
21st Jan 2004

Father's Day (1997)

Continuity mistake: In the scene in the hotel bathroom when Scott gives Nikki the pearl necklace her hair is arranged in four different ways. (00:54:30)


21st Jan 2004

Father's Day (1997)

Continuity mistake: When Dale runs down the hotel hallway in Scott's wet clothes he bumps into Carrie. In the background we see a chambermaid with some laundry disappearing through the same door twice. (00:46:00)


21st Jan 2004

Father's Day (1997)

Continuity mistake: The toilet cabin in which Bob has been pushed down the hill is turned around by 90 degrees when Bob's new friend climbs down to attach the chain. (00:43:30 - 00:47:00)


21st Jan 2004

Father's Day (1997)

21st Jan 2004

Father's Day (1997)

Continuity mistake: When Dale and Jack drive to Sacramento Dale suddenly stops because he isn't sure if he ran over someone. This happens right next to a lake which is on Dale's side. There's one shot of Dale where the lake isn't there. (00:24:05)


21st Jan 2004

Father's Day (1997)

Continuity mistake: When Collette tells Dale about his 'fatherhood' there's a bar behind Dale. A blonde lady walks up to the barkeeper. The camera cuts to Collette, and when it cuts back to Dale a few seconds later a man in a striped jacket has replaced the lady. (00:08:20)


15th Jan 2004

Wolf (1994)

Continuity mistake: The scratches appear in Will's face before Stewart touches him with the pitchfork. In the next shot they disappear, to be back in the shot after. (01:49:20)


15th Jan 2004

Wolf (1994)

15th Jan 2004

Wolf (1994)

Continuity mistake: When Laura tucks Will in the two top buttons of his shirt are open, but when he jumps through the window a little later only one. (00:47:30)


15th Jan 2004

Wolf (1994)

Continuity mistake: Even though the moon plays a leading role in the movie its phases get mixed up in a big way: Before Will has his first night out as a semi-wolf there's a shot of a half moon. That's not only just a few days after the full moon when he was bitten, but it's waxing to boot. In the next night, after Will calls Laura, apologizes for his vanishing, and asks her out for dinner there is another shot of a slightly fuller moon, but now it's waning. However, two days later near the end, when Will is locked up in the barn, the moon is full again. (00:46:40 - 01:05:05)


15th Jan 2004

Wolf (1994)

Continuity mistake: When Laura and Will sit at the lakeside and he tells her about his experience after being bitten by the wolf the choppy lake turns calm between shots. The light changes as well from dusk to daylight. (00:43:45)


15th Jan 2004

Wolf (1994)

Continuity mistake: When Will and Laura enter her place after he has made her fall from her horse her jacket gets half unbuttoned between shots. (00:38:00)


15th Jan 2004

Wolf (1994)

Continuity mistake: At the Alden party Will's tie knot is different in every scene: When he eats, when he walks in the garden with Alden, when he meets Laura, after he stumbles and holds on to Laura's breast, and when he gets back inside. (00:12:15)


15th Jan 2004

Wolf (1994)

Continuity mistake: When Stewart talks to Will and Maude in his office about her obligations to MacLeish he is standing behind his desk with his fingertips on the table. When the camera angle changes his hands are on his hips. (00:09:10)


15th Jan 2004

Wolf (1994)

Continuity mistake: When Will talks to Maude in his office his glasses vanish from his nose from one shot to the next. (00:08:05)


15th Jan 2004

Wolf (1994)

Continuity mistake: When Will drives along before he hits the wolf there are deep tracks in the snow down to the asphalt. When he walks over to the wolf after he's hit him the snow is almost virgin. (00:03:25)


Continuity mistake: After Charlie's thumb has been shot off he dives into the water to rescue Irene. When he reaches out for her with his left hand the thumb is back in place. (01:37:00)


Continuity mistake: When Hank/Charlie fights himself on the platform the station clock shows 3:50 while Charlie's watch shows 5:55 when he throttles himself. (01:28:05)


Continuity mistake: When we see the policeman with the chicken stuck in his rear end there are more chicken in the background. They disappear a few seconds later. (01:20:10)


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