
11th Jul 2020

X-Men 3 (2006)

Question: Why does Mystique lie there after being cured? She just waits to be re arrested instead of putting on a guard's coat and fleeing?


Answer: She's just lying there because she's in shock of not only losing her power, but being betrayed by her only real friend in the world. She needs a moment to process what just happened. It's not unreasonable for her to be doing so - I'd probably do the same thing if my whole world fell apart in a single instance. It's been a while since I've seen the movie, but I also don't believe she's re-arrested. I think when you see her talking to the feds later, it's because she sought them out herself. (But I could be wrong about that).


11th Jul 2020

X-Men 3 (2006)

Question: After Mystique's "cured" and talks to the Feds what do they do with her?


Answer: In all likelihood she goes to prison, but there's a good chance she may have worked out a deal for a reduced sentence (or even possibly immunity) for informing on the location of Magneto's base camp and other information related to Magneto.


6th Apr 2020

Knives Out (2019)

Question: How did blood drop reached Marta's shoes, even though it was too far from Christopher Plummer in the suicide scene? (00:53:50)

Answer: To add slightly to the other answer, evidently some of the blood in the scene had to be digitally removed for the film to secure a PG-13 rating, which explains why we don't see any actual spray/gush. But we are to assume that a drop managed to splash onto her shoe when he slit his throat.


Answer: The rationale is that blood can travel quite far from an artery and her shoe therefore got the droplet on it even from the doorway - however it does seem to me that the filmic portrayal is lacking, since you don't actually see any instance of spray. Rian Johnson' script says "Blood gushes." What we see in the scene is that it is trickling down his cut - a bit.


Question: After Jason kills Jim and Suzi on Crystal Lake, how does Jim's boat end up being at the harbor next morning? Crystal Lake is not connected to the sea. It's just surrounded by land, right?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: To the best of my knowledge, this is just a bit of a continuity mistake. While previous films have not indicated Crystal Lake is connected to the ocean, this film portrays it as being connected. You just kinda gotta go with it for the movie to work.


Chosen answer: Considering the film shows Jason emerging from under the water, yes, it's clear that Jason swam the rest of the way after leaving the ship. (He was presumably following the lifeboat).


8th Jun 2020

A Quiet Place (2018)

Question: Who is running the power plants so that they can turn the lights on? I work at a power plant and it is not quiet.

Answer: If you look closely at the background in one scene, you can see solar panels attached to the roof of the home, providing them with energy. Additionally, the original script also mentioned that the family also used generators that were located underground so the noise would be muffled, though I don't believe it's mentioned in the film itself.


29th May 2020

Halloween 5 (1989)

Question: Up to this point in the series (and even in the next film), Michael is portrayed as a remorseless killer with no emotions. However, in this one, he takes his mask off at Jamie's request and even sheds a tear. He becomes enraged when Jamie tries to touch him, reverting back to the remorseless personality. What was the point of this sudden, and brief, display of emotion?


Answer: Director Dominique Othenin-Girard made the puzzling decision to try and humanize Michael in this film by showing he still had some traces of emotion that could be momentarily reached. Thus when Jamie talks to him, he briefly recovers his humanity, takes off his mask and sheds a single tear. Othenin-Girard felt that this made Michael more frightening, because his evil was so great that even if he still had regular emotions that occasionally emerged, the evil inside of him would eventually take over. But it does kind of come out of nowhere and contradict the other films... hence this idea was more-or-less ignored in future sequels.


11th May 2006

Scream (1996)

Question: Why did Billy and Stu want to kill Tatum? I've read that she said Stu was bad in bed, but when does she say this in the movie?

Answer: They didn't have anything against Tatum specifically, her death was just necessary for their scary movie plan against Sidney. They also said that anyone who isn't a virgin dies in a scary movie, and we know Tatum wasn't a virgin.

Did they say "anyone who isn't a virgin"? I thought it was anyone who has sex *during* the horror movie events - not including people who were *already* not virgins.

Typically, the cliche is "sex or promiscuity = death." I don't think it necessarily has to be during the events of the movie. Debating the minutiae is probably just gonna make us run in circles.


Answer: I don't understand why people are getting hung up on the virgin thing. Sure, there are some movies where someone who isn't a virgin survives. But the common cliche in horror that everyone knows is that sex typically equals death. Doesn't matter if some movies don't follow the cliche... it's still the cliche, and Stu and Billy are operating by the cliches.


In addition to this, Stu and Billy were planning to be the two survivors and make "the sequel." They probably viewed themselves as the main characters. Tatum was one of the "side characters" who would typically be killed.

Except even in this movie, Sidney should be dead by that logic. While Randy is explaining that rule, Sid is upstairs breaking said rule with Billy.

Answer: But Amy Steel's Ginny in Friday the 13th Part 2 wasn't a virgin and she survived. Yet these guys claim to know horror movies.


It's just a TV trope used in the movie.


Question: Couldn't Nigel have attempted to return the jewel himself instead of sending Dr. Bravestone and his associates to do it?

