
The Mutiny (1) - S2-E1

Visible crew/equipment: Just as the Rangers find a way to defeat Lord Zed's putties, we see a camera shot circulating the rangers. Pay attention and you will see that there is one shadow on the ground that doesn't move. Clearly from a member of the film crew. (00:16:40)


Bete Noire - S1-E16

Visible crew/equipment: When Gerald starts to open the body bag, the film crew are reflected in the fridge door behind him. They are blurry but distinguishable by the fact the shapes move when no-one else does. (00:01:05)


Eye Spy - S1-E11

Visible crew/equipment: When Gibbs and the woman are talking about the range of the device dockside there is an overhead shot of the two. In this shot you can see a boom lift shadow with a camera on the ground. (00:27:40)


Sub Rosa - S1-E7

Visible crew/equipment: When Gibbs works out how Drew was going to set off the gas, his mask is visible to the right of the screen. As he puts his spoon down you can see a bit of film equipment moving just above his mask. (00:38:45)


Visible crew/equipment: When Sean is learning to drift in the Evo, In numerous shots you can see the camera reflected in the wing mirror of the car. (00:45:00)


Visible crew/equipment: When we see the helicopter being fueled up at the start we see men working connecting the fuel line. When they do this, we see a camera shadow very briefly on their shoulder. (00:12:40)


13th Jul 2017

Breaking Bad (2008)

4 Days Out - S2-E9

Visible crew/equipment: Walt and Jesse get stranded out in the desert. We see Walt cough up some blood and Jesse stand behind him. In this shot you can see the reflection of someone move in Walt's glasses, despite them being alone and still. (00:32:30)


13th Jul 2017

Breaking Bad (2008)

13th Jul 2017

Breaking Bad (2008)

21st Jun 2017

Fawlty Towers (1975)

12th May 2017

Saw III (2006)

Saw III mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Just as Jeff and the judge walk out of the pig room, we see the judge walk through some plastic. When he walks through the camera is reflected on his back. (01:17:15)


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