Chosen answer: Sheldon was 14 when his father died.


Chosen answer: It's not mentioned exactly, but it's implied to do with his weight and drinking.

Greg Dwyer

Chosen answer: It's probably nothing personal, but with the combination of his IQ and his superiority complex, along with the fact that they study in the same field, Sheldon just feels that Kripke is beneath him as a scientist.

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: She is simplifying the situation. Bernadette may not be the one insisting on the Pren, but she is going to ask Howard to sign one. She's gossiping because she likes to gossip.

Greg Dwyer

Chosen answer: She is upset at Howard not because he didn't tell her, but because he lied to her. He claimed to have told her about all the women he slept with but didn't mention many of them. She is mad at Penny because she thinks Penny betrayed her by setting her up with someone she didn't respect and expected them to fail.

Greg Dwyer

7th Sep 2017

Home Alone 3 (1997)

Chosen answer: Because he's a typical kid who does the opposite of what he is told to do.


7th Sep 2017

Home Alone 3 (1997)

Question: What did Jernigan mean by twenty seconds out when the Stephan's were being robbed? And why did Alex tell the police woman he had the chicken pox the first time he called 911?


Chosen answer: "Twenty seconds out" means that they are approximately twenty seconds away from the house. Alex said it to give a reason as to why he was home and not in school.

Greg Dwyer

7th Sep 2017

Home Alone 3 (1997)

Question: I don't get why Alice is being nice to Karen after she almost ran her over with her car? Why is she telling her to have a nice day and smiling at her? She's a crook so I just don't understand.


Chosen answer: She is supposed to be inconspicuous, blending into a family friendly neighborhood. It would arouse suspicions, if she screamed and threatened to knock her block off.

7th Sep 2017

Friends (1994)

Chosen answer: The monkey was annoying. Ross always brought it to Monica's apartment, and Marcel would misbehave. Monica is a neat freak who likes everything to be in perfect order. Ross, who is somewhat passive/aggressive, often brought Marcel solely to annoy his sister.


7th Sep 2017

Home Alone 3 (1997)

Question: When Beaupre thought there was a woman in the Alcott's house, why go back in and kill her? He thought she was in the shower so she couldn't see him, so there was no evidence to give the police about what he looked like.


Answer: I think Beaupre believed there was a woman, but not in the shower, but answering the phone.

Answer: It was Jernigan who thought there was a woman in the shower and he couldn't take the risk that if it was a woman, that she would eventually get out and see intruders in the house and call for the police. The only option open to Jernigan would be to kill her so there'd be no witnesses.

No it was Beaupre who thought there was a woman in the house.

I've seen the movie and I can confirm that it was Jernigan who opened the shower curtain because he thought a woman was in the shower.

7th Sep 2017

Home Alone 3 (1997)

Question: Exactly who is in charge of the villains? I know it isn't Beaupre but is the man who told them to get the chip or is someone in charge of him?


Chosen answer: They are freelance thieves who are working for a client. They are in charge of themselves.

Greg Dwyer

Answer: The unnamed Terrorist group assigned the Asian guy to procure them a chip for an unstoppable missile. He then hired Beaupre who put his team together. Alice good at intelligence, Jurnigan at Electronics and Surveillance, Unger is a Master of Disguise, Beaupre is the leader of the team as he gives the directives and answers to the Asian guy.

7th Sep 2017

Home Alone 3 (1997)

Question: Why does the man who tells Beaupre to get the chip want it in the first place? Also when he said $1000 would he give that much to Beaupre or is it the other way around? Also what did he mean when he said not a plan but the chip itself?


Chosen answer: The man is the head of a terrorist organization. The chip can make it so that missiles are able to be launched undetected. He wants to use it for that purpose.

Greg Dwyer

7th Sep 2017

Home Alone 3 (1997)

Question: When Beaupre says "what a brave little boy", was he being sarcastic or did he actually admire everything Alex was doing?


Chosen answer: He admires him for being brave and smart, with a little sarcasm.

Also, it was Alex's mother on the phone, he could've said "Help! The bad guys are in the house." However since he had called the police before, twice, and no-one believed him, he caught them himself.

Chosen answer: In a recruiting office at the Worlds Fair in Queens.

Chosen answer: She figured it out from what he did say. Since their engagement is a relatively recent development, it's an easy deduction that the shock of such a huge step in their relationship is what knocked his mother for a loop.

Cubs Fan

7th Sep 2017

Friends (1994)

Chosen answer: They felt that enough time had passed that Ross should be able to put the past behind him, and he and Carol were friends and they shared a child together. Ross had also moved on from that relationship, and was now in love with Rachel, and had in fact, always been in love with her.


Chosen answer: Kevin says "he use to hold me like that." Kinda obvious after that.


7th Sep 2017

The Sandlot (1993)

Question: Why did Mr Mertle invite them into his house? Given how they just made all that noise and took down his fence.


Chosen answer: Because he was a nice guy. He also maybe wanted to talk more about baseball since he probably has no one else. He even says it "Let's talk about this ball".

7th Sep 2017

The Sandlot 2 (2005)

Answer: In the first movie Benny and company were also making a great deal of noise and Mr. Mertle didn't complain.

Answer: Because it's annoying when you have to hear kids scream and break a window.

7th Sep 2017

The Sandlot (1993)

Question: At the start Smalls said he was from another state and didn't have a single friend in a thousand miles. Did that mean he never had any friends even before he moved?


Chosen answer: The line implies that Smalls had friends but he lives nowhere near them anymore. If he never had any friends at all before he would have said so.


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