
Correction: Because when it's revealed, they have the slightly more pressing problem of the demon to deal with, then the episode ends pretty much once the demon's gone (after the last song, of course). Plus there's the slight matter of the fact that they dragged their best friend out of heaven to deal with. Not a lot of time for on-screen guilt there - no doubt all that took place off-camera, after the episode.


Normal Again - S6-E17

Corrected entry: In 'Normal Again', season 6, we learn that Buffy was in a mental clinic after telling her parents about vampires. In 'Becoming', season 2, when Joyce found out the truth about Sunnydale why didn't she mention this? It had only happened a year or two before, and a simple 'Oh god, Buffy, you were right' or 'Sorry for sending you to the funny farm, sweetie' would have been the obvious thing for her to say.


Correction: The truth about Sunnydale was something of a shock for Joyce - it would have taken her a while to absorb it properly. Most likely she did eventually apologise to Buffy about the clinic, once Buffy'd come back in season 3, anyway, but it presumably happened off-camera.


Him - S7-E6

Corrected entry: In "Him", after Xander has his flashback to "Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered" he smiles and says 'Good times...', but during that episode he explicity stated that he hated what was happening. Nearly being axe murdered by a crazed horde of women shouldn't be a happy memory, it should be a traumatic one.


Correction: I don't see this as a mistake. Looking back at the day when every woman in town was crazy about him, Xander probably does see the upside.


Hell's Bells - S6-E16

Corrected entry: In 'Hell's Bells' the only part of Dawn's conversation Anya could have heard is "...he's just run off and no one can find him". Given that she had already been told the cleric had run off to perform a C-section how does she instantly realise that it's Xander Dawn is talking about? Shouldn't her first thought be that Dawn is talking about the missing cleric?


Correction: Well, if she thought the cleric had left for a specific reason, she wouldn't expect anyone to be trying to find him - as they knew where he went, so it couldn't really be him that Dawn was talking about. Xander is the only other male who is essential for the ceremony, plus the fact that she knows him well enough to suspect he might suffer from cold feet.


Bargaining (1) - S6-E1

Corrected entry: When Buffybot shorts out in the alley in 'Bargaining, part 1' she automatically returns to the Summers home to find Willow, suggesting she goes wherever Willow is likely to be. Later in the episode when she's wounded by Razor she runs straight to the grave where the others are. Shouldn't her first objective have been to return to the Summers house, and if not, how did she know where they would be?


Correction: The bot probably uses a homing device, while Willow is carrying a transmitter.


Correction: He does help Buffy out financially, and there is no indication that he does not use a mummy hand. Besides, as shown in "Once More, With Feeling", at this time he has come to realize that Buffy needs to take care of her own problems instead of relying on other people.


15th Jul 2003

Urban Legend (1998)

Corrected entry: When Sasha is running away from the killer she falls to the bottom of the stairs, leaving her in the lobby. We later see Natalie run in through an entrance in the lobby, so why didn't Sasha run out this way instead of going into the lift and back upstairs into the building?


Correction: She didn't run out that front door for the same reason why people always seem to run upstairs. They are scared and not thinking straight. Not a mistake, she is just dumb or scared.


15th Jul 2003

Urban Legend (1998)

Corrected entry: Why did Brenda kill Michelle straight away, the one who killed her boyfriend, while she mentally and physically tortures Natalie, who was just a passenger in the car?


Correction: Maybe in her convoluted mind, she blamed Natalie more. Or she could have had easier access to Brenda to kill her. Or she figured it would be fun to torture someone who she had managed to befriend and then therefore, she wouldn't be a suspect. This type of logic isn't a mistake.


Easier access to Natalie? She was in the car with Michelle alone. And she could have just as easily befriended Michelle instead. Her mind was so convoluted she couldn't comprehend who was actually responsible for her boyfriends death but could come up with an elaborate plan to befriend a girl just to kill her friends to mentally torture her? Right.


Correction: Windows behind both Spike and Warren show night-time with a strong moon.


17th Dec 2003

Charmed (1998)

Centennial Charmed - S5-E12

Corrected entry: Cole enters his apartment on the first night and wishes himself a happy birthday. The next night is the night when Paige is at P3 and he turns the world into his alternate reality, then the next day is when Paige goes to the manor and finds his birthday in full swing. Even with the minor possibility that it was after midnight on the first night, his party is still a day late.


