Why don't very many 2-D animation movies come to theaters anymore (whenever I see a commercial for a new one, it's always on DVD right away)?
31st Aug 2008
General questions
23rd Aug 2008
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)
Question: During Dooku's meeting with the other Separatists on Geonosis, why does one of the Separatists say, "The techno-union army," and then stop and make that weird noise?
Answer: If I remember correctly, the Separatist in question is of a species whose vocal functions are incapable of making any sound resembling what we would call "human" speech. He wears a device that translates his sounds into a more discernible language. It needed an adjustment at this point, and you can even see him reach up and turn a knob.
21st Aug 2008
The Dark Knight (2008)
18th Aug 2008
The Dark Knight (2008)
Question: Just how does Batman's grapple gun work? In Batman Begins, Fox says, 'It's magnetic' so I assume it can attach to anything metal. But the magnet would have to be extremely strong to support the weight of Batman, which begs the question how does it then detach from what he's fired it on? Also, where does he keep all the wire for it, and how does it have the magic ability to wrap its self around the Joker's ankle, when he's been thrown off the building and Batman shoots it at him?
Answer: The gun fires using compressed carbon dioxide as a propellant. The cable is wrapped in a coil around a motorized turbine within the gun. The pulley system in Batman's belt buckle allows him to reel himself in hands-free and still maintain equilibrium. There is a four-pronged grapple at the end of the cable. This is what is magnetized, creating an attraction between it and the monofilament cable. This ensures that the grapple will attach itself to the cable for a secure hold. This is why the magnet itself does not need to be especially strong to support any amount of weight. It also explains the relative ease with which it can be detached and its seemingly "magical" ability to wrap itself around various objects.
17th Aug 2008
Nim's Island (2008)
Question: Is Gerard Butler playing two roles a reference to "Peter Pan," in which the same actor usually plays both Mr. Darling and Captain Hook?
Chosen answer: No. Gerard Butler plays Alex Rover because Nim imagines him looking like her father. Alexandra Rover sees him like that merely for the sake of consistency within the film.
14th Aug 2008
General questions
Is there a specific reason Tuesday was chosen as the release day for new DVD/Blu-Ray releases?
Chosen answer: A lot of reasons went into this decision. Most prominently: Sales figures are released on Mondays. Releasing a DVD on Tuesday maximizes the number of days in which to make sales that will count toward that figure. Next, if a video is selling particularly well, the retailer has plenty of time to order more copies for the weekend shoppers. Finally, releasing on Tuesday, as opposed to Monday, gives the retailer more time to stock their shelves. Not a big issue with super-huge chain stores, but rental establishments especially need time to reorganize everything on their shelves to fit the new releases in. Doing this over the weekend, when the store is most likely to be full of customers, for a Monday release isn't practical from a business perspective. Tuesday releases allow retailers to use the typically slow business day of Monday to get everything ready.
12th Aug 2008
The Dark Knight (2008)
Question: What does Bruce Wayne live in, did he rebuild his house that burned down in Batman Begins?
11th Aug 2008
General questions
I am looking for the name of a television show that aired in the mid- to late 1990s. I recall seeing about five minutes of one episode in probably 1996 or 1997. I think each episode had different characters and different stories, not a consistent cast. It was supposed to be a series of horror stories, I believe. The part of the episode that I saw seemed like an intro, and it involved a man with a pig mask on (or a pig with a human body) that was pulling a man's body from either a toilet or bathtub. I believe it was a toilet, but I am not sure. There were other pig people in the house, and possibly some children who were hiding from them. The part I remember best is definitely the pig man and a body in the bathroom. I don't recall the channel that it aired on, but was definitely frightening. If this description rings a bell for anyone, please respond. It's been bothering me for years.
Answer: Sounds to me like "Tales from the Crypt".
