
28th Aug 2003

Charmed (1998)

Out of Sight - S1-E19

Corrected entry: In 'Out of Sight', season 1, Prue is pouring a potion into jars when the phone rings. When she sets the pot down there is one full jar and one empty jar, when she runs back a few seconds later to grab the potion both jars are full.


Correction: Actually, when she runs to the phone she passes two other full jars, and those are the ones she grabs.

21st Jan 2004

Scrubs (2001)

My Journey - S3-E2

Corrected entry: JD throws his clipboard out the window and you can hear the sound of metal hitting metal followed by an alarm, suggesting it hits a car, so how is it possible that later on we see JD treating a patient who claims to have been hit on the head with a clipboard thrown out a window (the implication being that it was JD's)?


Correction: It could have hit the guy on the head and then fallen down on the car if the guy was standing close enough to the car.

Corrected entry: Cadence is already in the hotel when she agrees to meet Stifler in the closet in 10 minutes (second time around), so why is she walking outside a few minutes later when her mother stops her to talk to her about the wedding? (01:26:05)


Correction: It's possible that Cadence had an errand to run during the 10 minutes before she was due to meet Stiffler and she had to leave the hotel to do it.

15th Mar 2004

Sliding Doors (1998)

Corrected entry: The final shot of the movie - Helen and James turning to look at each other as the lift doors slide shut - is played twice, you can see Helen turning to the left twice.


Correction: This is too blatant to be any kind of error, it is intentional to show how surprised they both are. Does the phrase "double take" sound familiar?


Chosen - S7-E22

Corrected entry: In season 7, the first Ubervamp to escape the Hellmouth and attack Buffy is incredibly strong and hard to kill - in the end it's pure luck that lets Buffy defeat it. In 'Chosen', people (including the civilians) are killing Ubervamps all over the place with ease; if they're this easy to kill, why did Buffy struggle so much with the first one? Granted, Andrew says in the meantime that Ubervamps can actually be staked, but Anya adds that it's like pushing a stake through solid steel. Buffy couldn't stake one of them the first time, so how can the Potentials (who haven't anywhere near as much training or muscle power as Buffy) can do it with ease?


Correction: The Potentials have the same raw strength Buffy does but less training thanks to Willow's spell. Buffy had trouble staking the first Ubervamp because she put only the force necessary to kill a normal vamp behind the blow, which wasn't enough to break through the Ubervamp's chest. It's very normal in everyday actions to only use enough muscle power as you would expect to otherwise. Once they know to stake Ubervamps with enough force to go through a normal vamp's back, they have less trouble. All the non-Slayers kill Ubervamps with decapitation.


End Of Days - S7-E21

Corrected entry: How did Buffy know where to find the Potentials when they are attacked in the sewer? The First only told her that there had been an explosion, never mentioning a location, and none of the others had talked to Buffy so they couldn't have told her.


Correction: The First could have told her on the way. It definitely wants Buffy to find the Potentials because that will keep Buffy distracted and perhaps believed that the three Ubervamps would have killed off the Potentials before Buffy got there.


Selfless - S7-E5

Corrected entry: In 'Selfless' Anya wants to reverse her wish that killed 12 people and is unable to do it, but during 'The Wish' we were told that all you have to do is destroy her power source and all her wishes will be reversed (Anya has to have a power centre - we see in the episode 'Older And Far Away' that ALL vengeance demons have one). Even though the gang don't know this any more (they wouldn't have any memory of researching it), surely Anyanka herself would know her own weakness?


Correction: First, Anya may not want to destroy her power center because it would reverse every wish she ever granted, not just the most recent one. Second, breaking the power center would also make Anya a human. The point of the episode is that Anya has to learn to live in her own way and pay for her decisions, and to this end she believes that D'Hoffryn killing her would be justice. Asking D'Hoffryn to reverse The Wish is the only way for the developing character to resolve the conflict.


12th Nov 2004

Jason X (2001)

Corrected entry: A deranged serial killer with superhuman strength and about 200 victims is left with only one soldier guarding him? All arguments of "movie logic" aside, this is just plain ridiculous.


Correction: Jason was chained well, so they didn't believe he was able to get loose. The lone soldier was no doubt to stop anyone interfering with him, rather than to stop him escaping.


It had been established that he was an unstoppable killing machine that was virtually impossible to kill, it's no way he would be left alone with just one soldier, in a open area no less.

