Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: A large pile of cash mysteriously appears on the table in the nightclub scene when Indy asks for the diamond. The glass nearby also refills itself. (00:04:15)

Lynette Carrington

Continuity mistake: When Indy tries to grab the antidote vial from the table, in the closeup just as the vial falls off the table the camera follows the vial as it lands in the empty area to the left of Lao Che's chair where Kao Kan's chair should be, but it's not, and the rug's edge with wood floor beside Lao Che's chair though it shouldn't be. Then Indy hits Kao Kan who is again seated closely to Lao Che's left, as he should be, and when Kao Kan falls backward we see the rug edge is nowhere near Lao Che's chair, also as it should be. (00:08:20)

Super Grover

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Suggested correction: Actually it appears the vial falls to the left of Kao Ken's chair, not Lao Che's. It appears after Indy pierces the other guy with the shishkebab, Kao Ken, off camera, takes the vial and puts on his left side. Indy jumps on the table and after missing the vial he slides further and then elbows Kao Ken who is on the right side now. The vial is still on the left side of Kao Ken's chair when it's kicked onto the wooden floor.


You're very much mistaken. Lao Che is wearing an embroidered dinner jacket and has a pinky ring on his left pinky, and Kao Kan's left hand is bandaged in gauze. After Indy skewers Chen, in the closeup of Indy's hand just as it knocks the vial off the table, it's Lao Che's hand (note the pinky ring, etc) that we see on the table next to Nurhachi's urn, the stack of money, and the vial. That is not Kao Kan's hand/arm, remember his left hand is bandaged. And as this closeup continues to pan down it follows the vial as it lands on the floor in the empty space where Kao Kan's chair should be, but it isn't.

Super Grover

Yep, you're right I see it. There are 2 shots of Indy trying to grab the vial off the table and the second one is followed through with the vial falling off it and that one is wrong. Alright.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Some bad guys throw knives at Indy as the band is seated and playing "Anything Goes". Then Indy throws a cymbal at one of the bad guys and the entire band is now gone. (00:09:30)

Lynette Carrington

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Short Round rams the car into the back of the rickshaw, in the next shot facing the rickshaw driver we can see that he loses his right shoe (viewer's left) just as he's lifted into the air, but his shoe returns in following shots. (00:12:05)

Super Grover

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Outside the club, a sailor and a girl are in a buggy, which crashes. When the buggy is on the road, the sailor is on one side - when it crashes, he is on the other side, having swapped places with the girl. Some shots are flipped, note the car's license plate. (00:12:05)

Continuity mistake: After pilots jump from the plane, there is a shot showing a view from the cockpit. You can see a propeller standing still, even before the fuel runs out. (00:16:00)


Continuity mistake: When the fuel runs out, the engines die and propellers stop. They are stopped as it grazes the mountain peak. In the next two outside shots as they exit the plane, you can see the propellers are again at full speed and can hear the engines. (00:16:55)

Continuity mistake: As Indy, Willie, and Short Round are going down the river in the raft, their positions in the raft keep changing, from Indy being on one side of them, to being in the middle, then on the other side, etc. (00:18:25)

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the girl falls off the elephant, she falls off head first, and during a 5 foot fall, at most, manages to do a complete flip and land on her backside. (00:31:00)

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Indy and Willie are waiting for each other to come to their respective rooms, Indy's clock shows the time as 10.17 and yet when the Thuggee guard tries to strangle Indy, the same clock shows the time at 10.36. (00:50:10)

Continuity mistake: Before the first guy is lowered into the pit, the leader of the group is taking out his heart. Before he takes the heart out it is his real body, but when he is taking it out it is blatantly a model, as it doesn't have the same amount of hair and is a different colour. (01:00:10)


Continuity mistake: When Willie is put into the cage, she has many necklaces around her neck. However, a few seconds later when Mola Ram walks up to her, all of the necklaces have completely vanished with no sign of anyone actually removing them before. (01:15:25)

Continuity mistake: In the shot before Chattar Lal's hand and knife appear, Indy turns his head back. In the shot of the knife, he now looks at the wheel. (01:25:12)

Big Game

Continuity mistake: The shot of Pat Roach appearing at the slaves' caves, ready to fight Indy, actually seems to be a shot from the scene when Indy and Shorty are whipped by Pat and the Maharajah. This can be spotted by the tunnel and candles behind Pat. (01:28:39)

Big Game

Continuity mistake: On the mine conveyor, the guard pins Indy to the belt with his foot and his head toward the grinder. When Short Round tackles the Maharajah, we can see the guard on the conveyor, but he's facing the wrong way, both his feet are on the belt, and Indy is nowhere in sight. (01:31:30)


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Indy is fighting on the conveyor belt, he is about to be run over a couple of times, but in the next shot he is further away. (01:31:40)

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Short Round rams the car into the back of the rickshaw, in the next shot facing the rickshaw driver we can see that he loses his right shoe (viewer's left) just as he's lifted into the air, but his shoe returns in following shots. (00:12:05)

Super Grover

More mistakes in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Willie: There are two dead people down here!
Indy: There's gonna be two dead people in here!

More quotes from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom trivia picture

Trivia: After the fight in the nightclub, when Indy and Willie make their escape, the name of the club is visible as they drive away - Club Obi Wan - a reference to Star Wars, also by George Lucas.

More trivia for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Question: When the man was hanged on the fan, what exactly happened? It seems like he was cut by the fan, but then there's no blood or anything. How exactly did he die? And why did the fan suddenly stop when he hit it?


Chosen answer: His neck was snapped by the whip getting caught in the fan. There isn't always blood with a hanging. Since the fan wasn't designed to hold a man's weight, the motor in it would have stopped or given out.

Captain Defenestrator

More questions & answers from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

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