Question: Did they not already know that Jack-Jack had powers after what happened with Syndrome?
8th Dec 2018
Incredibles 2 (2018)
3rd Dec 2018
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)
Question: Why does Luke agree to train Rey just cause R2 showed him Leia's message to Obi Wan?
Answer: Rey states that she needs to train in order to help Leia and the Resistance. The message reminded Luke that once he too came to the aid of Leia, and in doing so changed his life forever. It also sparks a pleasant memory for Luke, he loves his sister dearly and the message reminds him of this.
27th Nov 2018
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)
Question: Why did C-3PO go with them to Geonosis? I always figured protocol droids stayed with their masters unless they were sold?
27th Nov 2018
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Question: How did Riddle know that the people the Basilisk was petrifying were muggle born? It sounds to me like Ginny was his best shot at knowing, but how could she know?
Answer: It's easy to tell which students are Muggle-born. They have little knowledge of the wizarding world and need special training, their parents are not wizards, and Hogwarts, being a small community, makes it easy to know everyone's background. Ginny would have little problem identifying which students Riddle should target.
13th Nov 2018
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Question: How did Lor San Tekka get that map?
Answer: According to the 2017 book Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia, Luke Skywalker gave Lor San Tekka the map fragment to his location before he went into hiding on Ahch-To.
Why? Didn't he want to stay hidden?
13th Nov 2018
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Question: Did C-3PO and R2-D2 appear in this film?
Answer: I was wondering about this, too. C-3PO did not appear in Solo, and I cannot find any Internet reference pertaining to R2-D2 being in it. Curiously, Anthony Daniels, the actor who has played C-3PO in all the other Star Wars movies, makes a cameo appearance in Solo as another character (Chewbacca's friend).
5th Nov 2018
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Why did Hagrid cover up that creature when Dumbledore arrived?
30th Oct 2018
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)
Question: Why are they all so shocked that Kevin called Frank a cheapskate? He is. He also just practically admitted that he's not paying for this trip?
Answer: Not only was it disrespectful toward his uncle, when a kid Kevin's age says something like that, it is often attributed to overhearing and repeating what adults said. The implication is that Frank would now know what his adult relatives thought of him. They are shocked partly because they are embarrassed and feel guilty.
29th Oct 2018
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Question: Peter said Aunt May would stop him being Spider-Man if she found out who he was, so why hasn't she, given she found out the truth at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming?
Answer: This may be addressed in "Spider-Man: Far From Home" but without any sort of onscreen confirmation thus far, all we can do is speculate. Perhaps Peter was mistaken about how Aunt May would feel about him being Spider-Man, or he could have simply told her he would stop being Spider-Man but lied about it.
29th Oct 2018
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Question: Why didn't they just cast Avada Kedavra on the Horcruxes and then disapparate before the ministry could find them as I think they can detect the unforgivable curses being used?
Answer: The avada kedavra curse did not work on the horcruxes while there was more than one in existence. That was why baby Harry survived Voldemort's attempt to kill him using that curse, and why Voldemort could not be killed until all the other horcruxes were destroyed. The horcruxes could only be destroyed by a few methods, such as with basilisk venom or fiendfyre. The horcrux inside Harry was later killed by Voldemort using avada kedavra, but that seems to be because the other horcruxes had already been destroyed. Voldemort never knew that Harry carried a horcrux inside him.
Actually Harry survived Voldemort's attempt to kill him because of the love of his mother and her sacrifice. Voldemort's killing curse rebounded upon that love spell and caused a piece of his soul (already shattered from killing Harry's parents) to transfer to Harry. The reason Voldemort's killing curse worked to kill the horcrux inside Harry was because Harry was simply killed by the killing curse along with the horcrux and then the resurrection stone resurrected Harry, but not the horcrux.
That's true, his mother's love protected him. However, at the end, Harry wasn't dead-he was in-between life and death and he had the choice to either go back to the living world or "move on." He chose to return. The resurrection stone did not play a part in reviving him. There is still much confusion and debate over exactly when and how the horcrux inside Harry was destroyed.
He had the resurrection stone in his hand when he confronted Voldemort in the forest, that's why he had a choice, because of the stone. After resurrecting the stone was left behind.
That is incorrect. Harry is holding the Resurrection Stone while he is speaking to the spirits of his mother, father, Lupin, and Sirius. Just before he leaves them, he drops the stone, and it is seen falling from his hand to the ground in the forest "before" he goes to meet Voldemort. (In the book, the stone is left in the forest so that no-one will be able to use it.) The stone did not play any part in Harry being revived. You can watch the clip on YouTube.
Hm, yeah all right. But then he didn't actually use it, only to talk to deceased loved ones, which bothers me and when I'm bothered the ground quakes. I always thought its power worked on till the moment he got killed and then resurrected him.
The Resurrection Stone was only to bring back someone else from the dead, not one's own self. It had to be used by a living person who called for a dead person to return to the earth, though as Hermione read from the book (when the Trio was at the Lovegood house), the dead person was never really resurrected to a full living being again and did not understand the world they were brought back to.
