21st Feb 2019

The Wolverine (2013)

Answer: Logan was forced to kill Jean Grey to save the world from the Phoenix, and presumably remaining with the X-Men would have constantly reminded him of her, exacerbating his guilt and anger.


Question: Does Uncle Ben exist in this universe? I ask cause he's not mentioned by name but I thought I recognized him being referenced.


Answer: According to the writer of the film, yes Uncle Ben existed in this universe. When Peter mentions that Aunt May has "been through a lot lately" that was supposed to be a subtle hint at Ben Parker's recent death.


Answer: The trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home shows Peter using an old suitcase with the initials "BFP", most likely standing for Benjamin Franklin Parker. While not directly referenced in this film, the sequel may well clarify the situation.

Jon Sandys

Answer: Aquaman does in fact have powers. It is a long running joke that Aquaman is not a useful member of the Justice League due to a seemingly useless set of powers.

6th Feb 2019

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Answer: In the main Marvel continuity Aunt May does eventually find out that Peter is Spider-Man. Her memory is wiped of this knowledge later on.


Answer: In Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2. Number 35 Aunt May permanently finds out about Peter's secret identity and knows from then on.


That gets changed later on. Not sure which issue but it's after Civil War, she has her mind wiped after Peter gives her radioactive blood to save her life. I'm not entirely sure if that too is eventually changed but from what I remember Aunt May hasn't known his identity since Civil War.


Yeah it does switch around a lot. Dr. Strange made it so nobody will find out unless he wants them to. I suppose Aunt May doesn't know anymore then.


Keeping up with comic book continuity is an absolute nightmare.


I couldn't agree more. I've always wished for some kind of easy, interactive overview of what I was reading. I've actually given up on comics because of the hellish chronology. Well, except Judge Dredd which is pretty straight forward.


Answer: Donald Menken, the Vice President of Oscorp, framed Harry for covering up Max Dillon's accident and has him removed so he could take over the company. By the end of the movie, Oscorp would now be under his control.

Casual Person

But he was killed in a deleted scene.

Deleted scenes don't make for canon content - it has to involve a degree of guesswork. Some deleted scenes happen, we just didn't see them in the movie, others are movie ideas that were cut out precisely because they don't fit the movie as released, so didn't happen. No way to know which is which, and this is just a thought exercise anyway.

Jon Sandys

So this is possible that, at the end of this movie, Menken is still alive, right?

He is very much alive. I saw the deleted scene where he was killed, and this scene contained a lot of bad CGI, so it's definitely not canon.

Answer: Bernadette is surprised at the thought that Sheldon could get married. Going against everything she knows.


Answer: It's just the irony that 2 people are fighting each other whilst feeling connected they are from the same city.


This is also Captain America's way of letting Peter know there are no hard feelings. He understands Peter doesn't have all the facts, so he doesn't blame him.

21st Jan 2019

Iron Man 2 (2010)

Answer: Rhodey's first comment while said to Tony Stark, was also intended to be for the audience. It was a tongue in cheek 4th wall break. Basically "yes audience, we replaced Rhodey, it's done, get over it, and let's move on with the movie."

Answer: Rhodey is not annoyed with Tony specifically, he is annoyed that he has to testify before the Senator and that Tony was asking him questions as soon as he arrived. He also wants to play down his friendship with Tony so that he doesn't seem biased in favour of Tony maintaining control of Iron Man.

20th Jan 2019

Iron Man 2 (2010)

Answer: Having rewatched it recently I thought about this. At least partly it's because *at the time* some people felt it spent too long putting Avengers pieces in place, introducing Nick Fury more, Scarlet Widow, Tony's dad's history, etc. In hindsight however that aspect fits perfectly with the other films that came after it, so feels much less jarring now. I'd also say that Whiplash was somewhat underwhelming, and Sam Rockwell was criminally underused. Personally I'd rate Thor: The Dark World lower than this, but would also argue that the "worst" Marvel film is very much a relative term, as while some may be better than others, they've yet to really release a true stinker.

Jon Sandys

Answer: I absolutely love the MCU, and I consider this to be one of the weaker entries. Not because of world building and setting up future films, I never had a problem with that. I just personally find the story to be a little lackluster, and the villain to be rather bland (to be fair, I always thought Iron Man had a pretty weak rogues gallery anyway).


17th Jan 2019

Stuart Little 2 (2002)

Answer: Cause his mom and or dad made him do it.

Quantom X

11th Jan 2019

Cobra Kai (2018)

Answer: Because of the school fight at the end of season 2 - Robby injures Miguel.

