
24th Jun 2010

Lost (2004)

The End (2) - S6-E18

Question: I recently submitted a question about whether everyone died on the plane or on the island. The answer I got was unsatisfactory. The answer was they did not all die in the plane crash but on the island where the events in the show really did happen. If this is the case, everyone in purgatory at the end makes no sense. If they all died on the island, then where were other characters like Michael, Ecko, etc. Also how did Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Ben, etc. end up dead and in purgatory at the end of the series? Last we saw them they were still alive on the island. Are we to assume that everyone died at the end of last season when the bomb went off? I need more info here.


Chosen answer: None of the main characters died in the plane crash. Many died on the island after the crash (Jack, Charlie, Sun, Jin, Daniel, Juliet, others), some lived on the island for an apparently long time after the crash (Hurley, Ben, Bernard, Rose) but some lived lives off the island after the crash (Sawyer, Kate, Claire, Miles, Aplert, and Lapidus). Remember that Christian tells Jack that "time has no meaning here," (in Purgatory). When everyone meets at the church, they are at the end of their lives however long that may have been and will now "move on" together. They look like they did on the island because that is the way they best remember each other.


That has to be the clearest explanation of the ending I've ever read.


30th Apr 2019

101 Dalmatians (1996)

Question: How much would it have cost to feed all those puppies for a week?

Answer: A 2 month old Dalmatian should be fed around 250g of food 3 times a day that's 750g a day. 101 dogs 8.250kg a day. Times that by 7 days is 57.75kg of food a week. At an average cost of £40 (online search) for 12kg of food you would need 5 bags a week. 5×£40 = £200 a week just on food for 101 Dalmatians.


Answer: This is just a joke to end the exchange and save time with the overall length of the movie. And it's always implied the trio joke about Hermione being a know it all.


20th Apr 2019

Need for Speed (2014)

Question: Is there a reason that none of the participants in the final race is using their seat belts (that I could notice)?

Answer: This is down to character choice. A stupid one, but still their own choice.


Answer: Erin along with the child make it out alive however the fate of them both following the events of the film are unknown.


Answer: The last we see of Erin, she's alive. And not so well. But she did survive. What we saw. But what would be left of her?


Question: Rather than leaving Stackhouse behind in the area where the Serbians could find him, wouldn't it have made more sense for Burnette to pick Stackhouse up, and help him get up the hill?

Answer: Because in escape and evasion, as opposed to combat, you are taught to get away from where you have landed as fast as possible. And Stackhouse probably believed his pilot would be treated humanely under the Geneva Convention.


Answer: Stackhouse is badly hurt. Burnett would have known better than to move him. Plus, with the way he speaks to Stackhouse it's clear they weren't expecting company so quickly.


So what if Stackhouse has an injured leg, why not just help in him walk? Soldiers in combat help their follow soldiers walk when they have injured legs.

Question: What's the name of the city where this movie takes place? I know it was obviously shot in Sydney, Australia but it's never said that it takes place there and everyone has American accents.

Answer: As in the TV series, The film takes place in the fictional town of Angel Grove, California.


6th May 2019

Need for Speed (2014)

Question: Near the end a cop rigs his car up ahead of the racers with a baton holding down the accelerator. As the racers came by he put his car into drive, launching it into them. It's this an actual legit police technique? Wouldn't it be just as effective, if not more, had he simply parked it across the road? (Small road with trees on both side).

Answer: I agree with Ssiscool though I am not a cop either. This method is way too drastic and risky, I doubt that any police would use such uncontrollable and destructive force to simply stop a suspect while they could just install spike strips or - as suggested by the aforementioned - place a proper road block, giving a chance to the offenders to stop in time and surrender.


Answer: I'm not a law enforcer but I would suggest this is not a legitimate tactic used by the police for a the main reason, The police car is not under any control and can easily go off course and cause a significant risk to life.


4th May 2019

The Conjuring (2013)

Question: It's made clear at the beginning of the film that a demonic force is something that has never walked the earth in human form. Yet The Witch did walk the Earth in human form, but still has all the powers of a demon and Lorraine even calls it a "demonic presence." So can humans become demons when they die or did I miss something?


Answer: The demon takes control of the witch. The witch likely opened a portal for the demon who attached to the witch. As such, the demon still hasn't walked the earth itself.