Answer: Nigel, being an NPC, doesn't have the skills necessary to get to the shrine. He knows the group does, and that's why he sends them.


Answer: No, he couldn't. As the other answer indicated, Nigel is not a person, he's a character created by Jumanji, and his entire purpose in the world of Jumanji is simply to deliver instructions to the players and welcome them into the world. It would undermine the entire game for him to try to return the jewel himself.


It would be pretty pointless to send Dr. Bravestone and his associates to return the jewel, if Nigel attempted to the jewel himself.

Answer: Nigel might actually be being selfish "Van Pelt will kill anyone who has the jewel, so instead of sacrificing myself, since it's my fault he found it, I'll give it to you guys and put you in danger. Cheerio."

Question: Is it just me or does Poe seem a bit more strict and tense in this movie? I understand it was a war but I just wanted to check?


Answer: He seems a little more tense than the last two movies, but I think it's in keeping with the story. A lot was happening - Palpatine was back, there was an invasion in the planning, etc. It'd make sense for him to be tenser than usual.


28th Apr 2020

Halloween (2018)

Question: What happened to Allyson's boyfriend after she left the dance following their fight?


Answer: It's never shown in the movie what happens. But there was a deleted scene where he got arrested for underage drinking after mouthing off to a police officer. Either way, he's safe for the time being, and the actor is currently slated to appear in the next sequel, "Halloween Kills."


17th Mar 2007

Silent Hill (2006)

Question: When the town first turns into "Dark Silent Hill", you can briefly see some sort of monster behind rose that shoots skyward. What monster is this? Is it Red Pyramid?

Answer: I thought it was just big pieces of the ground shooting upward. I didn't see pyramid head there at that time. Just pieces of silent hill shooting upward.

Michele Hedges

Answer: I would like to point out that Michele is very much correct. I submitted this question years and years ago, and it was based on my foggy memory of seeing the film for the first time in theaters. I've since watched the film a number of times on DVD and Blu-Ray, and it definitely is just pieces of the ground floating upwards through the air.


16th Jan 2018

Silent Hill (2006)

Question: How does the cop end up in the alternate Silent Hill? Alissa doesn't need her, and she shows up after Rose has already explored a little. I wouldn't expect Alissa to leave the opening to The dark Silent Hill open (not how you trap someone). Furthermore when it shifts from them and the spitting monster to the father and police, the police are already there, how did they not end up in the dark hill?

Answer: It's never explained in the film, but in all likelihood, it's feasible that Alessa brought her into the "fog world" in order to help Rose with her goal. Especially as she likely senses that Cybill is protective of children, and thus would want to help find Sharon. Or she simply was pulled in somehow when she was pursuing Rose. It's difficult to say, since the "rules" for how the town works in the film adaptation are not as clear as the rules from the original video-game, and there are plenty of changes.

Answer: All three died in the wreck. This is how they were able to enter the purgatory version of Silent Hill and why Alessa and Rose returned to their own home to find it similarly deserted.


Nobody died in the car-wreck. This is a fan-theory that got out of control and contradicts not only the sequel (where it's blatantly shown they are alive), but this film's internal logic (which operates on the idea of there being multiple realities/dimensions) and the logic of the video-game source material. (Which similarly operates on the idea of there being multiple realities).

Any word on why Alessa and Rose returned to a home that was shrouded in fog just like Silent Hill, and why they and Christopher could not see one another? They left Silent Hill but remained in the alternate dimension? I'm genuinely curious because this is the first I've heard that their deaths were just a fan theory. I know Alessa was in the sequel, but I just chalked that up to the sequel being a really, really bad film.


The implication at the end of the movie seems to be that Sharon and Dark Alessa merged back together into one person, and she is purposely keeping herself and Rose in the fog-world. While the movie itself isn't clear about why, a common interpretation is that Alessa wants to be together with Rose forever, perhaps to have a mother figure. (Which is definitely keeping with the film's themes of motherhood and the repeated mantra about mother being god in the eyes of a child.) The sequel is admittedly really bad and ret-cons this. But neither film indicates that they died.


17th Mar 2020

Die Hard (1988)

Question: While running away from the bad guys, John McClane severely wounds feet by stepping on broken glass. Wouldn't his feet be at risk of infections if they were as severely wounded as shown in the movie? He's feet don't appear to have any infections.

Answer: Infections take time to set in. The whole events of this film take place over 1 evening. Not long enough for an infection to set in. Especially since he receives medical attention at the end.


How long would John have to go without getting medical for his feet to get infected?

Per a google search: "An infection can develop any time between two or three days after the cut occurred until it's healed."


Answer: Infections take a while to develop - the events of Die Hard are borderline real time, and given the injuries happen towards the end of the film, that's way too soon for any significant side effects.

Answer: As mentioned, it would take time for an infection to set in. Also, even though John had some nasty cuts, it doesn't necessarily mean they will become infected and could heal without any complications as long as the feet are cleaned and bandaged.


