
Question: Why did they release the baby Rex back to the parents? Wouldn't it have made more sense to keep the baby in the trailer with them? The parents won't attack the trailer in case it hurt their kid! They had a phone inside, they could have phoned Eddie who could have come and tranquilized them, then whilst they are asleep they could have left the baby behind and hightailed it out of there.

Answer: There was no reason. It's just to serve the movie's plot. Being as T-rexes are animals, it's a stretch to assume that they would not attack the trailer because their offspring was in it. The movie took extreme liberties about the animals' intelligence and was anthropomorphic, giving them unrealistic human parental feelings and actions.


Answer: Releasing the baby is the quickest way to hopefully get the parents away. But in doing so they gave the parents no reason not to attack them.


Show generally

Question: Have Deacon and Kelly officially reconciled since Kelly left Deacon in the fourth season?

Answer: They are back together now, not sure when, but as of the 2005-2006 season, they are back together.


Answer: Season 6 episode 5 sees the return of Kelly who makes it clear she wishes to reconcile with Deacon.


Show generally

Question: Does anyone know if Carrie and Doug had a baby on the show? And also was it just me, or was Carrie pregnant in real life in one season, and they did not write it into the show, or did she just gain a lot of weight?

Answer: To answer the question directly. Carrie and Doug do not have a biological child during the show's main run. In season 3 or 4 finale (cant remember which) Carrie has a miscarriage. Later on in the show they find out Carrie has 1 working ovary. Thus reducing the chance of them conceiving. By the final season, they couple agree to adopt from China and go to collect their child in the show's final episode. While on the flight back from China it's revealed that Carrie is once again pregnant. However the last scene of the show is a flash forward showing that Carrie goes full term with that child and they are struggling with both kids.


Adding on to this answer, I read somewhere that producers were afraid of the show having a "before baby" feeling and then an "after baby" feeling. Some fans feel that main characters, or the show in general, decline in quality after a major change. For example, Jesse and Rebecca on "Full House" after they had twin sons, and Daphne on "Frasier" after she married Niles.

Answer: Leah Remini was not pregnant in real life at the time of the series finale in 2007. Her daughter was born in summer 2004 and it was obvious she gained weight and wore larger clothes during that season. So no, her real pregnancy was not written into the show.

Answer: They did have a baby in the series finale. They actually adopted a baby from China, and then at the same time they found out she was pregnant. She was pregnant in real life, but they just covered her up, as much as they could, during the filming of the show.


17th Jan 2020

Pokemon (1998)

Answer: I only know that they wasn't Ash's Pikachu because he is very powerful. I don't think it was ever said as to what Giovanni would do with Pikachu though. He may want the Pokémon for its powers kind of like how he had Mewtwo and used the armour to help him control his powers.

Answer: A quick google brings up a ton of results ranging from keeping Jesse, James and Meowth busy to Pikachu having extra powers. Feel free to read more from this article that provides many detailed answers


Their goal is basically to capture pikachu so they can present him to their boss. Now I sort of have a problem with that because would their boss want pikachu?

A pikachu is rare.


You really need to be more specific.

No I don't.


Ash's pikachu has more power as a pikachu than a Raichu (his evolved form) as such, this particular Pikachu is of interest to Team Rocket (as stated on the link) However, Rockets reason for NEEDING a Pikachu with all that extra power is unknown.


Team rocket seeks rare valuable, and powerful pokemon. Their objective is to steal rare, valuable, and powerful pokemon, and bring them to their boss so he can use them to take over the world. Pikachu is a rare, valuable, and pokemon. Of course in my opinion, if team rocket managed to steal pikachu and give him to their boss, it would probably make sense for him to sell pikachu for a high price because there would be no way pikachu would ever obey him.

Question: When Gryffindor wins the house cup Hermione has a bandage on her hand. Why did she need it? If it's about the Devil's Snare thing she would have been rubbing it a lot longer.


Answer: It's there to help her wounds from the whole ordeal. You say she would have rubbed her hand for longer but not really. In the heat of the moment she's probably running on adrenaline and just blocks the pain out.


10th Sep 2018

A Christmas Story (1983)

Question: Who sings "Jingle Bells" in the theatrical trailer?

Answer: Acording to IMDB there are several versions of Jingle Bells in the film: 01 Performed by Bing Crosby and The Andrews Sisters 02 Performed by Fred Waring and His Pennsylvanians 03 (uncredited).


Answer: Kirby is mentioned just as much. But Marjor is older and so will naturally be mentioned more.


Major is not older.

Question: What did Tonks trip over when entering the Order of the Phoenix house after liberating Harry from the Dursleys? Why was it necessary to include it in the film?

Answer: She trips over the umbrella stand. It was necessary to add this to show the angry reaction of the late Mrs Black's portrait.


8th Jan 2020

Elf (2003)

Question: I thought Santa, according to all stories, only had a list of naughty and nice children so how does Walter get on there? He's an adult.


Answer: Obviously in this version of the Santa legend adults are on the list as well, like the reporter.

Lots of stories rely on 'believers' indicating adults are involved too. So if adults are included they're on the list too.


