Ace: Tell them what I'm saying. [To Wachootoo tribe] I come in peace.
Ouda: White devil say, "I will harm you."
Ace: I couldn't help but notice that Eqinsu Ocha part. Did you just refer to me as White Devil?
Ouda: This how they know you.
Ace: Leave that part out from now on. [To tribe] I represent the princess.
Ouda: I am a princess.
Ace: War is hell. The last thing we want is a fight.
Ouda: I want to fight. So go to Hell.
Ace: Excuse me. Your balls are showing. Bumble Bee Tuna.
Fulton Greenwall: Perhaps we should slow down just a teensy-weensy bit?
Ace: Nonsense, poopy pants!
Ace: Alright! This white devil thing has gone far enough! Nobody messes with the do!
Ace: Hey, what are you? H.R shove and stuff?
Ace: I must tell you, I do not wish to fight you. Violence is no longer in my nature, but if you want it, you got it, sister!
Stewardess: Peanut?
Ace: Yes, I have one right here. It's bulky but I consider it carry-on.
Ace: Do not pass go! Do not collect 200 dollars!
Answer: It is sung by Blues Traveler, covering the song originally written by Johnny Rivers (whose version of "Secret Agent Man" was used as the theme song for the Patrick McGoohan TV series "Danger Man").
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