
Correction: Piper was trying to freeze only innocents.

Cat House - S5-E18

Corrected entry: Phoebe says to Paige that she didn't know that Kit was their familiar, that she was just some cat that kept hanging around on the porch. But they learned that Kit was their familiar in episode 3-17 'Pre-Witched', and they also said that Kit is male, unlike the woman in this episode.

Correction: They did not learn that Kit was their familiar in "Pre-Witched." The idea of familiars was introduced that episode, but they never explicitly stated that Kit was theirs. It may have been hinted towards the audience the way the cat always hung around them and such, but no one ever actually told the girls' that Kit was their familiar. Granted, you'd think they would've suspected it being witches and all, but since it wasn't actually stated until "Cat House" I would not consider it a plot hole/error. They did call Kit a boy though, and not just in that episode, so the fact that Kit turns into a woman when revealed as their familiar is certainly an error.

Something Wicca This Way Comes - S1-E1

Corrected entry: When Prue wonders where the cream is, the little container thereof slides along the table to her. Then the cream drains from the container and burbles up through her coffee. However, that's completely discontinuous with how Prue's power ever worked at any other time in the next three years. The cream should have needed to leap out of the container and into the coffee, simply traveling physically across space. (00:29:20)


Correction: Actually, Prue displays a power that is like a branch of her Telekinesis and is knows as Telematerializarion, which allows her to transport liquids through space.


Prue never possessed a power called "telematerializarion." She possessed telekinesis, which caused objects to move physically through space, and later astral projection, that created a separate manifestation of herself. Other than this single instance in the pilot, Prue never had an ability to cause objects or substance to dematerialize and materialize elsewhere. Paige's orbing telekinesis worked similarly to that, but that's not the ability Prue had.


Cat House - S5-E18

Corrected entry: In episode 3-9: "Coyote Piper," Piper danced sexily on the bar while the song "Unbelievable" played. She danced only to the one song before her sisters pulled her off the bar. In this episode, Phoebe and Paige physically enter Piper's memory (magically enhanced for accuracy), and a different song plays during Piper's dance, despite it being the exact same video footage. (00:33:35)


Correction: The reason why the music is different when Piper is dancing on top of the bar in the memory of the episode "Cat House" is because once the series had ended, any music that was used during the course of the series the license had ended and could no longer be used, with the future reproduction of DVDs of the series. All music that was used including the theme song was replaced, all with the exception of the scenes of the many different bands that performed at P3, which were kept and along with the show's outro music, which was composed by the show production staff Jay Gruska. Any TV networks that air the show will still have the original music, but other video media platforms such as Netflix, will have the new changes to it.

Thanks for the information, but in this case, if true, it proves that the change was made in episode 5-8 as aired on TV, because I saw music other than "Unbelievable" on television, in syndication on TNT, rather than on a platform. The reason I noticed the difference was that I watched the two episodes close together in time, both on TNT.


Charmed Again (1) - S4-E1

Corrected entry: Phoebe says Piper and Prue were able to defeat Shax without the power of three and Piper's response is it was because "Prue was the strongest." Piper would have no recollection of this event as Tempus reversed time bringing Piper back from the dead in the timeline that she was shot in. The time reversal affected everyone's memory except Phoebe, Leo and Cole who were in the Underworld. (00:14:30)

Correction: I believe that Piper simply meant that statement in general and not because she actually remembered the event. She also doesn't say anything else about the timeline that was altered. In Piper's mind, Prue had always been the strongest of the three of them, because she was also the oldest. Piper and Phoebe use that statement several times throughout the series.

Correction: Also Phoebe was in the underworld and was not effected by Tempus' change, and Phoebe could have told her what happened. I assume they all know what happened before the time change at this point.

