Factual error: Wesley has his throat cut, deeply enough to at least nick the artery (based on the amount of blood) and the windpipe (based on his difficulties breathing and talking later on), yet he somehow survives being left alone in the park for over 24 hours. In reality, he would have been dead long before then.
24th Apr 2005
Angel (1999)
24th Apr 2005
Angel (1999)
A New World - S3-E20
Factual error: Connor has been raised since he was a few months old by Holtz, a man with a British accent, in a dimension where there are no other humans. There is no possible way he could have an American accent, yet from the moment of his return he speaks with one.
Suggested correction: The demons in Pylea spoke English with American accents (possibly due to Wolfram and Hart's interference), and in tie-in comics, demons in the dimension Connor and Holtz went to were shown speaking regular English, though these comics were released years later.
22nd Feb 2005
Angel (1999)
Continuity mistake: When Gunn is talking to Wesley near the start of the episode, he mentions that he's tracked Lindsay down, and that he's been living under the name "Doyle", and holds out the lease of his apartment. There's a close-up of the lease a few seconds later, in which the name "Lindsay McDonald" can be seen.
7th Nov 2004
Angel (1999)
Hell Bound - S5-E4
Trivia: Angel leaves the Reaper locked in a metal cage as the camera pans slowly back so we can only see his eyes - almost exactly the same shot as when Connor left Angel trapped in the metal coffin at the end of "Tomorrow". They even say the same thing - "You get to live. Forever". Like father, like son.
14th Jun 2004
Angel (1999)
8th Mar 2004
Angel (1999)
Continuity mistake: In the season 5 episode 'Destiny' we see that the first time Angelus meets William, he has already adopted a more cockney accent, but in an earlier episode of BtVS (Fool For Love) Angelus asks Spike "Since when do you talk like that", suggesting he changed his accent after they met.
8th Dec 2003
Angel (1999)
Disharmony - S2-E17
Continuity mistake: In 'Disharmony' Willow's hair is over her eye when she says "Thanks for the affirmation", but when we see her again a second later its tucked behind her ear. The shot wasn't on Cordelia long enough for her to have tucked it back. (00:16:45)
8th Dec 2003
Angel (1999)
16th Nov 2003
Angel (1999)
Plot hole: During the scene where Angel tries to work out where Wesley is being held hostage we learn that the man Faith beat up at the start is still alive in the hospital and that it's his apartment she's staying in. Angel bursts into the apartment to save the day, but that's not possible without an invitation, as the owner is alive, whether or not he's actually there. (00:34:00 - 00:36:40)
7th Jul 2003
Angel (1999)
Inside Out - S4-E17
Trivia: Skip's line in 'Inside Out' - 'Nobody comes back from paradise. Well, maybe a Slayer once,' is a reference to BTVS, and Buffy being brought back from heaven in the episode 'Bargaining'.
5th Jul 2003
Angel (1999)
Trivia: In the episode 'Untouched' Angel asks Cordelia 'Do you have any idea how hard it is to think when you've got a rebar through you?', her reply of 'Actually, I do. Benefits of a Sunnydale education' is a reference to the BTVS episode 'Lover's Walk', in which Cordy falls through a staircase and is impaled on a rebar.
4th Jul 2003
Angel (1999)
Ground State - S4-E2
Revealing mistake: In 'Ground State' when Gwen is walking towards the lift in Irwin's building you can see Angel's reflection on the shiny door. Vampires don't have reflections, as is demonstrated at various other times in this show.
10th May 2003
Angel (1999)

Continuity mistake: In the season one episode 'I Will Remember You' when Buffy and Angel are talking in the sewer Buffy's hair goes from being just a few strands over her shoulder to having a whole side over it, and back again. (00:11:05)
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