
13th Apr 2005

Now and Then (1995)

Continuity mistake: When the girls ride away from the wormers, after stealing their clothes, Teeny throws some underwear into the air. However in the previous shot she put all the clothes she was holding into the basket on Samantha's bike, because her bike has no basket. (00:37:35)


13th Apr 2005

Now and Then (1995)

Continuity mistake: When the girls hide behind the log and spy on the boys who are skinny-dipping, the behind of Teeny's yellow shorts gets really dirty. Moments later when they cycle off, the rear of her shorts is now clean. (00:35:30)


13th Apr 2005

Now and Then (1995)

Now and Then mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the girls talk at the picnic table, Teeny’s coke bottle constantly rotates, which differs from reading "Coca-cola" to "Coke." (00:29:15)


13th Apr 2005

Now and Then (1995)

13th Apr 2005

Now and Then (1995)

13th Apr 2005

Now and Then (1995)

13th Apr 2005

Battle Royale (2000)

Continuity mistake: When Kawada takes the picture with Keiko on it out of his wallet, you can see the picture from behind, because the light is on it. Then, when it is handed to Noriko, the picture is a completely different one. (00:54:20)


Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Trish and Tommy push the cupboard in front of the door, the figurines and items on the shelves move/fall off/reappear between consecutive wideshots and closeups. (01:15:10)


10th Apr 2005

X-Men (2000)

Continuity mistake: When Magneto discovers Senator Kelly has got out of his barred window, he then leaves the room, out of an opening he made in the barred door. As he leaves, between three shots the amount of bars that are bent on either side of the opening actually differs. (00:41:20)


10th Apr 2005

X-Men (2000)

Continuity mistake: The direction Magnetos helmet faces as it sits on his desk in his lair constantly changes between shots. (00:20:20 - 00:21:15)


10th Apr 2005

X-Men (2000)

X-Men mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Rogue sits at the bar, as the bartender cleans a cup, a metal ashtray appears beside Rogues glass of water between shots. (00:11:20)


Continuity mistake: There are a row of nails in the bottom of the front of Belles wooden porch door which disappear later in the movie. (00:18:05 - 00:48:45)


Continuity mistake: In the 'Human Again' song, near the end of the song Cogsworth and Lumiere turn on the fountain and the large middle statue sprays out water, but the two statues either side of the middle one are turned off. Then the wardrobe jumps out onto the balcony singing and then it cuts to an ariel shot, and now the two side statues are suddenly spraying water too. (00:58:45)


Continuity mistake: When the Beast shows Belle to her room, in a wideshot you can see the oval centrepiece of the foot of the bed has a large purple rose painted on it and it has a plain red border. In a later scene after Mrs. Potts and Chip leave Belle's room, the purple rose and red border have vanished from the centrepiece, which is now only decorated with evenly spaced gold dots. (00:24:35 - 00:31:05)


Continuity mistake: When the Beast shows Belle her room, she walks in, and in the wideshot when the Beast says "Now if you need anything...", you can see the whole tiled floor around and under the bed is bare. Then seconds later when Belle runs to her bed crying, and the camera pans out the window, there is a large rug on the previously bare floor. (00:24:40)


Continuity mistake: When Gaston comes in to propose to Belle, he sits in the chair and kicks of his boots etc., and between shots there's a bellows hanging by the fireplace which keeps disappearing and reappearing. (00:17:30)


Continuity mistake: When Maurice gets his woodcutter working in the cellar, the axe starts cutting a log which is in a wooden bench, which sits in front of the woodcutter. However when Belle entered the cellar earlier, through the clouds of dust, the area in front of the woodcutter was empty. (00:08:45 - 00:10:05)


Continuity mistake: When Lumiere and Belle go into the dining room before the 'Be our Guest' song, in a wide shot when Lumiere says "Ma chere mademoiselle," you can see by the left wall there is a stone statue of a bird. However when it cuts to the following closeup of him, the statue has gone. (00:36:40)


Continuity mistake: In the kitchen, the stove says "I work and I slave all day long, and for what?" and the stone wall behind him is bare. Then when it cuts to a close-up of him saying "A culinary masterpiece gone to waste," two shelves have suddenly appeared on the wall behind him, with pots, pans and utensils on them! (00:35:30)


Continuity mistake: After Belle lets Mrs. Potts in and walks backwards into the wardrobe, the panelled wall is bare. Then in a later wide shot when the wardrobe says "We all think so." there is a wall candelabra in between two panels which then disappears again later, when the wardrobe opens her doors and the moths flutter out. (00:30:20 - 00:31:10)


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