X-Men 2

Trivia: In the Museum scene, the Chinese girl with the yellow pouch is Jubilee. She can also be seen in the scene where Storm and Nightcrawler save the children, when Storm gets to where the children are trapped, she says "Jubilee!"

Trivia: In the scene just after Pyro has attacked the cops at Iceman's house and Jean & Storm have come to save them (Woverine, Pyro, Rouge and Iceman) if you look at the cop car on the left side of the screen, after Iceman looks back to see his family, the word 'police' is blackened exept for the letters 'ice'

Trivia: There is a sign outside of Magneto's prison, in the metal detector room, which describes the prisoner and the secure environment. At the end of the sign it reads "Do not taunt inmate. Do not feed sweets."

Trivia: In the scene where Jean and Ororo track Nightcrawler down, he speaks a few sentences in German, but no translation is provided. The sentences mean: "Get out. I am the messenger of Satan (the Germans usually call Satan "the Devil", just as Nightcrawler does). I am a spawn of evil."

Trivia: The girl in the mansion who lets out a super-sonic scream when the Marines attack her is Siryn, daughter of Banshee. (00:33:50)

X-Men 2 trivia picture

Trivia: Bryan Singer is the guard who initially rolls Xavier into the guard room in the glass wheelchair before passing him off to the other guards. (00:29:10)


X-Men 2 trivia picture

Trivia: When Jean and Storm are in the church, and Nightcrawler is lying down, watch very closely for the back of Jean's leather coat. We catch a brief glimpse of it - a bird that looks remarkably like a Phoenix.


X-Men 2 trivia picture

Trivia: In the scene where Mystique is going through the files on Lady Deathstrike's computer to find the guard's profiles, one of the guards is director Bryan Singer (he's listed as "Singer, B"). (00:23:45)

Trivia: In the museum scene, Siryn (the screaming red-haired girl) is wearing a yellow t-shirt with an orange and black striped letter "x", which resembles the "wings"/cape on her comic costume.

Trivia: When Mystique is morphing into Yuriko and back the sound she makes is exactly the same sound the T-1000 makes when morphing in Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

Trivia: Not a mistake, as it's a comic/movie difference, but interesting to note. In the comics, Mystique is Nightcrawler's mother, as-well as Rogue's.

Trivia: While at the museum in the beginning, you can see the animated short film "The Edifice" playing in the back over Jean Grey's shoulder as she talks with Cyclops. The film shows the progress of human evolution as a tower being built from the ground up.

Trivia: In the French version of the movie, Night crawler's nickname is "Diablo" (little devil).

Trivia: What is it with Rogue and seat belts? First she can't get out of Logan's truck in X-Men, and in this new film she can't get either restraint buckled and is sucked out of the Blackbird... (01:04:10)

Trivia: Among the many easter eggs in the movie referencing other mutants, Singer placed an homage to popular X-man Archangel, who had been scrapped in early drafts of both X-Men and X-Men 2. Notice in the fight scene between Lady Deathstrike and Wolverine...up on the wall there are schematics and prototype sketches of Archangel's metal wings.

Trivia: When the soldiers first enter the mansion, and the little kid who doesn't sleep goes to investigate - listen to the commentary on the nature documentary he's watching - it fits with events quite nicely for a while, along the lines of "With the mother away, the children are left defenseless..." It goes a bit awry once it starts with "the centipede is deadly", but you get the idea. (00:32:25)

Jon Sandys

Trivia: After filming wrapped on X-Men, Professor X's wheelchair was auctioned off. When this film started production, the crew realised it would be cheaper to rent the original back from the new owner rather than build a new one.

Jon Sandys

Trivia: Brian Cox (born 1946), who plays the role of Jason Stryker's father, William, is only seven years older than Michael Reid MacKay (born 1953).

X-Men 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Wolverine attacks the SWAT member in the Mutant Academy kitchen while Iceman takes cover, there's a spot the difference competition between the start and end of the gunfight. After a second or two there are bullet holes in the back wall, the Dr. Pepper's been knocked over, the basket's gone from the corner of the table, and the chair at the right is maybe a foot from the corner. When we cut back, the bullet holes in the wall have changed position, the Dr. Pepper's righted itself, the basket's back on the corner, and the chair's now much closer to the edge. All this while Iceman's hiding and Wolverine and the gunman are fighting each other. (00:36:40)

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President McKenna: What's that?
William Stryker: A jet.
President McKenna: What kind of jet?
William Stryker: We don't know...but it comes out of the basketball court.

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Question: When Mystique is disguised as Senator Kelly, why did she tell the other politicians about Professor Xavier's school?

Answer: Stryker was trying to get permission from the President to raid the school on the grounds that it is a mutant training facility. Mystique interjects and claims it is a docile boarding school in an attempt to dissuade the President from granting Stryker's request, as she doesn't want the students at the school to be harmed.


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