17th Mar 2020

Candyman (1992)

Question: There is a major issue that I've never seen addressed. Candyman kidnaps baby Anthony the day Helen is in Anne Marie's apartment. She is then arrested and bailed out later that day. Then the following day Candyman kills Bernadette and Helen is hospitalized. A month later she meets with Dr Burke. So at minimum we have a month and a day that Candyman has the newborn. Who cares for the baby who an entire month? Candyman?

Answer: I don't see how it's a major issue. It's pretty obvious we are to presume that Candyman takes care of the baby in the meantime so he can use it for his plan.


Answer: There is a scene where Candyman feeds the infant some honey. There isn't a need to stretch one's imagination to determine that he is the one that takes care of the infant during the entire period in question.


15th Mar 2020

Galaxy Quest (1999)

Question: When the Proctector leaves spacedock, there are Thermians inside the spaceport watching it leave. Later on Mathesar says the Thermians on the Protector are the last ones left. What happened to the Thermians left behind at the spacedock?

Answer: I believe Mathesar was referring to both the Thermians on the Protector and at the base as being all that was left. Not just the ones on the Protector.


Mathesar meant only the Thermians on the Protector were the ones that were still left. The Protector does not go back to the base to pick up the Thermians that were left behind.

We do not know if the Protector went back to pick up the surviving Thermians at the spaceport, as the last act of the Thermians on the Protector was to separate the ship and send the GQ cast back to Earth. Maybe the Thermians did head back to the spaceport to reunite with the Thermians there.


Answer: At 01:01:09, Jason says, "You can drop us off, and you guys can be back to your home planet before supper." Teb answers, "Oh, no, sir. We have no reason to go back." Jason then mentions family and friends. Then, Teb says, "We are all that is left." Based on the shocked silence that follows, it's apparent that Sarris has completed his plan to slaughter all other Thermians, as Mathesar had told Jason earlier.

Answer: Why, certainly they all were transported back to the ship after watching the great moment of the first undocking. After all they have the technology, right?

6th Mar 2020

General questions

I remember seeing a killer scarecrow movie about 20 years ago, but I can't seen to track down which one it was. It definitely wasn't the Asylum "Scarecrow" from 2002. All I remember is that there were human remains (or something else) in a box or casket that needed to be destroyed in order to kill the scarecrow. And I think they were destroyed by having a machine drop a large weight on them, which made the scarecrow explode. I also remember a scene where a character tries to burn the scarecrow and delivers the line "How about a little fire, scarecrow?!" from "Wizard of Oz." I remember the movie being quite bad... but in a fun B-movie kinda way. Anyone know what killer scarecrow movie it was?


Answer: I'll answer my own question. I did some digging and finally found out it was the 1995 movie "Night of the Scarecrow," directed by Jeff Burr.


4th Jun 2004

The Mummy (1999)

Question: The answer for another question made me wonder. If Imothep was alive when put in his sarcophagus, how can there be jars with his internal organs elsewhere? Wouldn't they still be in his body in order for him to be alive?

Answer: If you're referring to the only jars that are used in the movie, those are Anck Su Namun's organs. Not his. Near as I can tell, his organs were not taken, hence him being alive.


They are his body parts; remember that he had to get the body parts from each of the adventurers to complete his resurrection (he left one guy without eyes or a tongue and sucked the life out of him).

No, they are Anck Su Namun's. The mummy steals the man's eyes and tongue because he's been decomposing and his own have rotted off. It's part of his regeneration process. He simply didn't have time to fully "suck him dry," as the movie puts it before Evie stumbles onto him.


Answer: He was buried alive as part of his punishment so they can't be his. They are Anck su Namun's. He needs them for when he resurrects her. He gets organs when he fulfills the curse by taking them from the men that opened the chest.

His organs were probably eaten by the bugs, if they weren't they probably decayed, hence why he needs to replace them with the organs of others.

The priests cut off his tongue as he was being linen wrapped, but I doubt it was placed in a canopic jar. But it kept him from doing invocations or screaming even though a wordless scream is possible with no tongue.

4th Jan 2020

Movie 43 (2013)

Answer: There have been several conflicting reasons given as to why this movie is called "Movie 43." Some people claim it's a reference to "rule 43 of the internet." (Although there are also several different conflicting versions of the 43rd rule of the internet, so this explanation is pretty shaky.) Some claim it's an inside joke between the main producer and his kids about a fictional "banned film" they heard about called "Movie 43" that didn't really exist. And some people claim it's just a random title they attached to the film with no actual meaning.


29th Dec 2019

Logan (2017)

Answer: It's just a continuity mistake. The blade rips a hole in the shoe, but the hole disappears later on... that's a continuity mistake. It's definitely not a plot hole. A plot hole is more a gap or contradiction in a film's internal logic, or when a film leaves out vital information. (Ex. If a character is established as having a deadly nut allergy, but is eating nuts later on with no ill effect... that would be a plot-hole).


Answer: I would classify that as a plot hole.


It would only be a plot hole if somehow the lack of holes in the shoes was written into the plot that some effect on the plot. Of course, someone would probably correct the entry by saying she could have had a 2nd pair or they bought a new pair if it was integral to the plot.


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