Answer: Because he'd been knocked out by Harry's spell. Either he'd wake up on his own, or someone from Hogwarts would have been sent to fetch him. Ron was the one who needed immediate help because of his leg. Also, Snape would still be trying to apprehend Sirius if he was brought with them.


Answer: Yes, we hear Liz say, "So cool" but since she's sitting behind Adrian we don't actually see her saying it.

Super Grover

5th Nov 2017

The Wolverine (2013)

Answer: Shingen is angry that his father left the company to Mariko instead of himself. He believes Mariko somehow manipulated her grandfather and is unworthy of the honor.


5th Nov 2017

The Wolverine (2013)

Question: Mariko said to Yukio that she could not tell her something now, on the night Yashida faked his death - what could she not tell her?


Answer: Yes, She didn't want anyone else to hear about it until the will was announced 3 days after Yoshida's death.

Answer: That Yashida was going to leave the company and his fortune to her in his will.


Why couldn't Mariko tell Yukio that? In case the Yakuza were eavesdropping?

I think because she wanted her father (Shingen, Yashida's assumed heir) to know first, and to tell anyone else before him would dishonor him.


5th Nov 2017

The Wolverine (2013)

Answer: It isn't really explained, however Mariko is distant and depressed. Presumably she has always been so.


Answer: He's talking about Norman Osborn. Dr. Connors is working on a cure for Norman and he has to hurry because Norman doesn't have a lot of time left. Dr. Connors even says "People die, even Norman Osborn." Freddie was just a lab mouse.


Question: When they are leaving the Baxter building, Coulson says "Are you going to tell them sir?" Then Fury says "One threat at a time Coulson" but what was the other threat?


2nd Nov 2017

Thor (2011)

Answer: Loki was not able to remove Mjolnir. Thor summoned Mjolnir before he started to destroy the rainbow bridge. Thus Loki was free to move again.

Christoph Galuschka

Answer: Because he made a foolish mistake, not realizing what Riddle intended to do. He was assuming at the time that it was a hypothetical conversation. Horcruxes were not a secret, and there was no reason not to tell a student about different types of Dark magic, and Riddle already knew much about it. He was seeking additional information.


Answer: Ultron is doing what he was programmed to do: produce peace on Earth. Strucker opposed that, so Ultron killed him once gaining information about Hydra's base in Sokovia.

Answer: To get the twins on his side.


Question: Ron said that Mrs Weasley invited Harry for Christmas weeks ago but why did she not invite Hermione at that point?


Answer: Hermione always spent Christmas with her parents. The Weasleys invited Harry so that he would not have to stay at Hogwarts over the school break. He never spent the Christmas holiday with his aunt and uncle.


Question: At the end when Fudge, Percy and the rest arrived at the ministry why did Voldemort leave, since none of them are powerful enough to harm him?


Answer: Some of the most powerful wizards arrived at the ministry along with Fudge, among them a lot of Aurors. They hunt dark wizards like Voldemort and together they are certainly powerful enough to harm him. Dumbledore was still there as well.


31st Oct 2017

Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Answer: Because he is a criminal and she doesn't want him to be a bad influence on her.


Answer: He did. But Hagrid loved him more. He was heartbroken when Buckbeak was taken from him in Prisoner Of Azkaban so Harry thought it best for him to go back to Hagrid.


Answer: Harry didn't own Buckbeak or have any decision about what became of him, nor could he have taken care of him. After Sirius Black escaped, he kept Buckbeak hidden at his house, Black Manor. Harry saw Buckbeak when he visited his godfather. If Buckbeak had been returned to Hogwarts, he'd still be executed. Eventually, Buckbeak was secretly reintroduced into the Hogwarts hippogriff herd under the new name of Witherwings.


Question: Why did Fudge wait so long to arrest Hagrid? It sounds to me he didn't care that Hagrid's record was against him and that he only arrested Hagrid so Fudge would look like he knew what he was doing.


Answer: Lucius had nothing to do with getting Hagrid arrested. He was only there because he was looking for Dumbledore to get rid of the headmaster. It wasn't to aid Voldemort; it was to rid the school of Muggle-borns. He had no idea the diary had a fragment of Voldemort in it.

Answer: He probably wouldn't have arrested Hagrid, but he was pressured by Lucius Malfoy who could have used his wealth and influence to have Fudge removed from office. Hagrid was a convenient scapegoat to make it look like the Ministry was making progress in the investigation. Of course, Malfoy was orchestrating all this solely to aid Voldemort.


Answer: She's heard of him, she is just surprised to hear his name when asking what Sirius Black is doing here.


Answer: The Prime Minister was set to have important talks with Xiang Ping, the Chinese Premier. It is stated in the MI7 briefing scene, by the Prime Minister, that Southeast Asia have begun developing nuclear weapons and they need to convince Xiang Ping to get onside and to try and defuse the situation and improve the relations between the two countries. It is revealed in the scene where Ambrose retrieves the drug from the bank vault, that a man was paying Ambrose 500 million US dollars to assassinate Xiang Ping, presumably to make sure the talks will damage the relations between Britain and China.

Casual Person

20th Oct 2017

Modern Family (2009)

Answer: Mitch is upset that his dad doesn't seem to support his getting married. When they talk about Jay's friends not coming to the wedding, Jay makes it seem like Mitch wouldn't want them to come anyways. Mitch sees it as it's actually that Jay doesn't want to invite his friends to his gay son's wedding because he's embarrassed and uncomfortable about having a gay son. Essentially Mitch sees it as if he was marrying a woman, Jay would be willing so spend money on the wedding, host it at the club, and invite all his friends to it.


Answer: He's never seen again after Johnny takes his wheelchair. The church they were in was covered with MI7 agents, so it is plausible that one of them found him whilst the others were chasing Johnny.

Casual Person

Answer: He didn't. Simon Ambrose, who was the real mole, tricked Johnny English into thinking Patch was a traitor.


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