Corrected entry: How many people head to the grocery store with their passports? When Lucia follows Jason from the grocery store back to Canada she has no problem crossing the border, but what conceivable reason is there for why she would have had her passport with her when she was only planning on going to the store?


Correction: You don't need a passport to go to Canada from the US, just a Canadian citizenship card.


16th Nov 2003

Angel (1999)

Correction: The knife falls to the right side of his right foot. In the long distance shot this side can't be seen, only the left side of the foot. So the foot blocks the sight.


Corrected entry: On the bus after the first blowout, when Izzy yells "Poho update." The camera moves back towards Scott, you can see the back of the bus (under the emergency door) has been removed, presumably for shooting through.


Correction: The floor of the bus is intact. The only oddity is that the emergency door has two windows, one above and one below. Both windows have dirt on them and are lined with rubber, so they appear to be normal parts of the bus. I don't see anything else this could refer to.


Corrected entry: After the first tire blows, we see Chelsea using a mobile phone, looking like she's texting someone, but a few scenes later we're told there's no reception where the bus has stopped. How can she text with no reception, and if she isn't texting, why would she be checking her phone reception before anyone else even knows why the bus has stopped?


Correction: All we see her doing is punching buttons. She could be bored and playing a game, looking through her phonebook, messing with options, etc. Chelsea doesn't do or say anything that indicates she's trying to communicate with someone or checking reception.


Corrected entry: After the first tire blows Chelsea is using a mobile phone, but right after Izzy yells "Poho update." the camera moves slowly down the bus and her phone has disappeared. She wasn't off-screen long enough to put it away.


Correction: We see her holding it extended in her right hand and punching buttons, probably playing a game. When the camera comes back to her, her hands are offscreen and the absence of the phone cannot be verified.


Corrected entry: A bus roof that can support the weight of 6 athletes gives way easily to a javelin wielded by a cheerleader? Not very likely.


Correction: The athletes are spread out over the entire roof. Cheerleaders usually have a good bit of muscle from constant practice, plus this one's powered by adrenaline. The javelin is pointy and focuses the force much more than a large person does.


Corrected entry: When the old couple pass the bus, they are going in the opposite direction to it. When Taggart finds their car later on, he keeps going in the same direction they had been (away from the bus), judging by the tire tracks leading off the road, so how does he ever find the kids?


Correction: The Creeper attacked the old couple from above (evidenced by tearing off the roof) and the driver pulled the steering wheel all the way to the left trying to toss it off, throwing the car into a U-turn that ended in a tree on the other side of the road (the tracks to the crash are curved, not straight). Thus it faces backward when Taggart finds it and he can find the bus by going that direction.


Corrected entry: How does the Creeper have any trouble lifting Bucky or the assistant coach, when we later see that it is strong enough to lift a truck right off the road?


Correction: It lifts the truck off the road while in flight. It doesn't use its wings to pull up the victims.

Corrected entry: The first time the bus has stopped, Betty is on the bus every scene we see trying to raise someone over the radio, so how can she be standing behind the tree smoking with the cheerleaders? The time between the various scenes at the bus isn't long enough for her to get off, have a cigarette and get back on again.


Correction: Between when all the players get off the bus (the last time Betty is seen on the radio) and when the cheerleaders are discovered smoking, the coach moves from just outside the bus door all the way around to the rear driver's side, so obviously some time has passed. We have no idea how much time. Betty isn't seen again until after the players' conversation, so she had time to get back as well.


Consequences - S3-E15

Corrected entry: How does Wesley have the exact key to fit the manacles in Angel's mansion (in the scene where he frees Faith)? We never see him picking them up or taking them from Angel.


Correction: The Council has access to many magical resources. It's quite likely they have enchanted skeleton keys to fit certain types of locks, especially given what we learn about the Council's wetworks squads.


Correction: The first time, Warren was trying to flee Sunnydale and escape from April. Buffy forces him to confront April sometime in the middle or late afternoon, and April eventually runs out of power in front of him so he knows she's no longer a threat. Warren returns home and deliberates for a few hours until after sundown on whether he should stay in Sunnydale, follow Katrina, or go someplace new. He finally makes his decision to leave and is packing for it when Spike interrupts him.


30th May 2003

Angel (1999)

Correction: Gunn, Wesley, and Lorne are exposed to Cordelia's blood, not Jasmine's. Cordelia's maternal link to Jasmine causes her blood to work differently and faster on Jasmine's enchantment because all of Jasmine's blood came from Cordelia during the pregnancy.


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