
26th Feb 2023

Echo 3 (2022)

Upriver - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: Prince goes out drinking in a small Venezuelan town wearing a crisp white shirt and wakes up in his hotel room in a dark shirt after his beating.


17th Feb 2023

1923 (2022)

The War Has Come Home - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: During the ambush, young Jack, on horseback, takes off after the wagon which is carrying his wounded fiancé. The chase is long including a cut away and yet the wagon winds up only yards away from the ambush where the chase began.


11th Feb 2023

Echo 3 (2022)

Heat - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: Toward the end of the episode, our intrepid heroes stash their large black bags as they run through the market. They run through the market for the next several minutes with only their machine guns. They later board the waiting speedboat but when they disembark, they have their bags.


4th Jan 2023

FBI (2018)

25th Nov 2022

Chicago P.D. (2014)

Pink Cloud - S10-E5

Continuity mistake: Upton finds the young girl in the warehouse and while she is comforting her, the perp sneaks up behind her and knocks her out with a blow to the back of her head. The injury, however, from that point on, is on her forehead.


19th Nov 2022

FBI (2018)

Victim - S5-E4

Question: How was a police report filed for OA's mugging in the beginning of the show? OA wanted nothing to do with the police or to be seen as a victim. He ran away from the scene when he learned a passerby called 911.


17th Nov 2022

Law & Order (1990)

Only the Lonely - S22-E7

Continuity mistake: When the two detectives exit the brownstone belonging to Miller their prime suspect, Miller walks up the sidewalk and starts to run when he sees the police. The detectives and one police officer take off down the stairs twice as they give chase.


5th Nov 2022

Law & Order (1990)

Battle Lines - S22-E2

Continuity mistake: Detectives Cosgrove and Shaw head to the hospital to interview a doctor which they do in a hallway. At one point the door behind the doctor is a single door then it changes to two doors and then finally when the detectives leave there is no door at all.


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Suggested correction: Dr. Mercer and the detectives stand at a T-intersection of 2 halls (Cosgrove and Shaw at the top arm of the T). In 2 shots facing Mercer head-on, a single door is at the end of the hall directly behind her. In a shot facing Mercer's right side there are double-doors beside her, to her left. The last shot of Mercer is head-on with the single door at the end of the hall. When the detectives leave in the shot from a new angle, we cannot see the hallway (at the right) where Mercer stood, only the opening to the hall (00:18:25).

Super Grover

5th Nov 2022

Chicago P.D. (2014)

The Real You - S10-E2

Continuity mistake: Toward the end of the episode Burgess begins to board the bus looking for the murderer. As she boards she is greeted by the bus driver who is sitting behind the wheel but as she begins to walk down the aisle the driver's seat is empty.


19th Oct 2022

The Contractor (2022)

Continuity mistake: James comes home from meeting his new boss with a $50k check which he wakes his sleeping wife to show. She turns toward him with their faces nearly touching and in the next cut she is on her side with her back to him.


3rd Oct 2022

Hunter (1984)

1st Oct 2022

FBI (2018)

Love Is Blind - S5-E2

Plot hole: When Scola and Nina enter the suspect's apartment and begin the search, Nina, before she enters one of the rooms says to Scola " come in here you should see this" indicating that she was aware of something important in a room that she had not yet been in.


1st Oct 2022

FBI (2018)

Love Is Blind - S5-E2

Continuity mistake: Early in the episode in the aftermath of the shooting in the pawn shop in which the two glass doors have been shattered and all glass has fallen, there are scenes with large sections of broken glass in the doors.


4th Sep 2022

Invasion (2021)

Orion - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: Sgt. Cole emerges from the rubble in the opening scene of this episode with his rifle securely fastened to his web belt around his waist, but he was last seen at the end of the previous episode being attacked by the alien ship while firing his rifle at it.


23rd Jul 2022

The Other Woman (2014)

Continuity mistake: Toward the end of the film when Frank confronts Mark outside of Carly's office building, he winds up to deliver a roundhouse punch yet the punch is a jab.


24th Jun 2022

The Goodbye Girl (1977)

Continuity mistake: When Elliot returns to the apartment after his fight at the strip club, he is holding a steak on his black eye. He turns to face Paula but the steak has shifted to his cheek.


10th Jun 2022

Blue Bloods (2010)

8th Jun 2022

Interceptor (2022)

Continuity mistake: When Captain Collins sits down at the computer console early in the film, the mouthpiece on her headset constantly changes position.


Invisible Man - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: Jack McKinney is lying in his hospital bed wearing his glasses when he is practising tying his shoe laces. He flings the shoe in disgust, at which time Jerry Buss walks in and hands the shoe to McKinney, whose glasses are now on the table.


3rd Jun 2022

Wrath of Man (2021)

Character mistake: When the thieves exit the depot in the armed truck, the dispatcher over the radio says that they are on "405." Everyone in LA uses the article "the" for a highway so it always is "the 405". Also, the truck is on a city street parallel to the highway, not the 405 anyway.


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