Question: Does anyone know the approximate timeline of the movie? I noticed shortly after Tony kills Frank (I think it was the scene when he meets with his lawyer), he and Manny walk near a billboard advertising the "all-new 1984 Corvette". The '84 Corvette went into production in March 1983, so I don't want to call it a mistake in case it is factually correct.
23rd Jun 2008
Scarface (1983)
22nd Jun 2008
Speed Racer (2008)
22nd Jun 2008
National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007)
Question: At the end of the film there are a bunch of people in the lost city of gold. If the devices were busted up and didn't work any longer, how did they get the water out? Also, if there's not really a way in any more, how did they all get in?
Question: Does anyone know for sure if Harrison Ford wears the same hat in each movie or are there multiple copies. I'd like to know for sure, not speculation or guesses.
Chosen answer: Not only does he wear a different hat in each movie, he wears several different hats within the same movie. After Raiders of the Lost Ark, Harrison Ford was given the original hat, which he personally helped the costume designer give its old and worn but well-loved appearance, to keep for his own.
Answer: There were not only multiple Indy hats used in each movie, but multiple styles and sizes of Indy hats used for various scenes. In "Raiders," for example, Herbert Johnson hatters in London produced 45 copies of the hat for use in that movie alone. Those hats were used by Harrison Ford himself, his stand-ins and stuntmen. In dark scenes, where lighting was critical, Ford wore a version of the hat with a modified brim to accommodate facial lighting; and, in the daylight "Basket Chase" scene in Cairo, the style of hat is noticeably different with a slightly wider brim. The hats vary greatly from movie-to-movie, as well, with variations in brim, crown and felt color. By the last movie, "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," the hat is distinctly different from the original used in "Raiders of the Lost Ark."
13th Jun 2008
The Matrix (1999)
Question: I could never understand this in any of the Matrix movies. They need to go to a phone that is ringing in order to leave the Matrix and go to the real world. The guy in their command center tells them where they can find that phone. Why can they not use any phone in the Matrix? Why do they have to go so far to get to a ringing phone? And why can't they just use their cell phone they have on them in order to get back to the real world?
Chosen answer: It has to be a hard line phone, one that is part of the matrix code, that's been previously hacked by the rebels. There's a network of them throughout the city, and the operator directs them to the nearest one after activating it. Their cell phones won't work because they aren't part of the matrix; they're loaded in just like the guns and clothes. It's possible the "hard" aspect of the phone also translates to a literal physical connection in the real world which the rebels can connect to.
7th Jun 2008
Toy Story (1995)
Question: Would it actually be possible, with today's technological standards, to design a toy that incorporates all of Buzz Lightyear's little widgets? I'm aware it does seem a bit of a stretch but given we're now seeing figures boasting 25 bendable joints as well as lights and a voice chip is it still outside the realm of possibility?
Answer: It already is a toy.
Answer: I promise you, as a child growing up, I had one with all the moving parts, buttons, wings, the works! Nowadays the toy story 4 Buzz isn't the same, but he once had it all.
7th Jun 2008
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Question: When Jones has the bazooka pointed to the Ark and shouts something, Belloq turns around and there's a moment in which you can see an ant or something going into Belloq's mouth. What is what goes into his mouth exactly? Is this a mistake, a joke on purpose, or something more?
Answer: When Indiana threatens the Nazis with a Panzerfaust, you can see a fly creeping into the mouth of Paul Freeman. Contrary to popular belief, he did not swallow it. Freeman explained in an interview years later that the fly flew off at about the instant he uttered the word "bad, " but Steven Spielberg noticed it and decided it would be funny to cut out a few frames so the fly would not be seen flying away. This made it look as though Freeman ate it, and he found the edit highly amusing.
5th Jun 2008
General questions
I remember watching a TV show (miniseries?) in the late ninties about a guy, his daughter, and their golden retriever, who end up in Fairy Tale Land. They eventually meet up with the big bad wolf, who is really just a guy with a tail, who isn't that bad a guy, who is hitting on the daughter. That's about all I remember. Thanks for helping me out! I really hope someone can answer this question.
Answer: The 10th Kingdom.
30th May 2008
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
27th May 2008
The Golden Compass (2007)
13th May 2008
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Question: Is it possible for someone to drink to the point of passing out and then moments later appear completely sober (as Marion does)?
Chosen answer: Probably not, but Marion was faking it. She won a betting game that way. If she didn't at least act drunk, she'd never get anyone to compete against her. Sort of like how pool sharks pretend to be bad just to get people to play them, then they play just good enough to be assured of a win, but not so good that the player won't come back for more thinking they have a chance of winning their money back.
11th May 2008
I Am Legend (2007)
Question: Can we be sure that the "trap" set for Smith wasn't just bad luck? Is there proof that the infected set it up that way? I thought that it was just a coincidence that he got stuck, at first.
27th Apr 2008
Juno (2007)
Question: When Juno first meets the Lorings, she mentions that she saw them in the Pennysaver, and, suddenly, Vanessa looks very shocked. Why?
Chosen answer: Because she is wealthy and she considers the Pennysaver to be "beneath" her. Their adoption request was submitted to a syndicate and that syndicate printed the request in all of its publications, the Pennysaver being one of them; Vanessa did not choose to appear in the Pennysaver.
22nd Apr 2008
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
17th Apr 2008
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Question: Is it just me, or do the Expelliarmus, Everte Statum and Rictusempra spells all do exactly the same thing- knock the opponent backwards? And why doesn't Expelliarmus disarm the opponent?
16th Apr 2008
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
Question: What is the awesome music being played while Qui-Gon Obi-Wan and Darth Maul are fighting? It is played during lightsaber duels in Episodes 2 and 3 as well.
Chosen answer: The song is called "Duel of the Fates". Incidentally, the words being sung are Sanskrit. John Williams chose them purely for the way they sound and their meanings, whatever they are, are completely irrelevant to the song or the events.
8th Apr 2008
Sweeney Todd (2007)
27th Mar 2008
Sweeney Todd (2007)
Question: Is the montage of murders before the re-opening of the restaurant supposed to be shot in real time or is it going over days around the same time of different days?
3rd Apr 2008
Garfield: The Movie (2004)
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Answer: Early 80's is about right. That billboard wouldn't constitute a mistake either way. That same billboard could still be visible years after the car was released.
Phixius ★