Grumpy Scot

29th Mar 2008

Mystery Men (1999)

Chosen answer: Gauntlets that look cool and would help him block blows in hand-to-hand. (If he wasn't so bad at it, anyway.)

Grumpy Scot

13th May 2008

Shrek (2001)

Chosen answer: The Andorians on Star Trek.

Grumpy Scot

18th Dec 2007

South Park (1997)

Answer: Nobody. It's a spoof of DVD special features. They are just talking to the cameraman.

Grumpy Scot

12th Aug 2007

She's the Man (2006)

Question: In the movie, when Viola is becoming a guy, they play "Love Is All Around" by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts. But the version on the soundtrack is sung by The Tea Queens. Any particular reason why?

Answer: A. The music supervisor wanted a cover instead of the original. B. It's sometimes cheaper to pay for the rights to a cover than the original song.

Grumpy Scot

19th Jul 2008

The X-Files (1993)

Roland - S1-E23

Question: When Roland was brushing his hair at The End of the episode, why did he suddenly stop and stare at himself in the mirror?

Answer: Roland was being controlled mentally by his twin brother. The pause is to suggest that he has gone from being controlled by him to being possessed by him.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: I don't mean to argue with the answer by Grumpy Scot, but I viewed it the opposite way, for some reason. I think Roland was suddenly free from the control/possession by his brother. He suddenly "woke up" after everything that happened.

10th Jul 2008

The X-Files (1993)

Answer: Judging by the color, it could be lycopodium powder. When sprinkled liberally on latex gloves it helps keep liquids from adhering.

Grumpy Scot

20th Jul 2008

General questions

This is an episode of a TV show that I saw a while ago. A man was really some kind of monster that liked to eat people's brains, but I think he felt bad about it. At one point in the show, he visited a therapist (without telling her that he kills people), who had blonde hair. While she was talking and flipping through some cards, there was a close-up shot of her head, which he was staring at. At another part of the episode, he goes to a meeting for people with addictions, and talked about his taste for brains, but I think he made it sound like he was addicted to meat.

Answer: It's a season 7 episode of The X-Files entitled "Hungry".

Grumpy Scot

15th May 2008

Heartbreakers (2001)

Question: Why did Max want to scam Barbara at the end?

Answer: Because Barbara stole all the money that Max and Paige had scammed from people over the years. She wants it back.

Grumpy Scot

21st Apr 2008

General questions

The movie in question I'm looking for is either from the 80's or 90's. The movie begins (and ends) with some guy telling a story about a picture on the wall (which the movie is about) that has a car (I believe it's yellow-ish) parked in front of a lake. In the story, about 5 teens go out to the lake that has a small dock anchored off-shore. While at the lake, a tar-like blob in the lake slowly kills them all. What's the title?

Answer: It's from Creepshow 2 ( It's based on a Stephen King short story titled "The Raft".

Grumpy Scot

16th Apr 2008

Kyle XY (2006)

Season 2 generally

Question: Why don't Amanda and Jessi like each other in the second part of season 2? In the episode "Ghost in the Machine", Jessi was interested in Kyle because Madacorp programmed her to go after him. But why doesn't she like Amanda later on, after she is free from Madacorp?

Answer: Jessi is jealous of how close Amanda is to Kyle. Kyle and Jessi have a psychic link and Jessi feels no one should be closer to Kyle than she is.

Grumpy Scot

14th Feb 2008

General questions

Does anyone know if Tom Clancy's book "Rainbow Six" has been, or is planned to be, made into a movie?


Chosen answer: According to it's greenlighted for a 2010 release. Whether or not it will make it or be shelved is anyone's guess.

Grumpy Scot

Question: In the scene near the end of the movie, when Tupelov's sub fires on the Red October for the first time, how did the torpedo manage to miss the mini-sub sitting right on top of the October?

Answer: Torpedoes home in on a target via sonar. The mini sub was too close to the October to show up as a separate target. Further, the Alfa's captain misjudged the distance from his boat to Red October and the torpedoes armed themselves and started looking for the boomer after they had already passed her.

