do things like tank companies, make people lose their jobs, increase homelessness, make it more difficult for people to get help, etc. Basically, just ruin the citizens financially.


27th Oct 2023

No Hard Feelings (2023)

Question: If Maddie's driving a van borrowed from her friends, then why not use this for her job until she can buy a new car?


Answer: Uber has multiple rules regarding the cars drivers are allowed to use, and the van wouldn't meet most of them. Ex. It's not technically her car, so her name wouldn't likely be on the insurance policy, which is one of the requirements. It doesn't have a proper passenger seatbelt. The condition of the van itself doesn't seem to line up with what they want in terms of cosmetics and accessibility. Etc. You can't just drive any old car you want with Uber. If she tried to, she'd probably just immediately get reported by a rider, given the van's condition.


Question: Once cured and returned home, won't some of the villains, like the Lizard, still go to jail anyway?


Answer: More than likely... but that doesn't strictly matter. They'll still have been cured, avoided death, and "saved" in a sense. Even if they lose their freedom, they still are going to have a happier ending than they would have otherwise.


Remember that Oscorp is a corrupt company in the Amazing series. More than likely, both Connors and Dillon might be killed in prison under orders, so some happy ending.


That's a very bold assumption to make, especially considering they DIDN'T kill Connors after the events of the original "Amazing Spider-Man." At most, Connors will remain in prison. But I don't even know about Dillon. There's an exceedingly high chance he could just walk, especially presuming he'd be teleported back to around the time he was originally killed, and the world would think he's dead.


Question: Why did Lock, Shock and Barrel disobey Jack and take Santa to Oogie, even after Jack specifically stated that Oogie was to be left out?

Answer: They work for Oogie (they state as much in their song, referring to themselves as his "little henchmen"), so they simply decided to disregard Jack's order to keep him out of the matter, and instead give him Santa.


16th Oct 2023

Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)

Question: When the ghost of Jason's mother, Pamela Voorhees, appears in his dream, why is Pamela so much older than when she died? (Actress Betsy Palmer was 54 when she played the character in the first film.)

Answer: Supposedly, they actually tried to get Betsy Palmer to appear in the film as a cameo, but she didn't for one reason or another. While I can't know for sure, I'm assuming that they cast Paula Shaw because she loosely resembled Betsy Palmer around the time the movie was being made. (I actually remember a lot of people wrongly thinking it was Palmer in the film.)


11th Oct 2023

Halloween (2007)

Question: The police were called after killing his family; his mom returning shortly before they arrive. Did Michael call them?

Answer: Most likely his mom called them. She could sense something was wrong, and then the scene transitions, and the police are already there, so some time has passed. She probably went inside, found all the bodies, and called the police.


24th Jul 2020

The Ring Two (2005)

Question: Is there any reason why this is the only film in the American "Ring" series to not have an R1/A Blu-Ray release? It seems so weird that the first and third films are available in HD, while this one isn't. Is it like a studio issue or something?


Answer: Whelp, just to update my own question, the movie is finally getting a Blu-Ray (and 4K) release in October through boutique company Shout Factory. Presumably, it just wasn't seen as a necessity until more recently, with boutique physical media labels becoming more and more prevalent and being successful in the collector's market.


Answer: More and more studios are not releasing films on Blu-Ray because of the higher risk on the return of their money. It's more expensive and home media sales continue to decline, especially with streaming services available. DreamWorks Pictures was the distribution company for the first two films while Paramount Pictures was the distribution company for the third film. I don't know specifically why DreamWorks opted out of the third film, but it seems they didn't think the third film would be worth it financially and probably has similar thoughts about the 2nd film's home release. There's much more to it, including parent companies involved and whom they contract out for disc distribution, that I don't have answers to about why DreamWorks hadn't released "The Ring Two" on Blu-Ray.


18th Sep 2023

Firefly (2002)

Show generally

Question: Why does River walk around barefoot so much? There are even a couple times, such as in the episode "Bushwacked", where she goes off the ship barefoot.

Answer: Story-wise, I believe it's sort of a tactile thing for her. She has a very childlike mind and is often seen wandering around touching and examining things. Being barefoot would be an addition to that, as she could be feeling the ground beneath her constantly. Behind-the-scenes wise, the actress apparently just prefers being barefoot, so she had no problems doing this. (Also, and this is more rumor than anything, but a lot of people believe series creator Joss Whedon has a foot fetish and often finds ways to have cast members be barefoot, similar to Quentin Tarantino. And this doesn't seem surprising since in only 14 episodes, "Firefly" has a LOT of scenes displaying barefoot women.)


21st Oct 2020

Scream (1996)

Question: Stu asks Randy, "What are you saying, that I killed her?", referring to Casey. Randy says, "It would certainly improve your high school Q." What is a "high school Q"? (I Googled this but did not find an answer).