Answer: Charlotte Dennin was on the list too.

7th Sep 2017

Passengers (2016)

Question: When Jim asked Aurora, "have I lost you?", what was her response about always having loved him?

Answer: From IMSDB: I don't want to be angry anymore. I can't be. We've come through too much. No matter what you've done... the fact is, I love you.


Answer: According to Marvel it's made from Spandex.


Answer: He [Richard] drives the car because Hyacinth has not learned to drive, but claims he only steers while Hyacinth drives by "word of mouth."


Question: What does Pollux sign to Katniss before she leaves Cressida's house?

Answer: "No. Don't use words. Don't forget. Thank you."


8th Jan 2020

Rock of Ages (2012)

Question: Did one of the church ladies in the "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" scene, poop herself? The one with the floral shorts. Watch at the end when she is walking out of the church. (00:25:15)

Answer: The marks could be from when they were sliding across the pews.

Answer: 100% period! If you watch from the beginning of the scene, you'll see the stain slowly growing, also it's not on the side of her shorts, is in-between her legs, and eventually down the back.

Answer: Period shorts.

Answer: No she did not poop herself as the mark is on the outside of her shorts and nowhere else. However I can't explain the mark.


Question: When the two girls get out of their car due to a flat tyre, they begin walking back from where they just came. Why didn't they keep walking in the direction they were going instead of back tracking?

Michelle Ferris

Answer: Because back tracking they know what's around. They've already traveled that way and know it's passable and relatively safe.


Thank you.

Answer: When she falls through the devil's snare, there is a considerable drop so she could have landed awkwardly. She also has hold of a vine when she falls through so may have caught her hand that way.


Question: When Philip was in the hospital there is a man in a black suit in the background who appears to be coming to see him but then did not approach them. Who was that supposed to be?

Answer: Watching the scene, the man has got a clipboard and is observing them. So it would be a safe bet that he is a doctor of some kind who is looking to see if Phillip is awake. Of course I could be wrong but from the 5 seconds or so he is on screen that's the best possibility.


Answer: It appears to be an accordion folder rather than a clipboard. My guess would be that it's someone Philip used to take care of his financial situation.


20th Nov 2019

The Terminator (1984)

Answer: He uses a hacksaw blade that he most likely picked up from somewhere off screen.


14th Sep 2017

Home Alone (1990)

Question: Why was Kevin's family so mean to him?

Answer: I think it was a way to make leaving him "home alone" more realistic and understandable as opposed to absurd. Being perceived as a brat/pest and annoying to be around, it is (somewhat) conceivable that none of the family members would be eager to have Kevin by their side. This "frees" all of them from noticing that Kevin isn't with them. Everyone would just assume that Kevin is somewhere among them and each be glad they didn't have to sit next to him on the way to the airport or during the long flight.


In addition to this, the movie is partially about Kevin learning to have more respect for others. He appreciates his family more as he spends more time without them.

Answer: The ones who were mean just saw Kevin as a brat. However, it's not uncommon in situations of being in an overcrowded house to easily lose one's patience and temper and become frustrated with small, but irritating things; which seems to happen to his mother. Buzz just has that general big brother contempt for his kid brother, but obviously still loves him, along with everyone else in the family, at the end when he finds out Kevin is safe.


Nuts to that. They all could've tried a little harder, that's one lame excuse for treating someone like garbage and I come from a good sized bunch who've done the same to me. You also forget his uncle didn't care about him regardless of the situation.


Like it or not the answer is perfectly valid. Families have different dynamics. Kevin is something of a brat (he calls his mother "dummy" and openly wishes he didn't have a family), as are his brothers and sisters, especially Buzz. I for one have TWO uncles in my family who behave just like the uncle in the movie. We don't invite them over, but we've had similar situations to what's depicted in the film.

Hey I've had three uncles, father's older brothers, he hated all three of them, cared only when they started dying. Yeah the dynamics and all, my mother has stated "You ruined this family" though this bunch didn't need my help in being messed up. My sympathies to you Mr Hoffman, your uncles Dustin and Philip Seymour must be/been terrible, just kidding only on the famous names there, no offense meant.


It's just a movie! The characters are fictional and were given contrived, exaggerated, over-the-top personalities to fit the comedic plot. It's pointless to compare them to real-life family dynamics.


Exactly. It's done for entertainment.


Also, it's a movie from a child's point of view. Kevin is supposed to be the "victim." As a 35-year-old, I have more sympathy for the adults and older kids. The movie is about Kevin learning to miss his family and be more considerate of others.

Question: Why doesn't the Interceptor fight back against the Dutchman and the Pearl?

Answer: I'm assuming you're actually referring to Beckett's ship the Endeavour in the third film "At World's End." (The Interceptor was destroyed in the first film.) If that's the case, the ship is simply outgunned and the captain Beckett freezes and doesn't make any commands. He doesn't know what to do because there's no way he could win. The call is then made to abandon ship. Hence, they don't fight back.


And without an order to attack, they were simply not able to. Beckett had hoped the Dutchman would be on his side. And was simply gobsmacked at the turn of events.


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