
2nd May 2005

Will & Grace (1998)

Answer: "Beverly Leslie", played by Leslie Jordan.


1st Apr 2005

Scream 3 (2000)

Question: There is an entry saying, 'At Roman's birthday party, Roman and Jennifer go off alone to find a missing room and end up in the basement. Later, Gale is looking for Roman and goes straight to the basement. She calls his name and gets no answer, but is adamant that he is in the basement and continues down to find him. Why would she think he was down there if she had no idea where he went?' What is this all about, because I don't understand it?

Answer: It's pointing out how ridiculous it is that Gale goes looking for Roman in the basement. She has absolutely no idea where he is, and they're in a large enough mansion - if she called his name and he didn't answer, then there's no reason to think he's down there (since he has no reason, as far as she knows, to hide from her). However, she needs to go down to the basement for the sake of the plot, so she does so even though there's no real reason for it.


1st Apr 2005

Blackadder (1986)

Answer: The closest we ever get to knowing his first name is in series 3, when he claims it's "Sod Off". Blackadder asks him in series 3 where this came from, and he replies "Well, when I was a kid, living in the gutter, I'd go up to the other kids and say 'Hello, I'm Baldrick'. And they'd say, 'Yes, we know. Sod off, Baldrick.'" The S in this series is likely a reference to that, but it's not addressed, and given this Baldrick is clearly different from the series 3 Baldrick, we can't draw a direct link.


Question: During the film Eugene grabs a gun and tries to Kill himself, this did not work as explained in the film it was not his time to die, So how could Kimberley kill herself as it was not her turn to die, due to the fact the officer saved her at the beginning putting her at the back of the queue to die, so the officer would need to die first for Kimberley to kill herself. Is this an oversight in the film or did I miss something?

Answer: Given that Death not only lets Kimberly die but actively helps her (by stopping the cop from getting to her in time), my best guess is that when Kimberly pulled him to the ground a few seconds earlier to avoid the gurney flying from the explosion, it was counted as her saving him and thus made him skip to the back of the queue.


Question: When Tom explains himself about cheating death within connection with Billy Hitchcock, how does this all work out?

Answer: Tom was called out to view the scene of Billy's death. This meant that he avoided the shoot-out that killed his partner, and that should have killed him too.


1st Mar 2005

Scream (1996)

Question: It is mentioned that at the end of Scream and Scream 2 there is a flash of a ghost mask, implying a sequel. i have looked hard but can't see one in either film, where are they?

Answer: After the first section of the credits (in which the major stars are shown with a screenshot), the screen fades to black for a moment and then there's a music sting and a flash of the ghostface mask.


Question: Who put gasoline all over the massive swan float? Is it ever revealed. Who could it of been! And why did anybody do it (and how would they have the time, IF everyone thought Amber would win etc.!!!) - It annoyed me, this did! Who put gasoline on the float?


Chosen answer: I don't think anyone actually put gasoline over the float - it's suggested in the movie that the float is leaking gasoline because Becky's father imported it cheap from Mexico.


Chosen answer: "Bittersweet Symphony", by The Verve, from their album "Urban Hymns".


27th Nov 2004

Friends (1994)

The One With Barry & Mindy's Wedding - S2-E24

Question: In the episode where Richard and Monica break up at Barry and Mindy's wedding, we see that Chandler is chatting on the computer with a girl (that ends up being Janice). When Joey comes in and Phoebe tells him that they are wondering whether or not the girl Chandler is talking with is actually a girl. Joey says, "Ask her how long she is going to live. Girls live longer" and Chandler says, "Why don't you fall down more?" What does he mean?

Answer: Joey has just made an incredibly stupid remark (how would she know how long she's going to live?), so he wonders how Joey is even smart enough to walk. It's just a joke.


16th Nov 2004

Shrek 2 (2004)

Answer: It is an instrumental version of "Funkytown", by Lipps Inc.


16th Nov 2004

Final Destination (2000)

Question: When the teacher is pouring her Vodka, she freaks out all of a sudden when she looks inside her cup. Why does she do this?

Answer: The cup has the high school's crest on the side of it - she is freaked out because, as she explains in the previous scene, everything is reminding her of the school and thus of the crash in which she should have died.


12th Nov 2004

Troy (2004)

Question: When Brad Pitt and the Prince fight outside Troy and Pitt is the victor, is there any reason why they began with spears and then when they went, they used their swords? How come they didn't just use their swords to begin with as you see in many movies of the same genre?

Craig Bryant

Chosen answer: Homer describes the fight as having taken place in The Iliad using spears, not swords - they threw spears at each other in turn, and with Athena's help Achilles (Pitt) struck Hector (Bana), killing him. The movie uses swords to make the fight visually more exciting, but features spears as a nod to the original.


Also in those days the spear was the primary weapon that was used to fight with. The sword was always a secondary or back up weapon. This is often misrepresented in movies.