The original question dealt with an episode of season 1. The school fight happened at the end of season 2, so it had nothing to do with why he went back to drinking in first season.


Answer: He quit being an alcoholic (temporarily), but Johnny probably wasn't planning on never drinking ever again, he just casually drank at the bar with Daniel.

9th Jan 2019

The Avengers (2012)

Answer: He doesn't mean her, he means them, the Avengers, they have brought the Hulk on board.


When Natasha calls Loki a monster, he responds, "No, love, you brought the monster."

And with the "you" he refers to the Avengers, not her specifically.


Actually, it was Natasha who brought Bruce. She had been informed by Coulson that she was specifically requested to bring Bruce with her so Loki's comment "You brought the monster" was accurate.

She was tasked with recruiting Banner in person, and even then, numerous S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were there to back her up. Lionhead's comment about "you" being used collectively is correct.


5th Jan 2019

Thor (2011)

Answer: Most likely because Jane convinced him to.


Also Selvig and Jane want to understand the Einstein Rosen bridge. They think Thor might be helpful and they don't trust SHIELD. And Selvig is starting to think there is a connection between the weird science stuff and the Norse tales from his childhood.

I don't think so.

Jane convinced Erik that Thor likely had some knowledge of the phenomenon they had seen. The photos they recorded showed him within the Bifrost anomaly.

Answer: Volstagg: If you even think about betraying him... Loki: You'll kill me? Evidently there will be a line.

29th Dec 2018

The Incredibles (2004)

Answer: Most likely Bob was receiving cash payments from his new "employer" and depositing the money into their bank account himself. Back in those days, wages were given directly to the workers from the employers, then the workers would deposit their wages into the bank during lunch break or after work. If the workers were married, the only evidence their spouses saw of a bank transaction would be whatever record the working spouse brought home.


Answer: Because they were just having a bit of fun at Ron's expense. After saving Sirius and Buckbeak and going through a rather harrowing ordeal, they can now relax and enjoy themselves. The levity provides an "end point" to the main story, indicating to the audience that it has reached its conclusion.


27th Dec 2018

The Karate Kid (1984)

Question: Why are Ali's friends with Johnny, Dutch, and Tommy at Golf and stuff? Surely they'd stay away from them out of respect for Ali?


Answer: Ali and Daniel are really the only ones that seem to have a problem with Johnny and his friends. Other than that, Johnny is well liked and popular. Even Ali's parents are fond of Johnny. Also, to be fair Johnny does seem to be genuine when he invites Ali to come along with the group and even invites Daniel along as well, though he does make a rude comment about Daniel while doing so. The Cobras have stopped harassing Daniel and only Daniel and Ali know the real reason why. Johnny and his group are still friendly with Ali's friends so they see no reason not to hang out with him. Ali's friends also unfairly dislike Daniel from the beginning because he lives in Reseda, so they are not the best judges of character to begin with.


Answer: They are in the same friend group and Johnny and Ali's break up doesn't really affect any of them. In the Cobra Kai series, Johnny said that they got into a fight before his senior year and figured things would blow over. So it sounds like them fighting was a regular thing and their friends were probably used to it.

18th Dec 2018

Cobra Kai (2018)

Answer: She didn't want to interrupt the match.

I meant while Robby was in the other room with Daniel.

Miguel didn't imply he was gonna fight illegally to beat him and he never did, the only illegal thing he did was pull on his arm. I don't believe Sam got that implication from Miguel that he was going to use illegal moves to beat Robby.

13th Dec 2018

The Karate Kid (1984)

Answer: Ali and her family are very well off and are from a nicer part of town. Reseda is a lower income area. It's a typical "wrong side of the tracks" situation. Ali's parents would be happier if their daughter dated someone more well off. The theme of "never judge a book by the cover" permeates throughout the film and this is one of several examples. Daniel is a kind, caring, honorable young man and where he lives has nothing at all to do with his character. Johnny, who Ali's parents are more approving of because of his social status, is controlling, manipulative, petulant, and violent.


Answer: Ali's family is well off living in an affluent neighborhood, while Reseda is a lower income level section of town. Her parents are judging Daniel based on where he lives, and don't want their daughter going out with a person they feel is socially "under them."


12th Dec 2018

Friends (1994)

Answer: Since Denise is never seen or heard by any of the other characters; since Phoebe abruptly stops mentioning her immediately after this episode; and since Phoebe is, to put it gently, a little weird, I think we can safely assume that yes, Denise was made up.

However Phoebe is also known to come out with random things that seem impossible but is true.


I'd say that Denise being made up is a fair assumption, as Rachel lived with Phoebe long enough to the point where there was no issue with this mystery person returning.

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