Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Continuity mistake: When Indy uses his whip to swing into the mine cart that Willie and Shorty are in, the way that he is holding the whip changes from shot to shot. Frontal shots show Indy holding the whip with his hands above his head. In shots from behind, Indy is holding the whip with his hands at his chest.

Continuity mistake: The dancers pick up some red handkerchiefs creating a narrow tunnel for Willie to walk through. A frame later they are spread 15 meters apart and just two dancers are parallel to each other holding the fabric.


Continuity mistake: Before the water tank falls, there's a shot on Mola Ram and his people next to it. Then there's a wide shot of the tank about to burst and the people running away from the area. Then the previous shot of Mola Ram standing calmly with his men by the tank is repeated, which makes no sense.


Continuity mistake: During the mine cart scene, Indy is sometimes seated on the back, others on the front, with no logic whatsoever, and sometimes between one frame and another.


Continuity mistake: When the rickshaw crashes, the sailor jumps out. One second later, from a different angle, he is inside the rickshaw jumping out again.


Continuity mistake: While hanging off the bridge, Indy's shirt keeps changing from light to dark, and from very dirty to slightly dirty all the time.


Continuity mistake: The raft arrives in a big place with no snow, yet from the opposite front angle there's snow all around.


Continuity mistake: When Willie falls from the elephant into the puddle of water, her hair varies from very wet at the bottom to mostly dry from each different camera angle.

Continuity mistake: In the mine cart, when Indy hits a tank with a shovel, the Thuggees behind raise their arms, yet a frame later, from a wider angle the arms are lowered.


Continuity mistake: During the first Thuggee ritual, there are two Thuggee Priests next to the wheel and lever. However, when the cage with the Sacrificial Victim is lowered, one of the priests disappears.

Big Game

Continuity mistake: After the pilots bail out, the main engine has already stopped with the prop blade between five and ten degrees off-center, angled right. In the shot before Indy and company bail out, the prop is angled left, then right again.

Movie Nut

Continuity mistake: At the start of the mine car chase look at the length of the braking poles on the side of the car. When they leave the main cave the roof lowers and the braking poles are slightly higher than the side of the car but were a lot longer to start with.

Continuity mistake: When that guy is lowered into the lava pit, the cage is level horizontally. When the empty cage is raised again, it's slightly at an angle.

Continuity mistake: During the mine cart chase, Indy hits one of the switches, putting it from the forward to the back position. When the guards in the mine cart get close, they shoot it, putting it from the front position to the back position again.

Continuity mistake: As the Thugee ceremony comes to an end, you see the stage hands exit and the spectators get up and start to leave. The next scene shows Short round looking over the edge and the stage hands are still on the stage, just starting to leave and some of the spectators are still in the process of standing up to leave.


Continuity mistake: When Willie walks out of her bedroom while Indy is fighting the assassin, the left sleeve on her pyjamas changes from rolled down to rolled up between shots.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: After Willie spits in Indy's face it cuts to Short Round running through the mine, and just as Shorty turns his head toward the camera behind him, we can catch a glimpse of something blue which does not belong in this dark dreary environment, at the right side of the screen. There is a tall spotlight and two crew members, one is wearing a solid blue shirt and a cap, and the other a blue/white striped shirt with white pants. (01:21:25)

Super Grover

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Suggested correction: This takes place in milliseconds and there's no way to see it unless you pause the image or play it in slo-mo. It should be under trivia.


Right now I have it playing on Netflix, and there is no slow motion. The striped blue shirt is noticeable as it plays without any slo-mo. If something catches my eye onscreen, it is fair game to go back and rewatch what was noticed in the first place. And in order for me to confirm what I find, I do pause, and may take screenshots. By the way, I've seen this movie countless times over the years, and it was just a matter of catching that glimpse of the color blue because it popped out against the dreary surroundings. I'll leave it up to Jon whether to move it to trivia or not.

Super Grover

Fair enough :).


More mistakes in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Willie: There are two dead people down here!
Indy: There's gonna be two dead people in here!

More quotes from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Trivia: When Indiana Jones is confronted with the two swordsmen and goes to draw his gun to repeat his easy kill from the first Indy movie, listen to the music. It's the same music that was played in Raiders of the Lost Ark in the marketplace shortly before he pulled his gun on the big twirling swordsman.

Lynette Carrington

More trivia for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Question: Does anyone have a translation as to what the Mullaram says during the human sacrifice scenes? He chants something like 'Cully-ma, Cully-ma, Cully-ma sha-ti-day.' Also, what does the human sacrifice say? It sounds like 'Oh num-shi-vye.'

Answer: He says "kali ma, shakti day". This is hindi and means (literally) "black mother, give me power/strength". "Ohm nama Shivaya" means "I bow to Shiva." Both are Hindi.

More questions & answers from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

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