4th May 2019

Unstoppable (2010)

Question: How are locomotives able to pull such long trains? Triple 777 pulls a 39 car train, which can weigh thousands of tons when the cars are loaded.

Answer: In the same way locomotives pull long trains in real life. Diesel engines are built to pull the weight. When it gets to a certain point you might need 2 engines.


OK but what is the physics behind how locomotives are able to pull so much weight?

I'm not sure on the physics but a quick Google search comes up with: Trains are really heavy, but to move a train, you only have to overcome the friction between the wheels and the [axles]*. But since there are wheels, it's even easier to move it. Imagine a really heavy box. You'd have a very hard time lifting it, but you could shove it a few millimeters horizontally. [But instead of shoving it, you can make it roll!]* The same thing applies to a train. Now, since the train is so heavy, it takes a long time to get it moving, and to slow it down, due to [inertia].


I'm not sure of the physics, either, but it is my (basic) understanding that having the wheels as well as the rails made of steel minimizes? the friction. [Living in the suburbs of the "Steel City" helped to know this!] I'd clarify your answer above by pointing out a train is comprised of numerous small cars - as opposed to being one very long car - so is somewhat easier to "get moving."


Question: There are spells that can put injuries completely right, so why didn't Hermione or madam Pomfrey try that on Ron's leg?

Answer: Hermione wouldn't have wanted to try as she is still a young witch and having seen the results a bad spell can have on in their second year, she will have decided it's best for madam Pomfery to deal with it. As to why madam Pomfery didn't use a spell, that's not explained.


Answer: Students would not be permitted to perform such an advanced spell on another student, and Hermione always followed the rules. This would also be very advanced magic, and is something Hermione, only a third-year student, probably would not have learned yet. As seen with Harry's arm in the Chamber of Secrets, more serious medical conditions cannot always be instantaneously healed with a spell. It can sometimes take hours, even days, to mend. This may be the case with Ron's leg.


4th May 2019

Cats & Dogs (2001)

Question: In one scene where Lou is talking to Ivy about Butch she says that someone really hurt him once. What did she mean by that? Did Butch have an owner who was mean to him or abandoned him?

Answer: Butch was abandoned. It's never stated but it's implied.


"Okay, well, here's lesson number two: we help them. We work for them. We tolerate that stupid boochy-boochy baby talk. And for WHAT? So that when they go off to college, they can dump you off with some old lady who can't throw a ball without so much as breaking her HIP!" Pretty sure this counts as being abandoned.

As I said, it's never stated outright but it is implied.


Question: When Hermione left divination why did she knock over the crystal ball?

Answer: It's an act of rebellion. Shows how much she thinks of Trelawny and the subject.


Answer: Hermione was always a bit arrogant about being the smartest student. She thought Divination was nonsense and deliberately gave a phony reading from the crystal ball to mock Trelawney and the subject. Trelawney knew she was faking it and made a rather rude assessment of Hermione's "ability." Hermione was insulted and and knocked the ball off the table in anger and disdain.


Question: Paul tazed the bad guy just as he got back up every time. Can you actually be that resistant to it?

Answer: I will admit I've not seen the movie, however. A taser is designed to temporarily disable and subdue a target without using leathal force. 2 shocks from a taser is usually enough keep most people down. However this movie is a comedy so repeatedly getting up just adds to the comedy.


14th Mar 2019

Speed (1994)

Question: Where did Jack put his handcuff key after unlocking the cuffs from the guy who shot the bus driver? He could have used them to unlock Annie later.

Answer: It is never shown or mentioned what happened to the key so any answer would be speculation. A lot of time has passed between when Jack uses the key and the subway scene. Jack could have lost the key or intentionally put it down and not picked it back up at any point.


Also, he would not have known he was going to need the key. So why keep it.


Answer: Howard might have been using special handcuffs that required a different kind of key. Seeing as how he always plans ahead, it's not unlikely.

Question: Where were the Durmstrang and Beauxbaton students during lessons? I never saw them in any and surely they weren't excused from their final year of education?


Answer: It's not explained where they go during lessons but it is a safe bet that they don't sit in on lessons. Each school has their own way of teaching and subjects. So it's possible they may have had lessons with Karkaroff and Madame Maxine in their own area.