26th Oct 2018
Logan (2017)
Question: Why was Charles mumbling about Mrs Muffet and the spider when we first see him? Is it a side effect of his disease?
Answer: He's old and going senile, and is also quite sick and experiencing seizures. It would seem all the inane things he's droning on about (including Mrs. Muffet and the Spiders, and reciting a Taco Bell commerical) are just a result of that - he falls into delirious states where he acts completely insane before he gets his medicine, which calms him back down.
My impression, and I may be wrong, was that he was hearing random thoughts from people in the area and repeating them.
26th Oct 2018
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
21st Oct 2018
Logan (2017)
Question: When Logan said "oh so this is what it feels like" was he referring to dying or what Charles was talking about at the house?
Answer: I believe he was referring to two things here. The obvious one is dying, however I'm thinking that's less likely. As even though Logan always would heal before and come back, he has "died" many many times in previous events and would have felt that until his body regenerated enough for him to come back. Other than on maybe a religious level and if feeling the soul disconnecting from his body differently on a permanent death, it would be the same. What I really think he is referring to... is love. He is a father now, and accepting of it. His daughter is right there with him and crying over him, something that probably nobody has ever done for him in his life or a very long time. He is feeling that genuine unconditional love for the first time. He gets to experience what it feels like to be loved as a father moments before he dies, and I believe that is what he is referring to.
21st Oct 2018
Young Sheldon (2017)
A Computer, a Plastic Pony, and a Case of Beer - S1-E12
Question: Why does Mary grab her kids and leave just because George bought beer? I know they were fighting a little about money the night before but George used his own money, so what does it matter?
Answer: It's as simple as money is tight, it's not "George's money", it's the family's money so the expenditure was selfish.
15th Oct 2018
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Question: Is it true that the story Nick was telling Cap about his grandfather is based on Samuel L Jackson's grandfather?
Answer: Here's what he said in an interview: The thing with him is, you don't know if he's making up a story to get you to do a certain thing or if he's actually giving you a piece of himself. The great thing for me about that particular story is that is what my grandfather did when I was a kid. He actually ran an elevator in a hotel in Chattanooga, Tenn. That was his job. I used to go down there and sit in the elevator with him while he took people up and down. He got tipped that way and had money in his pocket or in a bag - and a little gun. He always had a pistol with him, some brass knuckles. I did not write that, it was just in there. It totally just happened that way. I chuckled about it. I was trying to figure out if I had talked about my grandfather in some interview somewhere years ago or something and somebody read it and put that in there. I never found out if that was the case. I think it's a true story for him.
15th Oct 2018
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Question: Why did the trio watch Buckbeak being executed?
Answer: Because they had some small hope that something would happen that prevented it, they stayed to see if a miracle would happen basically. They didn't want to see it of course, but they felt it too terrible to just not know if there was any hope it wouldn't happen and then miss it.
Answer: They didn't actually see Buckbeak being executed because he never was. They were far enough away that they only partially saw the executioner wield the axe, but he was actually chopping a pumpkin out of frustration because Buckbeak had disappeared. If they had been closer, they most likely would not have looked at all, not wanting to witness such a gruesome scene.
Thank you but I was meaning to ask why they stayed on that hill to watch instead of returning to the common room?
It's pointless to speculate what their reasoning for watching was because it really comes down to it being a plot device. The audience has to think that Buckbeak has been killed in order to propel the story forward. That is achieved by having HR&H stop atop the hill and watch what they think is the execution. It also is to convey their sense of grief and hopelessness.
5th Oct 2018
Cobra Kai (2018)
Question: How come Sam and Aisha stopped being friends just cause Sam was hanging out with Yasmine?
Answer: Yasime was being mean to her.
But Sam wasn't. It was even obvious that Sam didn't like it.
Sam and Aisha were long-time friends and Sam wasn't standing up for Aisha at all. She continued being friends with Yasmine even though she was being cruel to Aisha. Being uncomfortable at Yasmine's insults is not going far enough to stand up for Aisha.
But Sam also didn't come to her defense either. So that's a good reason for Aisha to not like her.
Answer: Sam picked her prettier and more popular friends over Aisha. They still got along until Yasmine publicly humiliated Aisha.
1st Oct 2018
SpongeBob SquarePants (1999)
30th Sep 2018
The Big Bang Theory (2007)
26th Sep 2018
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Answer: Didn't think he had to.
Answer: While it's purely speculation, here are few ideas: 1. He didn't think he needed to. He now possesses the most powerful weapon in the universe and thought hitting Thanos in the chest would be enough. 2. He may have aimed for the head, but Thanos was trying to repel the axe, which caused the aim to be off. 3. He wanted Thanos to die slowly so that he could deliver his "I told you..." line.
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Answer: What happened to Syndrome happened high in the air, Elastigirl mentions she can't see whats going on and panics. They never actually see what Jack-Jack is doing and think Syndrome is hurting him.