12th Nov 2004

Troy (2004)

Question: How come there were suddenly dead Greeks lying on the beach, apparently killed by plague? Was there really a plague or what happened?

Answer: In The Iliad, there was a plague sent by Apollo about 9 years into the war in revenge for Agamemnon keeping Chryses as a slave - her father was a priest and prayed to Apollo for vengeance. There's no real explanation given in the movie (since they've essentially written the gods out of it). They could well have faked up some bodies to look like that as an explanation for their sudden departure to the Trojans.


Question: Why aren't the four hobbits given a hero's welcome when they return to the Shire? The fellow who greets them seems less than impressed that they just saved Middle-Earth. Do the Shire folk not know about what went on? Do they ever learn of it?

Answer: Few hobbits have ever ventured outside of the Shire and tend to regard Bilbo and Frodo with a certain amount of suspicion for having left for so long. In the novel, the Shire is attacked and therefore they would know about it, but since it is apparently unharmed in the movie they wouldn't care very much about what was going on in the rest of Middle Earth.


8th Nov 2004

The Ring (2002)

Question: How come Becca (Katie's friend) knew how many days were left to Rachel's death?

Answer: People who have seen Samara are infected by her - one of the side effects is that she can recognise people who are cursed, and how long they have left.


Question: Shouldn't Jay already know that the bus charges for fare, seeing as how he bought two bus tickets in "Chasing Amy" to set up his and Silent Bob's meeting Bethany in "Dogma"?

Answer: You may have noticed that Jay is very stupid, and quite often stoned. He doesn't seem to type to learn from his mistakes, especially not ones that happened several years ago.


Show generally

Question: Does anyone have any idea exactly how much in common the series is to the movie? As in what details changed, and do the events from the movie even transpire into the series?


Chosen answer: The series followed on from the original script that Joss Whedon wrote, which was in turn radically different to the movie that was released - thus numerous references to Buffy burning down a building at her old school, which never happened in the movie. Basically, the only story that follows over is this: Buffy was a student at Hemory High, quite popular (she compares herself to Cordelia) until Merrick, her first Watcher, discovered her and told her her destiny. While fighting a group of vampires, Merrick ended up dead (according to Whedon, he was trapped by a group of them and was forced to kill himself to avoid being turned); Buffy later trapped the vampires in the school gym and burned it to the ground, resulting in her expulsion from Hemory and her move to Sunnydale.


Season 5 generally

Question: I'm still not sure on the Dawn idea. She's a key and the monks gave Buffy and her friends memories. But where was she supposed to be every episode before the one where she is revealed? And don't they remember that she was never "in the way" before? Maybe I just think its a stupid idea but I just don't understand where she was and how she came from nowhere.

Answer: This is explained throughout season 5 - Dawn was created by the monks during the season 5 episode "Buffy Vs. Dracula" (as evidenced by Joyce's comments about the house being quiet early on in the episode, before Dawn's appearance in the final moments) and they implanted false memories about her life up until now in her head and the heads of her friends. The reason we never saw her before then was that she hadn't been created yet. She came from nowhere - the Key was just a swirling ball of green energy before the monks turned it into Dawn. The reason no one notices her any more now is that, while the memories aren't perfect (Buffy mentions in "Real Me" that Dawn seems to be getting in the way more often lately), they are good enough to fool everyone enough to accept her.


1st May 2004

Friends (1994)

Show generally

Question: What does the insult "Fafanapolie" mean? I don't know if it's spelled correctly but the meaning is what I really want to know.

Answer: "Va fa Napoli" means go to Naples (Joey is speaking Italian). What Joey probably meant to say was "vaffanculo" which is a very rude saying in Italian.


The saying is technically va fa in il culo (Americanized as bafangoo), which means go f*** yourself (in the a**).

Answer: "Va fa Napoli" is a well-known phrase in Italy, meaning "go to Naples." Naples is a crime-ridden city and considered only suitable for people of objectionable character.

Question: Near the end of the Super Brawl, when Neo is lying on the ground helpless. Why does Agent Smith appear to act frightened and worried after he has said "Everything that has a beginning, has an end, Neo." Is it because it will mean he too has an end? And what made him say it?

Answer: This is an echo of a line spoken to Neo by the Oracle earlier in the film. It's hard to say for certain, but I believe that given the disruption to the Matrix when Smith took over the Oracle's body, it's likely she somehow weakened him. She puts these words into Smith's head to spur Neo on - Smith is worried because he has realised what she's done.


The line was spoken to give the audience hope that Neo was coming back to win the fight. What the audience doesn't know is that Neo and the Oracle want to lose this fight, so that Smith can be destroyed. It serves as the start of a little rollercoaster of emotion, as Neo comes back, then loses, then destroys Smith. it also clarifies which Smith it is that Neo is fighting, and makes Smith not think things totally through (which helps) when he starts to copy himself into Neo (had he stopped to think for a second, he might wonder why Neo was just letting it happen).


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