Answer: I don't know if the letter "Q" was used or if you just heard what sounded like "Q", but "Queue" - pronounced like "Q" - is British for "line." People can be said to stand in queue [line], meaning in a row. Where one falls on the queue, in this case, would indicate his/her ranking in terms of popularity.


Answer: I believe it's a reference to "Q scores," which is a marketing industry term used to measure the familiarity and general appeal of a subject. The higher the Q score, the more familiar people are with it and have a positive opinion of it. It was a catch-all term that could be used for individuals (such as celebrities), brands, products, movies/shows, etc. The term "Q score" seems to be used less now than it was in the 90's, so I understand it being confusing.


Answer: He means his status, Stu is considered the outcast. The school weirdo.

Was Stu really an outcast? He had a girlfriend, Tatum, and he hung out with Billy, Sidney, and Randy. He also hosted a party, and I got the impression that it was not the first party at his house. I think he was the "cool slacker dude" type, before being revealed as a killer.

Question: In the final sequence, Buffalo Bill turns off the lights. After agent Starling shots Buff Bill, the lights come back on immediately. How are they turned on?

Answer: She empties her revolver to kill Bill. As she does, she also shoots out of the window behind him. This is shown in the film.

I had the same question. The lighting doesn't look like coming from a window – a basement window.

I mean, obviously it's probably too much light to be coming out of the window realistically. But in the context of the movie, Clarice has just conquered the villain and saved the day, so having the light be bright is likely also a bit of a stylistic thematic choice. Light is associated with "good," and she has moved "out of the darkness," so to speak. So, they had the scene lit nice and brightly.


Question: When Leatherface starts rampaging during Stretch's flirting with him, and he's starting his chainsaw up, is this supposed to represent something? It's right after she repeatedly asks if he's mad at her and how good he is.


Answer: It's basically Leatherface's version of an orgasm. Stretch appeals to his sexuality in order to survive, and he's aroused. He uses his chainsaw as a phallic object, rubbing it against her leg and then pressing it into her groin, and is panting, which obviously symbolizes his idea of sex. And then he becomes aggressive, revs up his chainsaw, and destroys the studio in an explosive emotional display, not unlike the strong physical/emotional sensation that comes with an orgasm. You could also theoretically make an argument that the mess he creates by sawing and throwing things around specifically represents male ejaculation, which involves a pulsating release of semen and can be, let's just say, "messy" sometimes depending on what sexual activity you're doing.


Thank you.


Answer: Peter could have webbed him up and called the police anonymously.


Very likely. However, there was a deleted scene in which Peter, out of anger over Gwen's death, almost beats Harry to death.

Yes. We also see Goblin getting knocked out when all hell breaks loose, and the gears all break apart. Chances are, Peter just webbed him up. (Although, as the other response says, he also got beaten up in a deleted scene.)


1st Jan 2023

Chucky (2021)

Answer: They were blamed for the death of Jake's foster brother, which was deemed a terrible accident, and they were sent to the reform school as a punishment. Presumably, when they had to leave the reform school given what happened, they were instead given community service as punishment.


22nd Aug 2023

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Question: Where did Mary Jane plan to go, just before getting kidnapped by Venom in a taxi?

Answer: She was wearing her work uniform, so presumably to work.


18th Aug 2023

Harriet the Spy (1996)

Question: When Harriet, wearing her orange pants and covered in blue paint, took her socks off and held herself up over the bathtub, looking down at the water, why did she just let herself fall (practically dive) into the bathtub instead of simply sitting in it to wash off the paint? Falling into it no doubt splashed water all over the floor.

Answer: She was upset and being dramatic. People do silly things when they're upset. She wasn't focused on the water that was going to come out... she was focused on just being sad and let herself fall in. It's like how sometimes people get mad and throw their controller if they lose a video game... logically, it could break the controller or make a mess, but you're mad in the moment and don't care.


Question: The moment the United Nations van bomb goes off, you can see what appear to be tracks on the rooftops of the buildings. Those look to be the kind of tracks that they maneuver moving cameras on when they film. What are those really?

Answer: Those are track systems for window washers. A cart on the track suspends the window-washing scaffolding over the side and can be moved over the track for a thorough clean.


Question: How did the UN bombing kill King T'Chaka, but leave T'Challa only somewhat hurt? Since both were nearest the windows and, therefore, roughly equally nearest all the flying glass and shrapnel when they got caught in the bomb blast, wouldn't it have been enough to kill them both?

Answer: T'Chaka is significantly older (implied to be at least in his 60s if not 70s), and thus his body is much more frail. Something that might not hurt or kill a younger, more able-bodied person can absolutely hurt or kill an elderly man or woman. (That's why it's such a big deal if an old person suffers a bad fall.) We also know for sure that T'Challa was under the influence of the "heart shaped herb" that gives him enhanced abilities by this point in time, whereas we do not know whether T'Chaka was still under the herb's influence. It's entirely possible that when T'Challa became the Black Panther, T'Chaka's powers were stripped, since there is only one Black Panther at a time.


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