Freaky Phoebe - S7-E19

Corrected entry: When Paige and Leo are talking in Leo's office at magic school, Paige compliments Leo on being such a good headmaster. She mentions that after being headmistress for a year, it's harder than it looks. If she became headmistress after they killed Gideon (i.e. when baby Chris is born) and she's been headmistress for a year, that would make Chris at least a year old. Chris is obviously not one year old just yet.

Correction: Seeing as she is working at a school, she probably meant a school year, which only lasts for 10 months and not a whole year. She took over for Gideon after he died, so the school year had already started. And she also argued with the Elders first on even keeping the school open, so the school year was already partly over before she actually became headmistress. So like I stated previously, she probably meant a school year instead of an actual full year.

Necromancing the Stone - S5-E21

Corrected entry: In this episode Wyatt has his wiccaning. After all of the vanquishing is done with the Necromancer, it's finally time for the wiccaning and the spell that is said is this: "I call forth from space and time, Matriarchs from the Halliwell line, Mothers, daughters, sisters, friends Our family spirit without end, To gather now in this sacred place And help bring this child to grace." In this spell it is said to bring forth "daughters and sisters" from the Halliwell line, Prue died in the third season and this is now the fifth season, shouldn't she have been summoned as well to bring her nephew Wyatt to grace?

Correction: Gram and Patty revealed in the comic book version that Prue could not be at the wiccaning because she was reincarnated to her next life as Patience because her destiny was not complete.

Correction: It is never stated that Cole cleared out the apartment he wouldn't have had time to do such a thing or even cared enough. I doubt the landlord would've discovered the alter it was hidden.

A Witch's Tail (1) - S5-E1

Corrected entry: In the episode "P3 H20" we learn that Patty died because of the Water Demon, which is why Prue is afraid of water. However in this episode we are told that Patty was killed by the Sea Hag, and that's why Piper develops her demon fear upon becoming pregnant.


Correction: Paige actually mentions the water demon. Saying that the Sea Hag reminds her of it and that it kills in a fascinating way. That is when Piper states that she knows about the water demon because it killed their mother.

The Honeymoon's Over - S3-E1

Corrected entry: Piper reminds her sisters that when they visited the future, she and Leo were married. The episode in question is 2-2: "Reality Bites," and in that episode, Piper and Leo were not married, but divorced. So it doesn't make much sense for Piper to cite that as evidence that marriage might be the right path for her and Leo.


Correction: In "Reality Bites," the point in the future that the girls visit is a while after Piper and Leo had gotten divorced, but in order to get divorced, you must get married first, and as Leo even states in that episode, they were happily married for at least a little while, until the whole mess with Phoebe occurred. Therefore it is logical for Piper to believe that were it not for the damage done by the girls' use of magic for personal gain (which was remedied when they were sent back and chose not to go down that path), her and Leo could have a happy marriage.

Correction: The spell can only be used to relinquish your own powers, i.e. Tuatha would have had to say the spell in order to lose her powers.

Love Hurts - S1-E21

Corrected entry: In this episode when Piper says the power switching spell so that she can heal Leo it switches not only her and Leo's powers, but also, Prue's and Phoebe's; however in future seasons it only affects the witches it is meant to. (00:19:00)

Correction: The first time the power switching spell was used, all of the sisters were in the room when it was cast, thus all their powers got swapped. But in the future episode this post is referring to (it specifies episodes plural, but the only other episode this spell was used in is "Ordinary Witches" from season 7) Piper and Phoebe were the only ones home when they did the spell so it didn't affect anyone else. Furthermore, in the first episode the spell was used, Prue also swapped powers with a Dark-lighter and simply had Phoebe cover her ears so as to not be affected by the spell, implying that one needs to actually hear the spell for it to have any effect.

Saving Private Leo - S4-E17

Corrected entry: When Piper freezes an object it always continues with its path when it unfreezes, but when she unfreezes the knife Rick has thrown at her it drops to the floor. (00:36:20)

Correction: This is a power advancement.