Grumpy Scot

9th Jan 2008

General questions

A TV series during the 70's and 80's. I think it's about two brothers. One is a dwarf, very smart and thinks like MacGuyver. In one episode he's driving a car from the back seat and the driver in front doesn't know how the car is driving itself. Another involves them climbing walls. Anyone recognise this show?

gillian ahern

Chosen answer: Sounds like "The Wizard".

Grumpy Scot

3rd Jan 2008

General questions

I am looking for the name of a movie that would have been made between the 70's and early 80's. It about 3 guys making an escape from prison onto a train. In one scene, the guys hide behind a false wall to conceal themselves when the carriage is investigated by a prison officer. In another scene, one of the prisoners gets his leg caught and badly injured in a bear trap. His friends try to save him, helping him walk through the snow, however he later dies and because they are starving they decide to eat him.

gillian ahern

Chosen answer: Gulag (1985).

Grumpy Scot

21st Dec 2007

General questions

Hey, I'm looking for an animated movie I saw approximately between 1995-2000 (possibly on the Sci-Fi Channel?), though I am not certain that is actually when the movie was made. It had a "Hobbit-like" creature in it as the main character with goblins as the enemies. This movie is a fantasy where there are swords and magic, however, the goblins have machine guns OR the main character flips out and goes on a killing rampage, in a scene that features crazy colors and blood everywhere. I would appreciate help I can get witht this. I will try to check back, however, welcome your email thoughts at

Answer: Sounds like Wizards.

Grumpy Scot

14th Dec 2007

General questions

I don't remember where I saw this but I'm thinking 80's or 90's. All I remember is these guys (who are brothers) stole a lot of money. At one point one brother states he does not want to go through it anymore and tells his brother to kill him. I remember it being a winter movie due to a lot of snow and also I think at some point it involves a lady who is shot in her kitchen with a shotgun.

25th Nov 2007

Deep Rising (1998)

Question: There is a scene where Canton says he believes the creatures were a strange offshoot of the ARCHAEA OTTOIA family. He then describes how big they get based on how deep down they are as well as what they do to their victims. Question is does the Archaea Ottoia really exist? If so is anything Canton said about it true? I tried looking for this creature in the search engine but with no luck.


Chosen answer: According to the DVD commentary, the monsters in the film are a combination of 3 different undersea creatures. All of them are microscopic.

Grumpy Scot

23rd Nov 2007

Independence Day (1996)

Question: What are the physical dimensions, if any, of all the enemy ship types? Is there any biological information like height, weight of the enemy beings? I am looking at using this enemy in a fanfic of another show.

Answer: Try This site is devoted to size comparisons of ships and aliens from different shows and movies.

Grumpy Scot

20th Sep 2007

General questions

I saw a movie a while ago where a strict couple has children living with them. I remember one scene where a woman is telling a girl to get into a bathtub and scrub herself, but the girl doesn't want to because the water is too hot. There is also a boy who hides in the house, but can't talk because the man in the house cut out his tongue or something. Does anyone know the title?

10th Sep 2007

Demolition Man (1993)

Question: Why was Simon allowed a damn at the joy joy feeling machine thingy while John was fined for one while talking to his friend?

Answer: I'm assuming you're referring to when Simon says "Damn, I'm possessed!" He was hacking the machine when he said it, perhaps he'd corrupted the program or shut off the microphone as a side effect?

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Note that when Spartan is fined for swearing, the machine uses his full name. When Phoenix is fined, the machine only refers to him as "You" ("You are fined 1 credit...") as he isn't recognised because he doesn't have a chip. Presumably he's expected to take the ticket and pay the fine even if the machine didn't automatically know it was him.

Also notable is that when Lenina swore she was fined only one half a credit instead of a full credit. Probably because she is a cop.


No, I think she got fined only a half credit because it was a *sotto voce* violation (under her breath).

Strange, I can swear somebody already mentioned that once before.


Wait a minute, is that trivia?


Answer: Phoenix has no sub-dermal microchip in his hand. Per Huxley, all transactions are done with this chip. That would mean fines are also generated per person based on this chip too.

Except when Simon is trying to get a gun, he keeps swearing at the booth which constantly fines him.

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