Answer: The Durmstrang and Beauxbaton students slept inside their respective vehicles while at Hogwarts. The Durmstrangs arrived by ship and the Beauxbatons on the flying carriage, which in the book was the size of a house. In the movie, they probably would have enlarged the interior with an extendable charm (like the Weasley's tent at the Quidditch World Cup. As most of the visiting students likely didn't speak English well, classes would be probably be taught separately, inside their living quarters or a designated space within the Hogwarts castle.


I thought there was one line in the books about the Beauxbatons students rooming with the Ravenclaws and the Durmstrang students with the Slytherins-or were those just their table assignments for meals?

I'd say it was only for meals and maybe the common rooms. The Hogwarts house dorms had a limited number of beds. There may have been some unassigned ones but not enough for all the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students.


Of course with Hogwarts being host to one of the greatest sorcerers of all time along with plenty of other strongly magical wizards and witches there is the possibility of them putting a charm on the rooms to accommodate them.


Question: What happened to Cinna? It looked some men came into the room and started beating him up. But what happened to him after?

Answer: They don't show what happens to him in this film, but Katniss is told in "Mockingjay" that they think Cinna was killed during interrogations. Even in the books his death is unclear. In "Catching Fire" she sees him dragged away, bloody and unconscious. And then in "Mockingjay", Katniss tells the readers "Plutarch's sources believe he was killed during interrogation."


There is also a line where she asks President Coin at the end of this film (been a while since I watched these) where she bluntly says, "They killed him. Cinna. Didn't they?" And the response is a simple yes.


There's also a scene in Mockingjay Part 1 where Effie is showing Cinna's costume drawings to Katniss. Katniss asks if Cinna is dead, and Effie says that he is, though she does not elaborate on how.


1st May 2008

Goldeneye (1995)

Question: How did Alec survive being shot at the start only to return later in the film. It's something that I can't figure out, as James saw him get shot.


Chosen answer: The real answer, which I believe was explained better in the game or in special features. Regardless, I did hear, is that Ourumov wasn't aiming directly at Alec's head, but to the side and shot the ground behind him. But made it look like he shot him in the head. Alec would have felt the bullet whiz by him.

Quantom X

That makes more sense.


It has been a while since I watched the movie, and my copy is a VHS... but I believe if you watch very closely you can actually see the bullet hit the ground behind him with a tile breaking. I don't remember for sure if you can, but I seem to remember they did add that little effect.

Quantom X

Answer: But what about the Russian soldier who was nervous and fired at the gas tanks, only to be shot by Ourumov? Did he fake his death too?

That's a valid point. Ourumov never reloaded.


Answer: He was shot with a blank cartridge. What that means is that the casing in the gun chamber didn't contain a live bullet; instead of killing him, the gun simply gave off a realistic flash that tricked Bond into thinking Alec had been shot. As explained later in the film, Alec's death was staged between himself and Ourumov.

Cubs Fan

Wouldn't James know it was a blank round? Lack of blood for example?


Ourumov shot Alec and the Russian soldier with the same gun but, only the soldier was actually killed.

But that doesn't work, because even blanks can be deadly at close range.


Answer: After running the marathon for Marshall with no training, he's allowed to ride the subway for free. While sat on the train, the muscles in his legs start to seize up after the marathon to the point it is painful to move his legs. This is why he can't move them. It's the same reason your body aches after a good session at the gym the day before.


Answer: Barney ran a marathon without any training and over exerted his muscles. While he was able to walk after, later his leg muscles gave out and he couldn't move (or more likely stand). It is not uncommon when one works out too much to be sore the next day, even if they feel okay afterwards. Thus the saying "I'll feel that in the morning."


13th Mar 2019

Ghost Rider (2007)

Answer: The movie doesn't show how long the effects of the Penance Stare last. I have Morbius #1, in which Ghost Rider uses his Penance Stare on Morbius, who recovers from it relatively quickly. I don't know definitively because I haven't read very many Ghost Rider comics, but the duration of the effects could vary depending on how much remorse the person already felt for their past sins, or how much their own super powers allow them to recover from it. From what I understand, the Penance Stare doesn't work on the Punisher, as he feels no remorse for the people he's killed. It also had no effect on Deadpool, as his greatest victim is himself and it actually caused Ghost Rider to revert to his human form when he tried it on Deadpool.


Answer: It depends on the person. The penance stare is used to torture the victim into reliving every bit of mean and sinful behaviour in their life time. So if the victim is older and committed more sinful acts, it will last longer than say a 20 year old who hasn't committed that many acts.


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