
30th Sep 2003

Forever Young (1992)

Continuity mistake: When Daniel grabs Nat's jacket he holds it right at the corner. When we see Daniel next, still frozen and his arm still up in the air, a biggish piece of the jacket is sticking out of his fist. (00:29:20)


30th Sep 2003

Forever Young (1992)

Continuity mistake: Daniel grabs Nat's jacket when the freezer gets opened, and it tears visibly and audibly. When Claire sees Nat wearing it after he has found it (that is after Daniel has given it back to him) there is no sign of any damage. (00:28:15 - 00:47:20)


30th Sep 2003

Forever Young (1992)

Continuity mistake: When Nat and Claire's doctor boyfriend eat Claire's very well done steaks, the amount of juice in Nat's glass changes from shot to shot. And in the last shot of the scene, when Nat looks at the doctor, his hair is neatly combed to the side, in contrast to the mess it was before. (00:22:55)


30th Sep 2003

Forever Young (1992)

Continuity mistake: When Finley talks to the drunken Daniel 6 months after Helen's accident, Daniel's head is leaning against the wall or bent forward alternatingly, depending on the camera angle. (00:17:40)


30th Sep 2003

Forever Young (1992)

Continuity mistake: When Daniel takes off from the Los Alamos air base the FBI and air base guys run after the plane. They almost run over Claire, but when the camera angle changes to a front view of the running people Claire isn't there anymore. (01:24:05)


30th Sep 2003

Forever Young (1992)

Continuity mistake: Daniel comes back to the diner where he failed to propose to Helen 50 years ago. He sits at the same table, and when the camera shows him through the window you see the tip of a ketchup bottle that hadn't been there in the inside shot. (01:00:50)


30th Sep 2003

Forever Young (1992)

Continuity mistake: When Daniel is making dinner Nat sits at the table, his hands either on the table or folded at his chest in alternating shots. (00:54:25)


Continuity mistake: In the last courtroom scene, while Sonny is making his speech, there is a close-up of Minerva holding a red cloth to her face. When the camera cuts to a wide shot of the audience the red cloth isn't there. (02:09:10)


Continuity mistake: When John picks up Mandy at the flower shop at night you see the same couple walking by the shop twice in successive shots. (01:53:00)


Continuity mistake: Before The Lady Chablis leaves the debutante cotillion she talks to John. She is holding her glass in her left or right hand, depending on the camera angle. (01:44:05)


Continuity mistake: After the first court hearing John is walking with Sonny and his associates. Sonny's briefcase is switching to and fro between his hands from shot to shot. (01:18:45)


Continuity mistake: When Mandy and John talk in the children's playground sitting on swings, Mandy either has both feet up in the air or is pushing herself off the ground with one foot, depending on the camera angle. (01:16:00)


Continuity mistake: After Mandy's singing performance she and John are having a coffee. While they are talking, John's tape recorder and Mandy's cup keep changing positions. Also the way Mandy holds her cup alternates with the camera angle. (01:14:20)


Continuity mistake: When John interviews Jim in prison his tape recorder suddenly appears on the table when the camera angle changes. (01:03:50)


Continuity mistake: When Mandy comes to John's place at night to get some ice for her party, the amount of ice in the bucket shrinks to about half when she leaves the apartment. (00:13:10)


Continuity mistake: When Jim calls Sotheby's from the jail a prisoner walks up to him, hunting for cigarettes. The camera cuts to Jim, then back to the prisoner who is walking up to Jim again. (01:06:15)


Continuity mistake: When John has a flat battery Joe Odom agrees to take him in his coach. John leaves the car door open when he gets out, but when we see them driving off from inside the car the door is closed. (00:57:50)


Continuity mistake: When John comes to Billy Hanson's murder scene a police photographer takes a picture of him while he is standing in the middle of the room. When the picture is used later as evidence in the court trial it shows John standing in the door. (00:33:25 - 01:12:25)


Continuity mistake: When John and Jim take Uga for a walk a lady asks to have a photograph taken of her with the dog. Before John takes the picture kneeling down he puts his bag on the ground. When he gets up he hangs the bag over his shoulder. In the next shot it's in his hand again, before he hangs it over the shoulder a second time. (00:08:15)


Continuity mistake: When Sonny asks John to sign a confidentiality agreement look at the papers and especially the pen on the desk. They change positions alternatingly depending on the camera angle. (00:06:25)


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