Movie Nut

Cause and Effect - S5-E18

Factual error: When the starboard nacelle causes the ship to spin, the view of the stars on the main screen on the bridge should move toward the right side of the screen, rather than standing still.

Movie Nut

Nth Degree - S4-E19

Other mistake: After Data reports the bypass blocked, Riker goes to call to Barclay. The chirp preceding the computer, now Barclay's, response occurs almost simultaneously with the call, rather than a second or two gap between the call and chirp.

Movie Nut

Nth Degree - S4-E19

Continuity mistake: When Barclay enters the Holodeck to create an interface, he calls for a chair, an input for the left and a display for the right. When Picard comes to question him, the input and display units are gone.

Movie Nut

The Neutral Zone - S1-E26

Trivia: As Clara talks with Troi, a silver colored model of a Constitution class starship with reversed nacelles is seen on the shelf behind her.

Movie Nut

Trivia: During the series, a number of times the shot of the Enterprise moving toward the destination at Impulse power is re-used, and there is a figure moving from left to right along the Conference room windows. According to the website, the figure in question is Captain Picard.

Movie Nut

Relics - S6-E4

Scotty: [to Holodeck Computer] The Enterprise. Show me the bridge of the Enterprise, ya chatterin' piece o'...
Computer: There have been five Federation vessels with that name. Please state by registry number.
Scotty: [slowly] N, C, C, 1, 7, 0, 1. No bloody A, B, C, or D.

Movie Nut

Silicon Avatar - S5-E4

Other mistake: After the signal change to a continuous output, the Crystalline Entity vibrates. As it does, look at the background stars. They also vibrate in time with the Entity, although the signal is focused on Entity alone.

Movie Nut

Silicon Avatar - S5-E4

Trivia: As Data and Dr. Marr wait for the turbolift, the dark panel on the right side of the door reads "ACCESS DENIED." No other time does this appear.

Movie Nut

The Big Goodbye - S1-E12

Trivia: As Troi talks to Picard about the language of the Harada, there's a model of the Enterprise-A behind her painted silver. The difference is that the nacelles are flat rather than in profile (straight up) to make it appear as a different ship.

Movie Nut

Hide and Q - S1-E10

Trivia: In this episode, as Picard talks to Riker about the Q power, he walks around his desk. As he does, a model of the Enterprise A can be seen by the wall. In later episodes, the model is of the Stargazer.

Movie Nut

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