Correction: I have often had parties for my birthday on days other than my birthday.


Corrected entry: If the T-X has Kate's files from middle school, retrieved from current sources, surely she would have a date of birth in there too? And if so, she would know that Kate was in her early 20s and the first woman she killed in the vet's office couldn't possibly be Kate, so she shouldn't have needed to test her DNA.


Correction: Appearance is often not an accurate reflection of age. Just because the cat lady obviously looked so much older didn't mean that it wasn't at least worth checking to see if it was Kate or not.


Becoming (1) - S2-E21

Corrected entry: In 'Becoming' when Buffy leaves to meet Angelus in the graveyard she takes Kendra's stake, Mr. Pointy, with her. Later on that night when she slays a vampire outside her house she uses a totally different stake.


Correction: Buffy probably keeps more than one stake on her anyway, and Mr. Pointy wasn't part of her normal armaments. Plus, she might be attaching sentimental importance to dead Kendra's stake.


Correction: Anya lost her teleportation power at the end of season six (albeit off screen) because she over used it ("it's not a right, it's a privilege"). When Halfrek is sacrificed, this is because she is trying to reverse the DEATHS of victims and "the proverbial scales must balance" However Halfrek reversing The Wish requires no penalty as she is not trying to bring someone back to life. In the same way, Anya did NOT have to pay a penalty in 'Beneath You'

Corrected entry: When Ms. Perky is typing on her keyboard in the scene right after Kat's English class (the one where she argues about Hemmingway), she reads her work aloud to herself and decides to change "red" to "crimson". The problem is that she only hits 5 keys to type a seven-letter word.


Correction: It's obvious that Ms. Perky isn't typing "crimson", but erasing the word "red" and its spaces. This is why she only hits what you may have counted as 5 keys. When she begins to type again, the music is playing in the background and she is narrating the story, so you can't tell how many keys she hits when she really types the word "crimson".

Correction: Giles tells Buffy that HE has no instruction manual. The Slayer Handbook is for the Slayer, not the Watcher.

15th May 2003

Angel (1999)

Correction: In "Eternity" Wesley explains that Angel only thinks he is Angelus because of the drugs the actress slipped him. He describes it as "artificial perfect happiness", Angel never actually turned. This also explains why Angel does not kill the actress (can't remember her name) in the basement. The real Angelus never would have let her go. Also, drugged Angel never killed anyone even outside the office. When the real Angelus is there (Buffy, Season 2 and Angel, Season 4) bodies pile up.

Correction: But the computer lab at school where Jenny had been working had been smashed to bits and set on fire, so the logical solution was that there had been a fight there. And it was pretty evident who won the fight.

Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11

Corrected entry: In 'Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight' Giles says that it's a lack of people noticing her added to the mystical strength of the Hellmouth that turned Marcy invisible, but at the end of the episode it's revealed that there's a whole classroom of people who have turned invisible. How did all of them turn invisible without the Hellmouth's influence?


Correction: At the end of the series you learn that there are other Hellmouths. Giles even states that there's one in Cleveland.


2nd Sep 2003

The Ring (2002)

Corrected entry: Samara gives her victims seven days to live because that's how long she was trapped in the well before dying. The thing is, she had water (albeit not very fresh, but probably drinkable) so she would have lived close to a month before dying of starvation or, more likely, would have asphyxiated after a very short time because there was no air getting into the sealed well.


Correction: She probably died of cold or drowned, because water was too deep to sleep in. Combination of all the factors could easily kill in 7 days.

6th Jun 2003

Zoolander (2001)

Corrected entry: When Derek runs into Hansel at the party (right before the face-off) he tells him that he'll be modelling Mugatu's new line, and Hansel says he's never even heard of it. The thing is, Derek tells Matilda in the previous scene that he's going to the launch party for the new line. If Hansel is at the launch party for the new line, shouldn't he have heard about it?


Correction: Firstly it is never explicitly stated that the party he runs into Hansel at, IS the launch party. Also given that it is established how stupid male models are it is quite possible that he had no idea what the party was for.

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