Pre-Witched - S3-E17

Corrected entry: Kit the cat shows up in Something Wicca This Way Comes (Episode 1,1), as the girls' familiar once they have received their powers. It is obvious that the cat just showed up by comments made by the girls, along the lines of "where did this cat come from" (not literally). However, in Pre-Witched (Episode 3,17), they make the same kinds of comments about Kit just showing up in this episode, which is supposed to have happened 6 months before Episode 1,1.


Correction: It's 6 months apart. A cat showing up once and then again 6 months later isn't cause for mistake. Simply explained through forgetting.

A Paige from the Past - S4-E10

Corrected entry: After Piper freezes the first crime scene that Cole and Phoebe (aka Frankie and Lulu) have hit, Piper unfreezes Darryl by touching him but at the beginning of the the episode when Piper and Cole are touching the car that Piper froze, to stop it from exploding after a car crash, while trying to help the woman inside, the car never unfreezes. This is somewhat inconsistent through the entire show a lot of times they can unfreeze things by touching them and then a lot of times they can only unfreeze things by Piper using her pointer finger to either unfreeze a head or a foot or some other body part. (00:30:15)

Correction: This is obviously due to intent - just touching something wouldn't unfreeze it unless Piper intended that.

Sympathy for the Demon - S5-E7

Corrected entry: Cole says Barbas can use his powers to become the Source, but in the episode "Womb Raider" they established that an aspiring Source needs to lay his hands on the Grimoire to become the source, which was hidden away by Leo in the Andes. (00:19:40)

Correction: Cole doesn't say this. After stealing his powers, Barbas mentions that he can use the amount of power to become the new Source. It isn't proved in the episode that it would actually work, as he never gets to the ceremonial part. Perhaps the Grimoire would have been needed eventually, or seeing the amount of power Cole owns in this season, the Grimoire might have not been needed anymore.

Once Upon a Time - S3-E3

Corrected entry: The only way any of the charmed ones can see the fairies is with the fairy dust, but in several other later seasons and episodes when the charmed ones need the magical community's help they can see the fairies without any help from fairy dust or a spell.

Correction: Originally they didn't know or believe that fairies and trolls existed so they needed the fairy dust or a spell to regain their innocence so they could see them, in later seasons they know they exist so no longer need anything to help them see them.

A Knight to Remember - S4-E6

Corrected entry: When Phoebe picks up the cordless phone to call Paige before the Shocker Demon attacks for the first time, the cordless phone is white but then after the attack, when the cordless is on the floor, it's black.

Correction: Please rewatch the scene. The cordless phone is not white. Both the cordless phone and its base are black when Phoebe picks it up to call Paige (viewed on Netflix).

Super Grover

Love Hurts - S1-E21

Corrected entry: After the darklighter takes Daisy, Phoebe suggests switching powers back would be faster, Leo says it would take too long. In the time it takes Leo to coach Piper and help her locate Daisy, they could have switched powers, Leo could have located her, and orbed them all to Daisy.


Correction: Leo states that he is still too weak to use his powers which is why it would take longer if they switched powers back.

My Three Witches - S6-E6

Corrected entry: We are told that in the world of the Charmed Ones, desires aren't real. When they are transported back to the real world, Wyatt is transported too, even though the real Wyatt was never really there to begin with.


Correction: I believe that when the demon brings the Charmed ones into their desire worlds, Piper is holding Wyatt and as such brought him into her world by association?

My Three Witches - S6-E6

Plot hole: When Gith takes the potion from Chris, he ends up stomping on it and shattering the potion bottle - making contact with the potion. We've seen that potions don't have to be thrown by someone who's even a witch for them to work (like when Cole's powers were stripped etc) so why on earth would he do this? And how did it not vanquish him? There are other ways he could have gotten rid of the potion that didn't involve a way that really should have vanquished him.

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Paige: Well, you wanted to live like us. Now you get to die like us.

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Answer: "Hush, Hush, Hush" Paula Cole.

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