4th Aug 2008
The Dark Knight (2008)
Question: In the very beginning in the fight between Batman and Scarecrow, Batman grabs a rifle and bends it with his bare hands. I've never known Batman to have super strength before. I know he is strong and agile above Olympic levels, but not to be able to bend metal. Or does his Batsuit give him a boost in strength? This is something also that would be new since Batman is known for his utility belt and being the greatest detective in the world, but not for super powers.
30th Jul 2008
Robocop 3 (1993)
Question: Is there any reason why this film was toned down so much in comparison to the previous two films? Much of this film played like a Saturday-morning-cartoon, and less like the gritty and violent predecessors. Just curious as to why this radical (and unnecessary) change was made.
29th Jul 2008
The Dark Knight (2008)
17th Jul 2008
General questions
Maybe about 10 years ago, I saw a football movie and can only remember the opening scene: On a rainy night, during a game, a touchdown is made by a player in black. Once he makes the touchdown, he pulls a revolver out of his pants and shoots himself in the head. I remember the movie revolving around the drug use, etc. of professional sports players, but can't for the life of me remember the title. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Answer: The Last Boyscout. Released in 1991 and starring Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans. Billy Blanks played the suicidal athlete.
14th Jul 2008
The Family Man (2000)
Question: Jack does not meet the Black mugger/angel again after returning to his former life. He wakes up in his apartment the same date he fell asleep, on Christmas. Were Jack's experiences all a dream?
10th Jul 2008
Wall-E (2008)
10th Jul 2008
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Question: Extended Edition: Why do the Army of the Dead try to crush Aragorn and others with the skull avalanche? They try to kill him, and then decide to help him. I don't get it.
7th Jul 2008
The Core (2003)
Question: Why in this film should NASA and the military handle the operation? It is neither related to space nor related to war. Some institute related to geo sciences should handle it.
Answer: To put it simply: NASA's got all the technology and the people trained to use it, and the military is involved in every government project, not just acts of war. Also, the military has a vast and efficient logistics system making it possible to bring the major pieces of equipment together in the short amount of time available.
Answer: They could just hire a bunch of oil rig drillers instead if you want. All they have to do is drill after all.
6th Jul 2008
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008)
5th Jul 2008
General questions
Does anybody out there know what Hollywood puts in the hair of an actor playing a vampire to make the hair so slick and shiny? I have asked at least 3 costume shops and could not get an answer.
Chosen answer: For movie production, it could be anything from simple pomade, to hair gel, to school glue. There's no "standard" method. Glue would be the easiest to style with, it would hold the hair in place the best, and make the hair quite shiny. It takes two or three vigorous and lathery scrubs to get it all out when you're done, but it will wash out.
29th Jun 2008
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971)
Question: At the end of the movie, Wonka tells Charlie and his grandfather that they do not get the lifetime supply of chocolate because they drank the bubble juice and floated to the ceiling, thus breaking the rules. Charley then places his share of the everlasting gobstopper next to Wonka and all of a sudden, Wonka is very friendly and gives Charlie the entire factory. Did I miss something?
Chosen answer: It was a test. Even though Wonka was being a jerk to Charlie, Charlie gave the Everlasting Gobstopper back. By refusing to sell its secret to Slugworth, even though the Buckets were very poor and Wonka was rude, Charlie proved himself an honorable, honest person and a worthy heir to the business. Wonka was happy for Charlie.
29th Jun 2008
Jaws (1975)
Question: In the scene where the shark enters the pond, Brody's son and some friends are trying to tie a knot in a rope, a man in a small boat paddles up to them and says something right before he asks if they are ok. It sounds like he is saying "fellas make it thin, fold it in sheets". I've watched Jaws a 100 times and I still can't quite make out what he says. Any idea?
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Answer: Mainly because the entertainment medium has moved on since the days of drawn animation. They're very time consuming and labor intensive, so they cost a lot. That means such a film is less likely to make a significant profit. The film financiers don't want to put money into drawn animation while moviegoers, generally speaking, are no longer interesting in paying to see them. Having said that, Disney's releasing "The Princess and the Frog" in theatres in 2009, which will their first hand-drawn animation in 5 years.
Phixius ★